For Honor thread

Are you having fun Sup Forums?


lots of rage but lots of fun

How do you find a team so you don't get stuck with shit cunts

ded gaem

i just got it last week, pretty fun, still trying to learn my class, but the amount of whiny ppl complaining about -Class Name- is just so annoying, always trying to find a way to justify them losing

I just bought a 1070, and it comes with a code to redeem a copy of either For Honor or Ghost Recon Wildlands. Having trouble deciding, can anyone who played the Wildlands beta chip in?

Tomclancy games lately have died very quick deaths

So I bought the gold edition. I can't find the emblems and shit that I get as extra. Wgat are the perks of buying the gold edition?

Lol no

>So I bought the gold edition.
Im so sorry

For Honor is competitive. Wildlands is cooperative. For Honor is basically about instant or near instant gratification. Wildlands could be, sure, though it usually was very much about putting a plan into action that made it fun. For Honor has less content but once again, competitive, so your mileage will obviously vary. Wildlands' map is a little ridiculous for a TPS that's from a genre based on positioning, accuracy and awareness. Both are/were fun though without friends Wildlands loses much of its charm. The AI are downright retarded(allied variety) and unless I was mistaken can never be downed by an enemy. The weapoj variety is also a little lacking if the beta's list of unlockables but unobtainables was to be believed.

In short; if you wanna kill other people and stab a motherfucker, play For Honor. If you wanna kill bots and explore a relatively empty if amusingly buggy world, Wildlands.

wildlands is repetitive horse shit

paid 70 euros so I'd better be

Nope, already got my refund. The story I heard of a tournament having to be canceled because the servers were down even though the game is PTP connections only and there is no LAN more was more entertainment than I got out of the game itself.

There was and possibly still is a bug where redeeming your goodies and your beta rewards required you to buy steel to actually flag it. I don't know if this is the only solution but it was certainly the one I saw people talk about the most. I wouldn't know personally as I just got the standard version, though I never got my beta rewards.

I enjoy the game but man, is that a joke. Online only is always a way to remove your future playerbase. Why even add a singleplayer if you have to ping their servers all the time?

How do we save For Honor?

Lets be honest, the hype has died greatly since release, what happened?

Has anyone managed to refund this? I don't really have time to practice, so I just get clowned on every time I pick it up.

Actually let you play offline

p2p servers and p2w

p2w? I don't own the game, please elaborate.
Also, is it best played with controller or keyboard?


lol this shows you have never played For Honor

No honorable kills
Unbalanced classes
Learning curve new buyers beware

wildlands is definitely the worse option my dude

If you were to really, REALLY stretch it you could argue that the 4v4 modes are potentially pay to win if you were willing to dedicate the time needed to reach level 63+ with a character. Otherwise the game's very much not pay to win though it certainly does have pay to not grind. I don't think using either has hangups or negatives. Controller might be easier due to using a stick for reactions on enemy attacks but a keyboard will always have the advantage of a fuckload of buttons.

Seige has more players now than at launch

Initially, no. I mained Orochi and Nobushi in the beta and didn't find them satisfying at all and would often get frustrated not knowing what to use in such expansive kits.

After buying the game, I found Shugoki and Raider to be barrels of fun with how simple they are and still viable against people who don't know absolutely every in and out of the game. Making kids leave out of salt is something I'll never get tired of.

It's not p2w but the gear bullshit is annoying. I actually enjoyed 4v4 at first but revenge gear makes it so tedious. They've deliberately added stats to items to encourage people to buy them which there was no need for as people have no problem spending tons of cash for cosmetic things.

I don't know about saving, but if they manage to make actually decent gamemodes out of Dominion/Elim/Skirmish then they'd have a fucking solid experience.

Dueling and Brawling are the best because it's so simple, and there's very little room for improvement, and error too.

The other ones I have issues with just feel thrown together. Dominion gets fucking boring, hurr durr, run back and forth for zones and let's see which team gets ganged first, or have yourself the irresistible option of doing the same weird attack animations over and over at the minion zone.

Elimination seems simple, but it has so many flaws. It always devolves into a clusterfuck, and then the game becomes a fight between who can tactically skew the clusterfuck in their favor. How do you play that, over and over?

By my perspective, skirmish is somehow the gamemode I have least issues with, because it is so honest about what it is. 4v4, start fighting, there are boosts. Go at it. Of course it becomes a clusterfuck but you know, that's what you asked for. It just sickens me that dominion and elimination are barely a few rungs above skirmish. No, that might be too much. They are the same god damn thing.

So wow, you have that. Or you can just duel over and over. Or play that utterly fascinating story mode where you fight bots and melt your brain. Really tempting.

The classes feel really good, the animations are fluid. Fighting inherently is fun. But the 'arenas' you can apply them and the situations that can be derived are extremely limited. No wonder people are ledging all the god damn time, and the other half are complaining about being ledged, because that is the extent of player creativity in this game.

