NieR/DoD Thread

A2 is the best girl in the entire Nier/DoD universe. And her short haired version is even better.
Prove me wrong.
You can't, mostly because the others are awful human beings.
Shitposters not welcome.

What are some other games like Drakengard or Nier story wise?


Bloodborne or Silent Hill

There aren't many in the JPPG genre, I can only think of some tri-Ace games like Radiata Stories and older FF games like FFVI. Other than that it would really be a stretch to draw similarities between them. If other genres are ok then and some other dark fantasy games would be somewhat up your alley.

Drakengard 2


>her short haired version is even better


Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Taro used both as inspiration in NieR. I mean they blatantly break the fourth wall about it a couple of times, a scene in Facade being the most obvious one.

Dunno about the genre or franchise, but in the game it's impossible to symphatize with anyone else over A2, she did literally nothing wrong and everything right.

Post A2 butt

Her 1st appearance made it sound like she was a dick

>androids that look like human are given serialized names like machines
>bots that look like shitty machines have human names
>Hegel is literally name dropped
>the real reason for the struggle between androids and machines is to become more human, because they see humans as a sort of special entity, almost like gods
I mean I'm not sure if that's intentional but if it is props to Taro in the amazing way he represented dialectics through the narrative and gameplay, the terminals made it even more clear.
Also the anti nihilism message was also pretty neat, again even if it was all just a fluke.
She just needs her gf and a break.

>being a lesbian
>doing anything right

Unlike 2B the reason for loving A2 is for her pure and beautiful heart.

How much of the game will you get to play as her? I just got finished with the first segment that you control her for and she's really fucking fun with the taunt and berserk mode shit.

>2B is the designated waifu that everyone loves and gets all of the fanart
>but A2 is the better actual character
Also long hair > short hair

no fuck you she killed for forest king and is a bad person for it

A2 got literally no character of her own in-game other than "muh 2B" though, really disappointing in that department.

I bought this game but never bothered to check, you can play with english voices right?


nice, thanks bro

Yeah, you can play with the english voices and text.
Her conversations with the pod were fantastic.
If she did it it was justified, I hope that stuff gets DLC.
15 chapters. Heavy spoilers ahead:she's the actual heroine of route C/D/E, therefore being the actual hero of the game.

Normally I'd agree but her face matches her short hair too well.


When do I get her long hair to use?

I'm moving through the c route right now and it's asked me to pick who I want to follow, if I go through the first section as a2 for example and then it goes to character select would I start at at the 2nd section for 9s or would it be at the beginning??

If you are where I think you are you'll unlock a chapter selection right after that.

She should get more time, especially if there's DLC. Which judging by the locked doors this game will most likely have.

>Interested in getting the original Nier a while back
>Didn't like how they ruined the localization and the gameplay looked pretty basic
>Decide to just wait for Nier Automata
>Watch HyperBitHero's video on Nier
>Actually impressed with the game now
>eBay prices are awful
>Passed on the game when it was cheap


Square Enix fucked up with the original NieR, it should at least be available digitally.

There's a few PS3 games I want that aren't available digitally, it's annoying. I'm glad it's practically compulsory now.

So do you think they're going to port the original Nier to PC if this sells well?

It's awful for archiving as well.
Taro said this was up to Square but since they're porting all of their games to PC I'd say it's possible.

Anyone know where it's best to farm chips for post game? Also apparently there's a shop that can take chips over 6?

At least PS3 piracy is a thing. That way games are preserved.

>9S at the start of the game is excited that he gets a partner since scanner types usually go solo
>you can already feel the sadness in 2B's voice
>tfw you find out why she tags along with him
Their relationship was done so well

I have two questions about Nier Automata:

>Do you get marked on how well you perform in combat like other Platinum games?
>How big is the overworld?


Is there any reason to expect the PC port of this will be bugged out as hell?

I can't decide if I want to just wait the 10 days or buy it on PS4 and then pirate it/buy it on sale later on PC. Obviously I'd rather play in a higher resolution but since they haven't released any info about the actual in game settings or any demo/footage for PC, I don't want to wait an extra 10 days just to find out the port sucks and have to either get it on ps4 or wait for it to get ironed out anyway.

Thank you.

The same team at Platinum that made Metal Gear Rising made this game, and the PC port of MGR was good.

Just finished ending E

Sorry guys I can't help you yet. I still have things left to do though. I'm sorry.

I played the ps4 version and if anything I expect the pc version to be better, Yosuke Saito said the game was developed for a high powered pc and then ported over. PC delay is mostly for anti piracy stuff and to make retards like me double dip.

If I didn't really like the story of the original nier would I possibly automata's?

Maybe. The message, themes and execution are all different.

It's very unlike NieR's story but I think it's just as good so I'd say it's a coin toss.

