Still the best Hitman

Still the best Hitman

hitman thread
hitman absolution need not apply.

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How many challenges in Hitman 2016 has everyone completed?

I'm so fucking bad at it but it's so comfy
I just don't have the patience required to stalk the targets and wait for an opportunity.

I got to the 2nd episode or whatever and dropped it. Will pick it up again though.

Blood Money has at least 3 of the best levels in all of Hitman.

>House of Cards
>A New Life
>Till Death Do Us Part

What I love about Hitman 2016 is how satisfying it is to shoot someone.

In every level I try to stalk my target, get him alone and stand behind him with my silenced silver baller just waiting for the poor sod to turn around get the shock of his life.

2 in the chest
They fall down
1 in the head for good measure

Best part of blood money was being able to sucker punch people to knock them out, then you could drag them away so noone sees the blood, then shoot them so they aren't a witness.
Just a satisfying way to make quick clean takedowns that i really missed when playing absolution

Dis arming people was fun

I also loved how NPCs would pickup guns and depending on if they were civilians or not their shooting would be different (civis would unload the clip into you out of fear while guards would be slower but more accurate)

>aren't a witness

Oh my god I loved how you're shown a newspaper article after every mission and the content depended on your actions on that misson.

That was pretty cool

Who here /Contracts/?

I hate TDDUP with a passion

A new life is the worst level in the game due to being so short and easy, even on the Professional difficulty.

>A new life

get some taste you filthy plebeian

>A New Life
t. Vinnie "Slugger" Sinistra

>map is the size of a quarter
>Vinnie's house is the size of a dime
>limited as fuck methods to killing Vinnie
>infiltrating the house is easy as fuck
It's a shit level, the only reason anyone likes it is because lol suburbs, you can dress up as a clown!!!

Is Hitman 2016 nearly as good as Blood Money?

>doesn't even name the best level

You Better Watch Out is top tier Hitman board

>limited as fuck methods to killing Vinnie

there are fucking tons of ways to kill Vinnie

>snipe him in his chair
>mine the telephone and call it from the FBI van and blow it when he answers
>snipe everyone from the tree house and lure Vinny outside
>infiltrate the house and get him in his chair
>infiltrate the house and get him in the room upstairs
>infiltrate the house and mine the computer upstairs and blow it
>go in guns blazing and take everyone out and waste him through the door with armor piercing rounds

theres probably a few that im missing too. A New Life may have been small but there was plenty of ways to go at it.

You could say it is simply because of the online features like contracts and post launch content.
It's Blood Money if it was made today, only thing you can bitch about is "Always online", but if that's all you can bitch about, then that can only mean it's a damn good game.

>blowing SA

don't forget how you could lure vinnie out at the right time and he would be ran over by the fbi backup cars


It is a good Hitman game with loads of content and very detailed worlds.... yet it feels empty for some reason.

Maybe its the music... or lack of thereof. The music in BM was god tier.

>Dress up as the clown and strangle him

That's not Contracts.

patrician opinion

Contracts had so many good levels, as someone who didn't play Codename Agent 47

>the level in ur pic related
>the other asian levels around that one
>the hotel level
>the english moor manor level
>the meat packing plant level

Preach it mang.

My favorite level is A House of Cards

>Go get my room key
>Go inside the elevator
>Climb up the service hatch
>Wait for the first target to arrive
>Strangle him, drop down, get his key
>Grab the biefcase, stash it in my room ( could've hid it well on top of the elevator but I like for my room to have some use)
>Sneak up to the third floor
>scale the walls and get to the second target's room
>hide inside the closet
>wait for the african guy to get there
>target finally gets there
>two in the chest, one in the head
>take his clothes
>place bomb inside the briefcase
>go meet the Sheik
>talk for a bit
>place down briefcase next to him
>hastily get out of there
>detonate the bomb
>make my way up to my room again
>change into suit
>grab payment case
>escape amidst the confuson

I don't get SA but christ is it fun

Eh, Contracts was good, but not as good as BM.

The second level, the russian one with the submarine was fucking awful. Almost ruins the game entirely.

>no fun aloud

going for SA is fun the first dozen or so times, but I like to mix things up. One of my favorite methods is to go at it like Anton Chigurh would, lethal, precision strikes, surgical brutality. Silenced shotgun, pistol, smg. No costume changes, keep your big gun out and strike with a fury. The best level for this in BM is the river boat level

However, it has one of my all time favorites, the Hotel level

>Not A Dance with the Devil
>Not Murder of Crows
Though the only bad ones are Death on the Mississippi (except zombie mode) and Flatline.

>He likes Murder of Crows


A House of Cards was awesome

>lay in wait on the roof of the elevator
>strangle the first guy
>place the briefcase out back by the exit for a quick get away
>follow the Afrikaner up to his room
>when the door opens and he steps through the threshold take out my weapon
>shoot him twice in the back as the door closes, leaving him inside
>go upstairs
>hit the VIP suite hard as fuck with silenced weapons
>call the sheik
>snipe his ass in the courtyard


>wait at the bar for the Afrikaner to come meet the sheik
>during the meet bull rush back there and kill everyone in your way
>blast the sheik and the afrikaner before they even know what hit them
>slink away during the confusion
>change outfits a few times
>go upstairs
>hit the VIP suite hard as fuck
>kill the target inside
>get the diamonds

>Not liking being able to dress up as a woman's lover and drive her into a frenzy before killing her
>And then getting a shitload of money and partying in a blues bar
It's the best mission

>he doesn't like Death on the Mississippi
>he doesn't like Flatline

Blood Money had the best lineup, board wise, start to finish. My least favorite board is the White House. Dance With the Devil is top tier tho too

>limited as fuck methods to killing Vinnie

My dudes.
Blood money was easy as shit.

it was easy, and it had replay-ability out the fucking ass. i always thought it was a gigantic missed opportunity that it never had any DLC. if ever there was a game ripe for mission and weapon packs, it was hitman

Hitman is a flawed interpretation of what made blood money good, done by vidya devs too immersed in the modern level up unlock grind culture. It is a very sincere and respectable effort to make a proper successor to blood money otherwise.

the unskippable Smith bullshit infuriates me

i liked that the hit has you taking out a bunch of old mobsters. i wish you had more opportunities to take out wiseguys in those games.