Wait, it's an online competitive fighting game that includes stat-based gear? That sounds terrible, I'll stick to Wildlands.

Only in the 4v4 modes. There is Duel and Brawl were stats don't apply. Still, I can't defend the gear stats in 4v4 as right now revenge gear is just ridiculous.


I agree but it's the only real way of winning if you're outnumbered.

I am having fun but I only play Dominion as Warden.

I am honestly so shit at this game and don't have the patience to get good. Especially when the matchmaking system is complete shit and I disconnect from every other match.

From now on I am just gonna avoid games with combos etc, I find it too boring having to learn combos just to be killed by spammers or people using OP classes.

If you want to have fun play Dominion only.

But this is coming from someone who is only good at games either single player or with guns.

Practice against the level 3 bots and do the story on realistic. That will teach you to get good enough and at least know the basics. If you've already done that then you're a lost cause.

did the hype for this game already die?

Well I thought the point of the 4v4 modes was to work together as a team. Revenge was good for holding off enemies until help arrived but once you get into the high gear levels you can't assist teammates or you'll give the enemy revenge mode after 3 blocks and if he manages to knock anyone down with it then half their health is coming off.

I liked the chaos of 4v4, being ganked was lame but it's not as lame as someone with revenge gear just fishing for it so they can try and 2 shot you.

>Elimination is 4v4
>only bo5
>over in an instant
>most cases have to requeue
>feels like loading/waiting and actual playing is 1:1
Utter dogshit. bo5 in a 4v4, really? Nice fucking going yeah

And to emphasize why this is a problem that does exist,
>1v1 or 2v2
>build intimate relationship with everyone because small lobby
>most cases play in sets
>simply end game, start again, keep playing
>good experience

Fix it ubi

What are the level 3 bots? Honestly not explored many options in the game.

Completed the story on realistic but that is just stupidly easy to do.

>Combo a boss
>Take damage
>Run until you can heal
>Repeat until boss is dead

But ya I am a lost cause. Which is why this is the only time I step outside of shooters for multiplayer.

Last Tuesday?

oh definitely. it's not just dead, it's starting to rot.

In custom match you can set up your own game mode with bots you can set levels as. Put them all as level 3 and do duels/brawls/whatever until you feel confidant enough.

haven't played in a week now.
burned myself out in the open beta. 6 days after release my warden was prestige 4. I tried a few other characters but didn't find any as satisfying as warden. After I maxed gear to 108 I completely lost the incentive to play. Also servers are garbage.
5/10 waste of $70

Burning yourself out on a game means money well spent

The feels of wasting money.
I bought the game, got 60 hours of fun out of it and now bored as shit.

£50 that could have went elsewhere.

>Siege dead
You wish

A 1:1 ratio isn't bad user, in terms of leisure time.



That is true. I may even trade it in for around £30 on Wednesday if I can be bothered. So it isn't entirely a waste.

He burned himself out in the beta. So he spent $70 on a game be was already burned out with.

This is misinformation.

Will you can increase damage, for example, you lose(gain) stamina cost or defensive capabilities. It evens out one way or the other.

So, while you can build and tailor a character, you do not gain a numerical advantage.

Where my fellow shreks at.

>Main Shug and only Shug
>40% of your health gone per hit because shitlords don't know how to parry his unblockables
>Clutch hugs a 1-hit kill when you're critical health
>Running through entire teams knocking them all off cliffs with your fatness
>Sneaking up on REVENGE'D enemies and hugging them to waste half their timer
>That sweet sweet rage when you spam your hug in a giant melee and your team power-attacks your helpless victim from 100 to 0

Fucking worthless against assassins and any half-decent player who knows to either get the fuck out of the way or parry, but nothing funnier than a Shug in a 4v4 spamming heavy attacks on distracted players.

Shug especially can be incredibly game-breaking because of his unpopularity, leading people to not see much of him in any mode. Combined with the fact that he is by and large the most unique character with 90% of his strengths shared by literally no other class, watching people unfamiliar with him try to figure him out while he`s regening HP and plowing right through their blocks is hilariously fun.

The level 3 bots can be an utter motherfucker for characters that don't get much damage off of lights or have a strong game for making trades in their favor. Really, level 2 bots are a better starting point for getting used to combat.

Considering he burnt himself out during the beta, it was an empty $70

Nothing I said was misinformation, gear stats have a big impact on the momentum of the game. What difference does it make if you have a smaller throw distance when you build revenge in 3 blocks? What difference does it make if your revive time is lower if you revenge mode attack damage is greatly increased?

Everyone who has top gear all have the same build, revenge based gear. This is because it's too effective and attacks taking more stamina to use doesn't make a difference when you can 2 shot people in revenge mode.

>tfw love this game and spend a lot of my free time playing it
>only rep 1 on my main

who /busyboy/ here

No fuck off you nigger it's not even close to being dead
also dont fucking post on fhg ever again you fucking no life faggot
no one careeees about your projecting
the game is great and very alive

Gave up on it last week because of the absolutely retarded servers.


