How do i beat this boss

how do i beat this boss

dodge or parry. Done

Is thad Iudex?

يجب أن تتحسن يا حقير

Allahu akbar to you too young man

good idea. Start with black firebombs and explode

Hit it until it dies

I beat him on my first try

Bow and arrow. Keep your distance.

Easy, takes one minute with poison. You'll move faster if you don't bring any weapons in with you.

I beat him on my zeroth try

Shove a glass rod down your urethra then crack it like a glowstick stick.

git gud

acquire righteousness

every time i dodge he just hits me with another attack before i can hit him :(

i really want to like this game and see how the story develops but i cant because i cant get past this guy

what class are you


get the samurai guy to help you? if not just parry fuck out of him hes pretty easy to parry

what samurai guy? and i cant seem to get the timing down on the parry

Dodge again instead of trying to hit him.

If you kill the samurai outside of firelink shrine you can summon him in to help you with the boss fight. Alternatively you can just summon in a couple random dudes who will probably beat the shit out of Gundyr for you as long as you don't die yourself.

Switch to knight. Block some and try rolling into him so his sweeping attacks aren't as effective

Oh shit are we talking about Iudex Gundyr? I though he was having problems with an actual hard boss like Champion Gundyr.

Slash at his ankles and hit his head while he's down. Also run to the sides of the area with you need to heal with grass.

but you don't really need to do him because the area after him is late game

nice spoilers bro

It's not like he would even get to ever see Champion Gundyr if he doesn't use spoilers.


In all seriousness, you just have to keep going until you manage to kill him by sheer luck. You wont find a boss with more artificial difficulty, there is no strategy.

Champion gundyr fight is identical and even easier because you've got a decent weapon and have made major stat gains. Literally easier than asylum demon and demon firesage combo

Maybe at launch
Now the game is so littered with player soap messages that all the secrets and traps are revealed.

>four different signs and two pools of blood surrounding a chest

Iudex as a deprived is easier than Champ with +10 weapons

Seconding this Reroll to a knight, at least until you get comfortable with the controls and timing
Gundyr in general is much more aggresive than those bosses, the demon firesage from 1 is only harder due to the obnoxious explosions

I'm pretty sure you only think asylum and firesage are hard is because you weren't very good at the game back then. Go back and play it and it's just moving around in circles while stabbing their asses.

Actually I think you mean asylum and stray.

Since both Champ and stray are optional bosses you fight when you go back to the starting areas.

Champion Gundyr has additional moves and won't calm the fuck down ever.

Not to mention the evil red champion eyes

you are all fucking faggots, the only acceptable reply to this thread is 'gitgud'

Hey, OP.... gitgud


Champ Gundyr is my favourite boss in the game.

No magic and shit, just a really fast and really angry guy. He starts attacking once and NEVER FUCKING STOPS. As a dexfag I basically had to turn the fight into a perfect dodge dance because trying to run away just gets me killed.