ITT: games you can play using only your non-dominant hand

ITT: games you can play using only your non-dominant hand

i'll start:
cities skylines
aoe 2 (against middling AI)
grim dawn

dark souls

Corruption of Champions


progress quest

The Masturbation Game

i fap with that hand

darkest dungeon

mobile games

Racing games if its KB/M

table tennis

>fapping with your left hand

every game, learned how to use my right hand for the PC when I was little.

I like doing this, its like someone else jerking me off

>mobile games
List some good mobile games.

using the right hand just feels gay

bursitis here
>tropico series
>anno series
>path of exile
>xcom series
>age of wonders 3
>shadowrun series
>kotor 1 + 2
>neverwinter nights 2
>sins of a solar empire
>defense grid
>the guild 2
>endless series(space/legend)
>dragon age:O
>100% orange rage/juice


How else are you gonna keep using the mouse? Switch back and forth? Disgusting.


I started doing this because I always used lube and didn't want to get it on the mouse. Now right hand feels awkward and clumsy.

Who dat


also easy to follow along with while on painkillers which may be an issue if you have a disabled hand


>not having your left be your dominant fapping hand

get out oldtimer

Dragon quest series has several. I know for a fact you can play 1-3, 8 and 9 for sure.

Honey Select

>Honey Select
is there any gameplay in that beyond posing girls and stroking your cock?


>not being an ambidextrous fapper
Every control scheme is my bitch.
except both handed

>not fapping with your left hand
Way to be a degenerate heathen

Kirby's Air Ride

What the fuck am I supposed to do if I have to use my right hand for fapping? Just put on a video and watch the whole thing without even skipping to the good parts? Use my left hand with the mouse and be a clumsy shit?

Kid Icarus Uprising.

Because fuck leftys amirite

Not really. I was just making a masturbation joke.

I've gathered that the version most westerners are forced to pirate has everything already unlocked. If you install the game from scratch, there's specific acts you have to do in order to unlock stuff.

>using the mouse with your left hand
are you a dip
>not being left handed