Yakuza thread



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Who is the best hostess and why is it Ai?

That's not Yuki.

Is there any way to deal with the couch-carrying corridor-blocking mooks in Yakuza 2 aside from 2 Squares-back off-repeat?

nah. i don't think there was a heat action that lets you kill them instantly by taking their couch and crushing them with it in 2.

Real Estate>Club Sunshine.


No, fuck off with this /vg/ shit.

Just finished 2 and the ending fight was goat.


>read this first

Fuck you. Go to

Weapons. Save the guns for the couch guys and that one unreachable mook.

One of the best final boss themes in all of vidya. Whatever remix they make for Kiwami 2 will be shit compared to this.

>dust-off old ps2
>Play yakuza 1, p. good
>Playing 2, sickest shit
>think I'm pretty close to the end
>oh no haruka kidnapped again
>fucking do the mission
>cutscene starts
>console stutters and crashes
>now it fucking stutters everywhere, takes forever to load and cutscenes keep stopping, almost as if they're buffering
>it's like watching a youtube video in 2008
>literally impossible to play
>can't be arsed to take it to someone that can actually fix it
>decide to skip it
>can't find copies of 3 ANYWHERE

Fucking kill me. Can I just skip to 4 and see the rest of 2 in a playthrough or something? I'm told 3 is pretty inconsequential in the long run.

My only complaint about 2's OST is that Majima's cutscene theme is not included.

i still like this remix.


That song is ass.

how the hell do you win bets for the cat fights

You don't.
Pay attention to the ticker at the bottom and bet on someone in good condition. You'll still probably get fucked by RNG though.

I'm like half way through Yakuza 1 and it's kind of dragging on already.

Try videogamesplus, they did a reprint of Yakuzas 1-4. Also with Yakuza 3 its still worth playing in its own right because its the only one with Okinawa as an explorable district and because 5 and 6 bring it up. But if 2 is that unplayable no shame in looking up the rest and skipping to 4 since it takes a lot from 3.

The story only really pick up again at like chapter 10, then it get a bit too fast

can i emulate yakuza 2?

I'm emulating it right now. Aside from the ever-present middle line it's fine

It's Hibiki, you faggot.

>Think Majima is actually crazy
>Turns out he's acting like that "to live to his fullest" and just copied from Nishitani

What a shitshow

cool, pcsx2 i assume?

Am I an autist for pulling out thier Legend styles when I feel it'd be appropriate? For example:
>escaping Tojo HQ
>latter half of Nishitani's boss fights after the QTEs
>fourth fight with Kuze

Even before 0 it's already established that he's exaggerating from his interaction with Saejima

You can remove the line, I forget what you change. One of the settings in the middle of the plugin setting window.

Majima deserves happiness

Do you guys think they'll go back to the fighting styles Yakuza had in 0 and Kiwami or do you think they'll go down the disappointing route of 6?

No, although I only pulled it out during

>Shibusawa's last phase
>Majima's assault on Dojima HQ and his fight against Lao Gui

>tfw you can taunt when majima grabs someone in thug style


Shoot, really? Looks like I have some more experimenting to do.

DoD has the best heat moves

Someone break down the gameplay/cinematics ratio for Yakuza Zero for me

I wish he'd get at least his facestomp back, instead of the one where he grabs the guy's head and punches it. That move was in the series since the first game.

Is it the disc or are ya using an HDD? Cause your hdd might be broken then.

Or just buy a new ps2 for 20 bucks, dont be a jew.

150+ hours of gameplay, 4 hours total of story cutscenes.

I just defeated Kuze in chapter 17 in Yakuza 0. Am I at the point of the game where I can manually switch characters? If so, how do I do it?

Don't be so fucking oblivious man, christ.

