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about 100 years later

>He doesn't know Zelda is basically Cloud Atlas


Here's some advice; play the fucking game instead of caring about irrelevant shit!

100 years after Breath of the Wild DLC, before Breath of the Wild 2

The Koroks and Rito, alongside the advancement of technology from the Sheikah, suggest it follows after Spirit Tracks

Either 10,000 years after TP or 10,000 years after Zelda 2.

It takes place after Four Swords Adventures.

Here is a handy picture you can refer to for a timeline, feel free to save and share :)

The new one isn't canon.

It's open world trash that belongs on the Assassin's Creed timeline.

So, a simulation inside the Matrix?

Somewhere after Skyward Sword

Rule 3, enjoy your ban

It's in the same timeline as Twilight Princess, they directly reference the hero of twilight.

10,100 years after that extremely cyberpunk Zelda game.

somewhere between "who" and "cares"


Who cares about that bullshit?

Definitely this

Further down than we've ever gone before. Over 10,000 years past Spirit Tracks I assume.

Until I'm told otherwise, after literally everything else in a converged timeline caused by Ganon's death in all three known timelines (Zelda 1, Twilight Princess, and Wind Waker). His spirit, now no longer bound to the mortal coil in his various forms across time and space, have forcibly merged the timelines and led to the Great Calamity.

Most likely in the same timeline as TP, so child timeline.

This, y'all are straight up fucking stupid if you think otherwise.

Do you really care about the Zelda timeline? Do you honestly, truly care about a timeline Nintendo pulled out of their asses?

Zelda is about enjoying the journey. The story is inconsequential. "Link beats Ganon and saves Hyrule" every mainline game. Every single one.

start a LOL thread with this image

For what? having an opinion?

They literally mention OOT Ganondorf, so its post-Adult timeline

Look at the names of the landmarks. There's literally Linebeck Island in the wetlands, southwest of Zora's Domain. It must take place after the Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks timeline, which may suggest this is an entirely new Hyrule (and the war 10K years ago was still based off the technological advancements we began to see in ST).

There is also Koholit Rock, doesn't mean anything, they just wanted to throw cute names around. The game directly talks about the Hero of Twilight, anything else would be wrong to say.

yes i do like the timeline. If it didnt matter they wouldnt have even made a timeline.

>The game directly talks about the Hero of Twilight

Source? it also talks about the hero of wind

They made the timeline because autists like you kept begging them for it

Its in the cutscene from when you get your memory back at the fountain in front of Hyrule Castle. It talks about Hero of the Sky, Time, and Twilight.



Is it before or after four swords?

Probably after, Four Swords is just generally very unimportant.

Yes. Your opinion is shit.


Go and take your autism pills now. Seriously.

So like, Ruta, a machine made with the help of god was at threat of flooding the world in Breath of the Wild. And pre-windwaker they talk about how when the triforce of courage didn't show up to stop ganon, the gods flooded the world to try stop him.

Did anybody else notice that connection? I'm not implying a specific timeline its just an eerily fitting coincidence.

This is a Prequel to Wind Waker

Wind Waker is farther ahead in the timeline than we thought

And it didn't feature the master sword either, just the four sword, so it wouldn't get mentioned in that scene since the scene is all focused around the master sword.

>Cloud Atlas

This is by far and away the best analogical explanation I've heard for Zelda's chronology.

It just exists as is, there is no timeline of concern to follow.

>inb4 someone posts that shitty reddit-tier graph

But user, Ganon dies permanently at the end of BotW and demise's curse is undone completely. Ganondorf is still alive in Wind Waker, and moreover, is still relatively sane, so it's impossible for BotW to take place place before.

>"It's obviously canon and part of the timeline guys"
>it's a brand new Link (unrelated to the old Link*s*) saving a brand new Zelda (unrelated to the old Zelda*s*) in a brand new Hyrule (unrelated to the old Hyrule*s*), set a myriad years later so nothing of import from before could possibly still be around
>muh "landmark names"

Okay I see some people saying it's somewhere along TP's line... that kinda makes me mad since... you'd think they'd throw minda fans a bone but all that shows up is wolf link with the amiibo

The fuck? Cloud Atlas's plot is highly dependent on chronological order, else the main theme is lost.

You could take Wolf Link to Arbiter's Grounds and see if they programmed any unique reactions triggered if you do so. Unless someone has already done it and it turns out it does nothing.

If this game is in the wind waker timeline im going to shit myself

It's not.

it's just a legend bro

Seeing as they reference Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess, its not.

It's after all the timelines

Not merged necessarily, just after

10,000 + years after, long enough for it to not really matter

That's why there's koroks and ritos and mentions of the ancient sea, but also legends of the hero of twilight

t. someone who hasn't read Cloud Atlas

>yfw twilight dlc expansion

my dick

fun fact:

there is no actual timeline, Nintendo doesn't care about it, the one in Hyrule Historia was just a marketing gimmick to get the autists to buy the book

Nintendo is going to make the Zelda game they want to make, they don't give a fuck about """canon"""

You're correct that it was a marketing tool, but made up BS or not they threw it out there, and we're gonna argue about this shit.

I would die from joy if that happened. We'll probably just be getting a prequel DLC leading up to the events in the backstory of the game.

It confuses them user. It's easier to say it's a muddled mess that doesn't make sense.

But HW link looks girlier than TP link

End of child timeline.

Somewhere after Zelda 2.

No, because the game doesn't take place in New Hyrule. It takes place in either the downfall or child timeline, but so far in the future that the Kokiris and one tribe of Zoras naturally evolved into Koroks/Ritos.

this. I'm fully convinced the timelines merged. It's so far in the future it shouldn't really matter.