Good to know.
Yeah I guess that's my biggest problem for me, because from the demo the game actually runs just fine and I'm the type to care for gameplay substance and framerate stability over muh visuals, which it had both of.

I guess I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.

she belongs in a trash can. outdated prototype slut. you'd only prefer her over toobie if you're the kind of weakling who only has confidence enough to go for damaged and insecure bitches.

>tfw 9S would be as tall or even a little bit taller than 2D if she wasn't wearing high heels.
Manlet's fears pursue us into vidya.

>says she's shit
>posts scene in which she's best and tries to help the dumb shota out of his misery

I am drawing A2's Fanart
it is a comission

>chromatic aberration in a drawing
Unironically neck yourself

when light cross water produces a prisma effect

Please post results

>A2 short hair
I was leaning towards 2B purely because of short hair but now I'm fully on the A2 train boys.


>even in shipping comics A2 is best
Good choice my man.

Guys, how do I get around playing brother Nier's game in english? Is there a guide to get the game running on ps3?

The translation would be an effort bigger than the translation of Tales of Vesperia for the ps3, it'd be easier to learn moon than to wait for that.

I was sure it was already translated, or somebody told me so at least, in here.

Just looked it up and apparently there's a patch, your ps3 must be modded though.

2B princess carrying 9S is cute.

A patch, but I need to have the game in jap or can it be pirated? Or what? I know nothing about this kind of shit.

Can you link me to this patch?

A2 is a miracle of the universe but short hair is shit.

Maybe some of the Shin Megami Tensei games.

Just for the first five endings and some side quests it took me 35 hours.
This is obscenely cute.

When are we getting new outfits? I just want to dress up A2 with something nicer to go with the long hair.

Guys what the fuck just happen?

I'm at the secttion where the resistance camp just got under heavy attack and I'm fighting the boss.
The gmae just freezed on me. The music still playing.

Anyone else encountered this?

how is this game compared to MGR?

It's not a linear action game like MGR, it's an RPG with action-combat. It doesn't play like MGR at all.

The PS4 is the definitive version

yeah same exact shit, I had to reset, it was the only freeze I got

Except Angelus is best girl

Cccccccombo breaker


>in the bible, Adam and Eve were created by God
>Adam and Eve were created by the Machine Network
>the Red Eye disease/curse/virus represents God's desire to eradicate humanity
>those afflicted with Red Eyes behave as Legion
So when they say that a god awoke in that volcano, were they being literal?
Is capital-g God directly related to the machines?
Is the presence of Red Eyes in human essentially humans who are connected to the Network?


I felt so sorry for A2. She was the first to know that everything was a lie. The only level headed person in the whole game.

She should get her intact YoRHa dress as dlc. I would pay for it. I want a A4 companion too. ;_;

>So when they say that a god awoke in that volcano, were they being literal?
>Is capital-g God directly related to the machines?

The volcano god was Beepy if I recall correctly, who gained sentience by fusing with a bunch of other machines. He taught the machine lifeforms about humans and emotions and then fucked off for space.

it is, I even upgraded to the Pro because it's the definitive gaming experience with locked 1080p60FPS with an option for Native 4K30FPS

>literally everything wrong with the Drakengard universe is a result of Nier killing Kalil
Seems pretty legit desu

This is one of the only games in ages where I HOPE there's more story DLC

In due time, user.

The PS4 version is better

so the glitch where you pause and skip the cutscene for the two buzz-saws is still in the game. In fact it's even worse now, throwing you the fuck out of the map., need to glide your ass into the ruined city. Boss is still active and is fighting nothing.

Ending so good I can't bring myself to play other single player games for a while
Also I cheated and uploaded my saves into the ps cloud and downloaded them after I got the 2b sword select screen

>Beepy is God

>Shitposters not welcome.

Yea, wouldn't want anymore to refute your point and shatter your delusional world forever.

And what about those locked/chained chest that I can't access for now?

Do I need to worry about them now? They're flaring up my autism.

When you get to control 9S, you hack those chests to open them.

2 is purest girl. She did nothing wrong and Cent was a cunt.

>I didn't really like the story of the original nier

>"oh look, another fight with Adam"
>"Lol, look at all these corpses, scrubs"
>Repair one.
>Stand back and let the repaired corpse fight with him.
>It wrecked Adam.

Wait, that's it?
I didn't even hit him, and he's dead?
That was a fucking letdown.

Repaired corpses do an oddly absurd amount of damage to him on that fight.

Ps4 is what this game is made for.

wtf every corpse I repair does like 0 damage to enemies

Maybe you got a super high leveled corpse.

Is Nier released yet? I thought it doesnt come out until tomorrow, how are some of you already playing it? The normal amazon early shipment?