>submarine level
fucking shit
that one level is 'that level' that comes to mind every time i consider re-installing that game
Which is the best "cover blown" track?

Absolution wasn't THAT bad
Though now that I've said it someone will inevitably post the point shooting webm

I like all the Hitman games

I can't enjoy any of those because all they do is bring me back to stressful situations on my SA runs.

>Absolution wasn't THAT bad

>absolution need not apply
Fuck you, Chinatown was GOAT

I was expecting the wrestling match

Man, why the fuck didn't Hitman 2016 have Jesper Kyd return.

absolution, for all the shortcomings, certainly had its moments

I don't think we're on the same page.

your page is probably from a book just chock full of complaining, sadness and depression.

That cornfield level was fucking dope though

>stalking through a cornfield with a nutech hunting knife dressed as a scarecrow brutally stalking and hunting down every last gun on a death squad and slaughtering them all one by one

If you wanna project, you're welcome to.


the best is planting a bomb in afrikaner's briefcase and blowing up both him and the sheik when they meet.

This is where hitman turned to shitman.

just sayin' i liked absolution's goofy grindhouse tone, nigga. scene was fun and campy

>couldn't save the innkeeper

yo homie is that my briefcase?

The checkpoint system was the dumbest shit

Thanks to movies like Collateral and No Country, and characters like Vincent and Chigurh, I've gotten so many added hours of enjoyment out of Blood Money

What did he mean by this?

It's my absolute favorite mission
I love to BTFO Raymond in his shitty little hideout

is it really? might check it out.

>this kill
Fucking brutal, man.

absolution feels like it was written by a 12 year old after seeing his first tarantino movie


Almost all of them. There are a few on normal I haven't done yet but are completed in pro.

>the only time we got hot nuns in video games was in the shittiest hitman
w/e fuck games

not going to argue with you there, user

What do you think is a good unlock to target on Pro mode? I have the ave maria playing sniper rifle already.

the gun and the second syringe


What level would you guys like to see on future hitmans?

This is my dream level

>Football match in Europe
>Big match, Real Madrid and Barcelona inspired teams
>Whole Stadium
>Targets are a political figure, the owner of one of the teams and a player out in the pitch that are involved in some criminal shit or something
>Mission starts as game is starting
>Have a window of 90 minutes where all three targets are going to be in the same location
>Can climb up to the floodlights and snipe the player on the pitch mid-game
>Sneaking inside the locker rooms and killing the target during half-time
>Thousands of NCPs on the bleechers, walking around the stadium
>The other two targets can be up on the box
>Can walk around the bleechers

>47 Kills one of the target's rivals and dresses up like him and goes out to the pitch and tackles the target breaking his neck in a "foul"

Yeah the technology to do this doesn't exist but man, that would be pretty fucking cool.

Thats not an argument.

How the fuck does the coin challenge in Bangkok work? The gold coin is the only item I don't yet.

Is absolution irredeemable or is it at least worth a pirate? I've played the rest of the series

i think I'll go for the full auto silenced hand gun

ive got a couple

>a massive state fair or carnival level
>the carnival is open
>full of people
>rides are going
>lights and bells and whistles blaring
>all kinds of room for shenanigans


>shopping mall
>music concert
>sporting event

this is my dream level tho

>set in Brooklyn
>like Murder of Crows
>level is a few blocks
>you have numerous targets
>essentially have to wipe out the upper echelon of a mafia family
>targets include the boss, his goof ball son, his protege, his right hand man, his underboss, his captains
>varying locations
>warehouse down on the docks/waterfront
>seedy strip joint
>high class night club
>fancy steakhouse
>the boss' compound, Corleone style
>endless possibilities for murder

it's too linear for Hitman

Even Hitman™ 2016™ at least lets you turn off the Opportunities and figure out a way to kill the targets yourself

It has some good levels but play the game on easy or you'll be fucked by the face cover system.

Ugly ugly game. Even on ultra it looks like shit.

Npcs are on set tracks.
>poison drink
>target goes straight for drink
Like Clockwork.

Got it for $25. Im having fun with it both those are my gripes.

Now that would be a solid fucking level, perhaps make the player addicted to coke or something, he would sneak off during half time and yout could get your stealth kill that way

God I loved that one mission where you kill a playboy who strangled a prostiture or something, shooting the hottub from out underneath him

Cool concept and enemies, however, fighting them was utterly fucking lame and they are just regular NPCs that run faster.

One could also say the trailer (which was amazing) is straight up false advertising.

nice made my dick twitch just now

You Better Watch Out

I loved that level. Christmas up in the Rockies at Hugh Hefners playboy mansion. I'd dress up as Santa and see how many people I could take down with stealthy knife kills before I blew my cover.

It's definitely not ugly, but there's a really simplistic style to it that makes it look old.