>All those scene transitions throughout the game
>The classic CLAN TITLE:NAME encounters
>The Moshi-mosh from Kiryu when at a telephone club
>The I'll buy it in cash smirk from Kiryu with the breifcase
>All of the mini-track racer reations, the moment of triumph and failure

>All of Majima, literally all of it
>The face-off scenes in clubs
>Club entrance and greeting
>That' little thumbs up when fulfilling a hostess request
All little details, but they really do make the characters endearing

>yakuza 4 onwards removed the whip sound when you win a fight.
>No longer goes in slow motion too

Fucking gay

Oda is feeling down, tell him something motivating

Yeah. I really miss seeing the mooks' face caved in from Kiryu's face stomp

This is getting old, feel free to stop at any time.

fine, this will be the last from me


I heard Y6 wasn't that great but being the first entry in a new engine it kinda can't be helped. So Y7 when?

Never. Series is done.

Supposed to be Kiryu's "final chapter" so I figure they'll either make a spin-off, a new lead, or a new ip.

Chronologically the series is getting quite stale though.
Yakuza is basically Sega's RE now. We will probably get Kiwami 2 before 7

So does Sera get more screen time in the expanded parts of Kiwami? He was great in Y0 so it'd be a shame if they just keep the barely show up and die off screen thing.

I kind of like how Kuze and Awano regain their pride and honor by the end while Shibusawa just doesnt' "get it" more or less. He can't ever get over his dad getting fucked and just desires power and nothing else. No sense of true pride within him and for a series built around kind of classically manly honor and brotherhood that makes him a good villain. Really, between Kuze, Awano, Sagawa, Kazama and Sera there's enough great characters there to do pre-Kiryu/Majima games.

Yeah. A Kazama prequel would be great
>Dojima actually being an ally
>More Shimano and Sera
>Meeting the 3 Lieutenants
>Possibly Kiryu or Nishiki's parents as villains

>just need a full straight to end the mahjong nightmare
>2 hours of shitty hands so far

Gonna miss Oda posting but I wanna say these threads made me realize what a retard turbobeta Oda was

I'm grinding cabaret and real state. I actually think Cabaret is fun and I'm still not tired of it but shame you make nowhere near as much money as real state, also shame it doesn't allow to wander around. Majima got it worse in that regard.

I can't fucking play these traditional games except Koi Koi to save my life

I can't dance for shit

>Ideally, the best place to start would be 1 (the original PS2 one, not Kiwami).
What's wrong with Kiwami?

>can't find copies of 3 ANYWHERE

They literally JUST reprinted the original 4 games and can still order them online.

Because 2-5's gameplay and side content is shittier than 0 and Kiwami, so it's really hard to play though these (especially 2 which has considerably the best story in the series but is a PS2 game) if you play 0 and Kiwami first

>caught a bike midair and use heat move right before the enemy hit me

didn't knew you could do that

No Money and boring timer < Dosh and a fun dress up game

>power goes out as soon as im beating the fuck out of a difficult fight.
Cool shit. Grabbed it yesterday, bombed the fucking karaoke in the first ten minutes and had shit talked to me. I didnt expect a game with so much soul when I grabbed it yesterday.

Marina or Yuki?



Yuki how is this even a question? Marina a shit. Also, what the fuck I didn't realize that the substory with the tax collector was a goddman reference.


Came out around the same time the game takes place, apparently popularized "Marusa" as referring to the national tax agency and Marui even looks like the main character.

And looking around someone even upped it subbed onto youtube so there you go.


Now that I think of it, the Yakuza series is supposed to be popular in Japan, but unlike any other videogame franchise, I have never seen any Rule34 material of any kind for it, why is that, could it be pple respect it too much?

>Just finished 0
>First yakuza
>Emulating 1
>These camera controls
>This lock on
So when did they lock stuff down and get it right? I got 2 as an ISO, and physical copies of 3 4 and dead souls waiting for me when i'm done with this.

I imagine there is fanart of the various men of the series floating around out there.

