Have a crush on the boss and just want to hang out with him

>have a crush on the boss and just want to hang out with him
>his friends tell him to kill me
>his friends electrocute me
>his friends keep me in a cage
>finally, after a long time of this, I get to go on missions with him
>have some sweet moments with him
>after a while, find out that it's not even the right guy
>people on the internet say I dress slutty, they don't know I breathe through my skin
Being Quiet is suffering

I dunno mayne, if I was being burned alive i'd be pissed at the guy who did it, and not be a total fangirl for him

Did you cry? It was at that moment i realised she was a great character

>Be burned alive
>Get super powers and good looks
>Condition: Never Speak English again

If it wasn't for Big Boss...

How did she react to the "twist"?

I killed her on chapter 13.

What I don't get is why couldn't they make an antidote for the English strain like the Kikongo one?

What i don't get is why she didn't write, in spanish or that meme Codetalker language, a letter revealing everything.

probably just takes time

She was planning to infiltrate And kill him for most of the game. She only began to develop feelings for Venom after going on missions with him.

Actually, there was nothing preventing from writing English, the parasite only reacts to sound so the real question should be, why didn't she write anything?


Because she was purposely withholding information. She really was intending to infiltrate and kill you.

Always back Master Miller.

Reminder: Skull snipers> MB female soldiers >>> Quiet

Master Miller>Female Diamond Dogs>Skull Snipers>Paz Ghost>The Boss AI>Liquid Lite>Quiet

hey snake, did i ever tell you about that time your dad and i fought a giant robot in afghanistan, and then we brought it back to base, then your brother stole it along with a bunch of african kids and we never saw him again. good times.

>you will never be raped by the skull snipers

Quiet is terrible. D-Dog is a way better companion.

She didn't. I don't even remember anyone reacting to it at all besides a random staff member saying something like "I don't know who you are but I've still got your back" when you pass by them on MB

danger subvocalization while writing iirc

Why do people like the Metal Gear storyline?

Its so fucking convoluted and messy with dialogue so awful, you'd think it was written by a 7th grada drama student.

Oh the surface it seems deep and thougthful and it has robots and shit so gamers love it

>be on sentry duty on medical rig
>get to see quiet while she lounges
>guys ask me at lunch how it was guarding the freak
>tell them she's ok, doesn't bother me, doesn't try to break out
>they give me looks
>one of the Sup Forums guys stationed on the intel rig tells me the best thing to do is have her thrown in the base development rig incinerators
>tell them she seems ok to me, she gave a thumbs up and nod to a bottle of ice cold water
>some of the guys take their trays and go to another table
>back on duty later, catch a guy spraying "die cunt" on a sign near her cell
>tell him to knock it off, he throws the can at my feet and tells me to fuck off
>she overhears the exchange, glances up a bit and smiles an nods, i think that means "thanks"
>one week later, still on quiet duty, every time my shift is up, she gives me a playful salute when nobody is looking
>mfw can't flirt with her because that 'sperg everyone keeps calling boss might have a thing for her and she seems to be obsessed with him

Being me is suffering. Also Sup Forums guy from intel keeps calling her a nigger when he's not busy posting Trump threads on online Malaysian carpet weaving message boards. Told him to knock it off, but he insists brown hair and green eyes are negro traits and then asks me if I'm some kind of race mixing degenerate. I just laugh it off because I don't want him to report me to Miller, THAT guy's insane.



This. Those abs are to die for.

This fucking game, why can't I select D-Walker as a vehicle?! I want to hang out with DD or Quiet while I ride a D-Walker.




I was thinking of replaying MGSV until I was reminded of these mission

They are not even hard.

There is so much cool shit about Big Boss' adventures that Snake will never know.