If they were to bring back demos and a better video game rental system...

If they were to bring back demos and a better video game rental system, do you think anons would stop batching how they pirate games just to make sure they are good?

God I miss Blockbuster....so goddamned much. Now you have to pay out the ass for shit like Redbox.

Shit doesn't even work half the time. There is also a blockbuster still in elpaso

its not even just the prices it was the experience of it. going in there and finding random movies or games and getting a bunch of snacks and shit.

No, that's an excuse to justify piracy not the actual reason for it.

Also demos still exist and often convince people not to buy the game.

What are you talking about? Redbox is like a dollar or two.

Yeah, also some cool games I would have never played if it weren't for places like this. Saw the Digimon movie and glad I did, even tried sour candy for the first time. Late I know

For games they can be pricy. It use to be a few bucks for a week

yeah and you only get paper instead of an actual disc like 90% of the time. FUCKIN BARGAIN

Bump with a good alternative

Xbone hs game pass and ea access and nearly every game has a trial or demo user.

sheeit these fuckers are still around?

As much as I hated Blockbuster's return policies and rental prices I really miss going there and that atmosphere.

>your parents will never take you to blockbuster and rent a "cartoon" movie that ends up being some anime with blue chicks boobs all over the place

kids these days are missing out man.

Do you not own a computer with an internet connection?

No they aren't. They can just get on the internet and download a torrent of the complete Bible Black series in about 20 minutes.

its not about the content man, its about the experience.

>its about the experience.
Bible Black was a far better experience than anything.

>tfw you will never read the text on the case of a blockbuster game you just rented in the passenger seat of moms car eating baskin robbins after picking your sister up from school

Why live

From what I remember, even renting games was expensive, so no, I would probably still pirate the shit out of everything.

I recall it being something like 10 bucks for two days.

>I recall it being something like 10 bucks for two days.
lmao what

Yeah surprisingly enough.

My dad hates anime but accidently got an anime instead of a cartoon. Think it was cowboy beebop. Only anime he ever watched. Well that and pokemon.

>going in there and finding random movies or games
It's not like you can't do that now. Yeah, shit is digital vs physical but you can get lost exploring random shit on Amazon, Netflix, Steam, PSN, eShop, etc. You just need the curiosity to explore some links and go down a rabbit hole.

Granted, you are just as likely to find a gem as back then but it's pretty satisfying when you do.

They charge you every day you don't return it after the first. That shit adds up. Whereas in Blockbuster I paid five fucks for five days.

did your ass get sore?

Family Video

Uhh... am I reading this right? Is the solution just to return what you rented on time?

Sorry, but renting a video game for one day is retarded. Fuck off.

that was for brand new releases, sounds like canada prices too

Let me ask another question, how long can you rent something from a RedBox? Is there a defined time limit or can you hold onto something indefinitely (assuming money isn't an issue)?

Never rented from a RedBox. I was assuming there was a time limit (ex. 4 days) and that it charged you for that time limit. Then if you went over then it would make you bend over.

The local, independent movie rental store that's been around since I was a kid is somehow still open. They don't carry vidya though.

Yeah that was twords the end, no late fees and it's like 10 bucks for as long as you wanted

It's not Movie Madness is it

is it

No. Pirates don't give a fuck about demos, that's just a bullshit excuse. Pirates just want to steal games.

Ok, seems to be a recurring theme. Just wish every game had a demo.
On a lighter side. Finally got ahold of a scott pilgrim vs the game. Working on making it an arcade cabinet

Good for you. From what I'm aware of, it's not available anywhere. Ironic, it would be one of the few games that is justified in pirating.

I wish I could, had to buy one on ebay. Wish I could pirate it.