Will it be good?

Will it be good?

Ask again later

I'm digging the suit a whole lot. A little bummed that it's exclusive though considering Insomniac isn't Sony owned, yet the corporation still owns the Spider-Man licence.

Insomniac makes pretty fun games. No reason to think this won't be okay.

you can smell the soon to come downgrade from here

100% it will have moon swinging

>Will it be good
No. It'll have batman combat. That won't make up for even the best web slinging.

I'm almost certain I heard someone say it was confirmed in an interview that it was moon swinging.

>zero gameplay
>already hundreds of thousands of dollars into marketing it
I expect it to be unadulterated shit.

>Sony fucked up the movie franchice by making 2 shitty movies which are not just bad spider man movies, but bad movies in general.
>thinking they will make a good spider man game where Gameplay should be the main focus
Im sure it will be great! It wont just be another glorified movie like the rest!
spidy man is ded

If anyone should've had "batman combat" from the start, it should be fucking Spider-Man, because that's his whole thing. Dodging and countering without a second thought.

No, Insomniac doesn't make games anymore.

>durr, durrrr, i didnt read anything insomniac has said

Dont care. Just need a fresh dose of spiderman game. I like them.

pls no

Also, the suit is super shit, but all spider-man games have like a million unlockable outfits, so I'm not too bothered.

Moon swinging doesnt bother me

Except Spider-Man 2. That had no extra costumes.

Or even better, the Web Of Shadow's extra suits, but they were WII EXCLUSIVE.

Why would anyone bother making a triple A Spidey game if they weren't going to have the 100% selling point?

It will be good on my PC at 4k

What kind of combat style do you think it will have?

BamHam/Shadow of Mordor/Assassin's Creed
Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden


Does this mean it's going to be a Windows 10 exclusive thing?

Whats the point in posting fake articles?

>durr, durrr, I believe everything hurr durr

Moon swinging doesn't matter.

Everyone sucks Spiderman 2's dick because of the swinging when its the only good part of that game. Moon swinging is fine and fuck you.

>the PS1 games were god tier
>The first moviegame was also very good.
>All three had moonswings
>The first Amazing game had moonish swinging
>Amazing 2 had building swinging but it was stiff
>Shattered Dimensions had moon swinging
>Edge of Time was inside the building for the whole game

Get over it. SM2 swinging will never return, and its going to stay that way. Stop being a nostalgiafag and accept this.

Will we actually get more information on the fucking game? It's been a dry hole.

>Get over it. SM2 swinging will never return, and its going to stay that way. Stop being a nostalgiafag and accept this.
Nope. Not him but moonswining ensures I buy the game used, Insomniac employee.

I'm suddenly a lot less excited for a new Spidey game. Didnt even realize it was a big deal to me until just now.
How does that even work in the games that has it? Can you just swing way above the buildings?

A Homecoming cash-grab.

i-is this real?
This isnt photoshopped is it?

>implying normies and kids even know what moonswinging is

>A company that's made plenty of games versus a company making its first game
>posting an image that has nothing to do with my post

Nice argument, playa. I suppose next you're gonna tell me that metric assload of things they've added to no mans lie is just fake too?

>Even if the game is great, has a wonderful story, awesome combat, and plenty of extra content..
you sound like a spoiled child.

>They have revealed new details on the game and revealed

Only a legitimate retard would think its genuine

i hope so

>has a wonderful story, awesome combat, and plenty of extra content.
Let's be honest. We both know that shit isn't happening, and that the extra content will be cut and sold back as dlc. The very least they can do is give me regular swinging.

This is Insomniac, they've had one outing with DLC that wasn't cosmetic and it was for Sunset Overdrive.

I'm just waiting for the day we get to make our own suits.

Turn-based FF Tactics-style

Suit design's shit, but SSO (Well, writing-aside) and R&C '16 were both really good, so I'm hopeful.

I'm also curious to see Sucker Punch's new IP. Apparently it's some kind of open-world brawler.

I don't have it in me to trust it until there is some real footage, and I don't mean some cinematic E3 trailer.