I went to the Pixiv tag once and all I found was Oda dicking Tachibana

After browsing Pixiv and Twitter for a couple of hours, I have come to the conclusion that Yakuza's Japanese male fanbase is non existent unless all these ikemen and gay is from gay and not fujos

Series's pretty popular with fujoshi, like Sengoku Basara.
You do not want to look at fujoshi's art

1 is getting remade and it's called Kiwami. It's coming out this Summer in English.

I think 2 has Essence of Self Destruct or whatever it's called where you can just beat up the couch guys with their own couch. Don't remember how you unlock it, though

Plenty of the hot girls are just one off hostesses or actresses. Plus they're rarely super central to the plot. 80% it's all man meat on display for most of the game.

>Sengoku Basara

I think this is the best way to describe Yakuza in Japan. It's not as popular with men as people seem to think, and it has dominated the niche of fujos who prefer sweaty and hairy old manly men.

I just finished 0 and I'm going to get kiwami, emulate 2, but I feel shitty about playing 3 with all that cut content. Would I be missing much by skipping it and putting it off til I learn moon language?

>Japanese male fanbase is non existent
Well the series don't feature waifus, so there's less incentives for the guys to make art
And for Japan most artists are females

yeah i know, but i can't wait that long.
>mfw I looked at the fujo's art

It seems like basically anything with a male-centric cast that talks a lot about bonds, honor, brotherhood and other classically manly topics like that is invaded by fujos. IIRC the Warriors fandom is full of fujos which is why the character designs have been getting more bishoneny and why the most popular Samurai Warriors character is Mitsunari.

I dunno, thought there's plenty of waifus material to make something.

I got some Zap Guns and beat Mr. Shakedown until I got to 200 billion yen.
Is that enough for upgrades/real estate costs? I haven't reached the Media King properties yet

As a Fuji that talks to and shares stuff with nip fujos

Yes. It is kind of baffling how many women like Yakuza and are diehard fans. Especially considering how Sega and the orange man expressly market and design the games for adult men.

>Oda dicking Tachibana

not surprising. jap males want cute girls, not manly role models. that's why their birth rates are so low.

So sad! that Nioh went with a realistic portrayal of him because that fucking haircut is repugnant. At least the demon is fuckable.

Kaoru got shafted after 2 games and isn't featured that much
Haruka is shit
On the other hand the series's choke full of manly /fit/ men with various kind of personalities, and there's even 2 pairs of sworn brothers

do u think tachibana gives good

hand jobs

Why does everyone struggle with mahjong? I just completed all the CPs, took me like 4 hours total, It's mostly luck based.

don't know how to play weird board games

Its better than people making trying to lewd daughterus or characters that had a hard life.

Plus its one thing when its anime shit, another when its full on 3D.

Its still a bit sad though, since you played 0 first it messes up the sense of progression since 0 came from 10 years worth of experimentation and Kiwami is largely an expansion to that. The first game janky as it was left a great impression and the soundtrack got fucked up in Kiwami.

Highly unlikely, he can hardly eat without help. But use your imagination.

I fucking suck at board games

I didn't either, just read the manuals

turbo-technical-Poker with a lot of buzzwords

not like going back and playing a ps2 game would have the proper impact, regardless of the order you play them in.

I'm a fair ways into 1, and i can see it as a good period piece. I mean sure it has it's flaws, but so did GTA 3.

Sucks i won't see Awano and Kuze again. Holy shit those 2 blew my mind

also i'm at the part right after you come out of purgatory. I don't like the road this game is heading down with Nishiki. I can only see this game ending one way and i don't want this at all.

yes I agree, but it's not like you have to learn all of them to get the CPs

>I can only see this game ending one way and i don't want this at all
Yeah. That's what make Yakuza 1's story great for me. You know it will happen, but you still don't want it
And besides the game's going to make Kiryu suffer even more before that


Reina, Makoto, that female doctor and aren't we always talking about which hostess would be the best waifu? So there you go.