Post them top 5s

Post them top 5s.

Get rated and hated and lusted upon.

Let's do it.





I am starting with the man in the mirror



Still playing TW3, fuck it's long.


i only play custom games fuck solo q

I don't play that much.

If I could erase Dota from this list entirely I would do it in an instant. HoI3 is the next one down and would make a suitable replacement.



Summer 2013 best time of my life

it was pretty fun. got all but the final fob maxed out before i lost interest. i left it on overnight sometimes to intercept invasion retaliations. most of the time was when it just came out becasue i stopped playing hardcore when they nerfed resource respawns in SP.

Where did my life go so wrong



I really should study more.

>All this shootershit.


what is shadowverse


Anime tiddie Hearthstone

what's wrong with gaming in a single image

It's anime Hearthstone. Pretty generous for a F2P game, you can build top tier decks in no time without ever spending a cent.


Tabletop Simulator is god tier. What do you play on it?
Solid taste, user


you got it man

Just so you know, I play Skyrim and Fallout 4 the way they were meant to be played.

As hoarding simulators.

Stardew Valley does seem interesting, how is it?

>Tabletop Simulator is god tier. What do you play on it?

Pen and paper games weekly (today, actually, but our game was canceled), but lately we've been looking at all the shit on the workshop. Aye! Dark Overlord has been a big hit with my group. Pandemic is always great. There's years of shit on there, you could plausibly never buy another game and be set for life.

>FTL, XCOM, InvisInc

Good taste user. Nothing against Isaac, just not my thing.

You like things I do not (Infinite, DS2, Naruto anything), but I respect your right to have shit taste. Good job on the DoTA, btw.
>400 hours on a Cookie Clicker like

Built my PC around MGSV's release.


its pretty fun. the endgame is lacking pretty badly(nothing to do but buy gold sink buildings) but rushing to get as much done before year three can be fun. you dont have to rush to do ANYTHING, but i like to set some self goals and try to maximize productivity in that game.

I love some Warband, but damn son.

King Harlaus, I...

I'm convinced some of you fags just leave your games running in the background and don't turn your computers off

Back when Garry's mod was good, havent touched it in god knows how fucking long.

>haven't played TF2 in over 6 years
>most vidya nowadays doesn't hold my attention so it's till the most played game I have on steam
I hate these threads

But you can play that on a toaster.

Not that that's a bad thing.

You underestimate NEETdom. I was on and off jobless for four years and basically just played games and sat on 4ch. I still play stuff fairly often now that I have a full time career.

escapism is the best ism.

I'd do that and then write a review about how much the game sucks.


I mean, Isaac's never a bad way to sink hundreds of hours. Nidhogg is actually god tier, you should play more. I have to dock points for the moonspeak on your profile, unfortunately.
IV is the superior Civ, desu. The rest of your list is acceptable.

Yeah, worse part is most of it is Napoleonic Wars time. Never join a NW regiment, shit can be time consuming.

It really sucks when all that looks interesting to me these days are 2D games, and none of the AAA games looks particularly good. Nier looks interesting, but I don't know anything about it.

What do I win?

Not my old toaster and macbook..

rate me, nerds

>Napoleonic Wars

Do you like dragons?

Where is the option to sort your games to time played again?

>rocket league
Normie fag.

Man what is my shit taste, huh?

Im just to tired to game anymore

literally dont know how maple story is on there

I'm still mad that they fucked up Robocraft.

go to your profile on the website, then go to Games

I'd consign you to death if not for FoF. Enjoy yer whiskey.

best taste so far
didn't realize how many russians browse Sup Forums

I like what Civ IV offers but the UI is godawful. If it released today I would say it feels unfinished from that alone. But I can admit that it has a lot more to it than the newer entries, especially with RoM.

I'll keep trying, maybe I'll even beat it one day.

Rate me.
Please ignore Gmod I haven't played that shit in like 5 years.


Payday, Warframe, and TF2 are solid. 2/10, tho. Not enough Maple Story.

you're a normie, gtfo

If you have CS:GO or TF2 on your top 5, you should probally pic related.

This is the first reasonable ffxiv playtime i've seen in this thread.

I guess a lot of people that play it don't use the steam version though


I still play Skyrim and FFXIV consistently. With UT99 on the side

TF2 from idling, selling the hats i got back in the day made me decent money

What, because of the shitload of TF2 and CS playtimes? You're naturally gonna accumulate more time playing MP games than SP games and everyone in the world has played those

I haven't played TF2 since 2015

I never actually enjoyed Dota and only did it because my friends did, and a lot of it is spectating games

Overwatch would have overthrown The Witcher 3 at this point, I expect to keep playing it at least until it surpasses Dota, maybe even TF2

I'll never know the real hours, but I like to assume my hours played Ragnarok Online as a kid is around 5,000

god this is vanilla, pretty sure most of that terraria was idling too
I didn't even enjoy Skyrim much

I hope you didn't finish LISA in that time user

Heh, I waited a long time prior to the steam version coming out until it was on sale. Just wanted the steam version to count my actual playtime. Back in x-fire days (wew) I had up to 12,000 hours on Wow. Good times.

>above: Dota 2 (now on a smurf I made like 2 years ago)
Tribes Ascend (RIP)

im not a normie :(

I posted my fucking wishlist i'm such a fucking retard. Goddamn, I just want one PC game I can come back to for hours and hours. Overwatch was like that for a while but that game is casual as you can get. Been thinking about getting Siege or XIV for the longest time.

at least NV and XCOM show some taste, user.

>I hope you didn't finish LISA in that time user

Nope, keep trying to get into it but I have a hard time getting into pixelshit.
I think the last thing I did was agree to sell Terry for my items back

the gameplay isn't anything amazing but the writing is really fantastic and totally nails the dark humour they were going for, never too edgy
>I think the last thing I did was agree to sell Terry for my items back


thanks user, they're my favourites on there too, NV is probably in my top 3, trying to get into xcom 2 now, it's an experience

I have 2 from the humble bundle, but I haven't even turned it on. I loved 1 and LW though

Don't re-open that wound.
Just... don't.

My mate who keeps bugging me to play it says he's the best party member endgame, but so far he's been completely useless to me

found the kid who cant aim in CSGO

He's a "useless until he gets THAT move, then he's the best in the game" character.



I haven't touched SFM in years. I think most of it was rendering?

>realize how much time I spent on fucking defiance

Before you bully my sore ass, know that most of my (played) vidya has logged between 40-200 hours

To be this embarrassing level of cancer...and live...



Yeah but chivalry tho. Evens out desu.

God damn where has the time gone?

I idled Isaac while playing MMOs so that's significantly inflated. Rest is legitimate.

r8 n h8

Where are the real players??? Nobody plays games on daily basis here? The pic with 5k+ hours in Dota I posted before is from April 2014. I have another acount with 1k+ in cs 1.6 and probably same 5k+ on Dota aswell ( CS 1.6 from 2009 and Dota 2 from 2011)

And I dont count thousands of hours on Warcraft 3 Dota and CS 1.6 nonsteam...
Do you just buy games and play 50 hours of it????