>Ubishit game trying to be a fighting game but with stats and microtransactions


I had fun until the netcode shit the bed. It's near unplayable right now.


'very high activity'

>unless I was mistaken can never be downed by an enemy.

You are mistaken on that point, they can indeed be downed. Otherwise reasonably correct though.

>beta's list of unlockables

The full list has been posted somewhere, I forget. It's pretty good, there seems like a decent variety. t. gun nut

>from my point of view the jedi are evil

why don't you cry about it

I'm playing it, but less than I want to. I've gotten to a point in the matchmaking where the hyperdefensive meta has set in, where everyone can parry reliably, most people can CGB first try/second time you try to GB, and feints are almost the only way to land stuff.

It's kind of dogshit how much the game is weight towards defensive options right now, and it's led to certain characters being completely nonviable at even middling skill levels. Not sure if it's something they can overcome through character rebalancing; systems just straight up have to be rejiggered.

>trying to be a fighting game
>trying to be

You mean "is a fighting game"?

>stats and microtransactions

Don't apply to duel mode, and you can turn them off in whatever mode you like if you stop being a cuck and make a custom game.

Refunded the game when I realised I was having fake fun and not genuine fun.

Several things have hurt For Honor since release

P2P system implementation has thus far been awful, people disconnect from games all the time.

Terrible character balance. Several characters like Peacekeeper, Conqueror, Warden, and Warlord make all the others a bit redundant.

Environmental hazards everywhere. Now this isn't normally a bad thing, but with the extreme amount of hazards in the games alot of casual players are dropping it because it's "cheap."

Gear score has basically ruined 4v4 modes because Ubisoft apparently could not forsee how absolutely stupid Revenge gear stacking was going to be. Characters get Revenge within 10 seconds even in 1v1s, will kill most of the cast in two heavies attacks or able to spam zone attacks because of infinite stamina. And 4v4 modes are by far the most popular modes in the game.

Game gets boring after a couple of hours. Refund it while you still can.

just because you don't like it or are bad at it, doesn't make the game boring dude.

maybe you're boring.

Main problem I've seen with this game is that only the dueling is fun but the content is focused on 4v4

Go pay ubisoft more for your shit multiplayer game with shit online, shill.

No, I played it for three days and then rage quit because I'm not good.

The feeling of winning never justified the feeling of losing and I hate this game. I'm glad if you are having fun with it though.

>everyone who disagrees with me is being paid off!

go fuck yourself nigger

try addressing the argument instead of just attempting an ad-hominem (which you can't even fucking do right, because 'shill' is your go-to)


Pretty much. Duelling is ok but it gets stale fast, 4v4 was fun on release but once people stacked revenge gear it became a snore fest as everyone just turtles till they get revenge and then try to 2 shot you. It's a good game at its core but unfortunately it was made by Ubisoft.

ooh. source?

So you are evading the "shitty online in a multiplayer game" as not a valid argumemt, retard? Go suck more of those ubisoft dicks, shill.

Warden is a crutch and you should feel bad for playing him

Same with Peacekeeper

The game is great.
>Half the entire population of the game playing a single class is great.
>The developers BUFFING that single class is great.

t. someone who's actually prestiged a bit.

The game is in a very shitty state for certain classes right now. Not to mention the balancing is horrendous.

I knew they ran out of inspiration for the knight faction when they put a dual wielding rogue in it but this...what?

It's not like there is a shortage of character types looking at late medieval/renaissance period.

What's shitty about it you fucking retard?

The "muh peer to peer" argument?

if you're not in some african dirt nation, the connections are fine.

"its bad" is not a fucking coherent argument

I thought this game was all about orochi


>get for honor from a beg thread
>either internet or computer is too shitty to get a connection stable enough to play without getting nauseated
a mistake was made

You're fucking stupid, missing a block because P2P is P2P is idiotic, fuck off, how in the fuck could you even try to defend P2P servers? KYS!

If you play Conqueror you should really think about blowing your fucking brains out.

I love how people call PK cheap for being able to widdle peoples health after 10 minutes, and meanwhile as a Lawbringer I can just throw your ass off any cliff if we are within 40 ft of it. If not I just smash your head into the wall a couple of times and call it a day.

its shit, its always been shit.
just took you idiots too long to realize

Ever Tried switching targets with a charged heavy to turn it into a 360.

kek I remember people saying lawbringer is trash

>doesnt apply to duel mode
so basically a quarter of the game is playable?
nice waste of 70 bucks

not a shill you fuckwit, im an electrical technician

what part of 'synchronised simulation' don't you fucking understand? you missed the block you fucking kike

Lawbringer is legitimately the worst character in the game.



>and you can turn them off in whatever mode you like if you stop being a cuck and make a custom game

stop being a fucking retard, retard

whatever bitch *teleports behind you*

Which is worse:
>Orochi grab spam
>Lawbringer ring out spam
>Valkyrie sweep spam

The correct answer is "Yes".