No. Timeline mergers are stupid and never work.

While it is a marketing tool, all of the 3d console games since ocarina of time have made a pretty clear point that at least those are connected through a timeline. I haven't beaten BOTW yet but I'd be pretty surprised if it didn't have a clear cut place in the timeline.

>mentioned Twilight
>doesn't name drop Ganondorf OOT but says Calamity Ganon once reincarnated into a Gerudo

It doesn't have one.

"Long, long ago... In a past more distant than even the Great Calamity or the creation of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta… There was a Zora princess named Ruto. We know that she was an attendant to the Zora patron deity and that she was a fair and lively girl, beloved to all. Around that same time, an evil man with designs on ruling the world appeared, bringing disaster upon Zora's Domain. It is said that Ruto then awoke as a sage, facing this foe alongside the princess of Hyrule and the hero of legend. Her achievements are remembered not only by the Zora, they are also forever etched in the history of Hyrule. The Divine Beast Vah Ruta, built ages later to face off against Calamity Ganon, was named in honor of Ruto. That the Zora princess-my sweet daughter Mipha-was chosen to pilot Ruta is surely the work of fate."

This makes it impossible to be the child timeline.

They made up the timeline literally because people begged them to. The games weren't planned out to be sequential, except for OoT to MM to WW

>when OoT music played during that story
>that LoZ music remix

literally made me want to go and get a switch

then i remembered its like $400 whenever it isnt sold out
games are BotW is $80
pro controller is $90

so 650? after taxes


i guess i will just watch streams

WW to PH to ST

This is supposed to be a "reboot," so maybe all the timelines were converged into one.

What's to say she didn't awaken as a sage in the Child timeline as well? Literally nothing points to it being impossible that it takes place in the child timeline.

It's a dragon break

>legitimately taking the timeline seriously, even when it's obvious that they just lumped a bunch of the games in certain spots because they had nowhere else to put them

Nintendo shouldn't have listened to the autists, they should have just said that certain games are continuations or prequels of others, and left it at that. The legend of Zelda is a legend that takes many forms.

How can she help fight ganon with link and zelda if he is trapped in the twilight realm,that would literally make no sense.

Vah Medo is named after Medli

How autistic do you have to be to actually care about whatever timeline Nintendo pulled out of their asses?

Whats for dinner...

You're forgetting the part in the backstory where Ganondorf declared all-out war on Hyrule after being cockblocked from sucking the King's dick and get the triforce that way. It's very likely the sages awoke during that period of turmoil instead since they were all involved in the execution of Ganon afterwards. Do note that there is no mention of other sages being killed off when Link meets Rauru in the sacred realm, implying he's the only one at the start of Ocarina of Time, yet there were still six of them at the execution of Ganondorf. They couldn't just magically appear out of nowhere, so it's safe to assume they're the same six sages as the ones in Ocarina of Time, but we just don't see them in the same way they appeared in that game.

>tfw would have preferred a competently-made remake of the CDI games to what ended up coming out

The hyrule warriors timeline

I'm fine with the handwaving of "the timeline collapsed back together at some point and they simply adopted ALL of the legends with it" because that's the kind of ridiculous fantasy shit I love.
But the most definitive answer you're probably going to get is that "it takes place tens of thousands of years after anything else in the canon and that's all you need to know."

its a prequel to Ocarina of time

>Don't shoehorn yourself into timelines by having all kinds of races and names and references in the same game.
>Objectively better for it
Fuck the timeline.

>there's no point in assigning BotW a timeline because it's a soft reboot and every other Zelda game from this point on is just going to be a direct sequel to it

Zelda mentions that Ganon is no longer trying to reincarnate as a real body (pig / Gerudo) anymore, at this point he's just autistic screeching because he's pissed at losing so much. That's why Calamity Ganon is a weird mish mash of different body parts, skeletons, a mix of a man and a pig etc. He stopped giving a fuck and just wants to destroy Hyrule.

So it probably takes place many many cycles after Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventure.

>What's to say she didn't awaken as a sage in the Child timeline as well?
Ganondorf was never able to go through with his plans in the Child Timeline, so the Sages never had any reason to awaken.

this is actually Terminia, 100 years later. the divine beasts are the giants, and calamity ganon is just Majora possessing Ganon.

>You're forgetting the part in the backstory where Ganondorf declared all-out war on Hyrule after being cockblocked from sucking the King's dick and get the triforce that way
That never happened in the Child Timeline. Link went back to before the Door of Time was opened and ratted him out at the time he and Zelda were spying through the window.


>all of the timelines re-merge after countless cycles

About tree fiddy

Tri force heros is an actual game in the timeline? I thought it was just a shitty spin off

Is the triforce in the game

Hyrule historia states the sages during the execution of ganondorf were different sages, so it can't be ruto.

what was that "20 years ago" idea aonuma had for botw anyway?

It's in an alternate Adult Timeline where Hyrule didn't flood which is why it's so ancient

You now realize Nintendo can pull this bullshit out of their ass as much as they please

Ancient Sheikah did it.

It doesn't say anything like that, stop lying. It just says that they are largely unidentified, not that they're confirmed to be different sages. Page 113. If you can find another quote in hyrule historia that directly confirms these sages are not the same, I'd like the page number for that quote, I'll be here waiting until you do.

From the same page, "The Ancient Sages performed the execution of Ganondorf in the Arbiter’s Grounds". The book also describes rauru as an ancient sage, this happened soon after oot so I doubt ruto would be classified as an ancient sage.

>autists still think Nintendo makes Zelda games to fit into a timeline