Why isn't there a proper game that lets me play as Succubus?
Why isn't there a proper game that lets me play as Succubus?
Other urls found in this thread:
Village of Nightmares?
Corruption of Champions
>Village of Nightmares?
No, you see the question was
>Why isn't there a proper game that lets me play as Succubus?
and not
>Why isn't there a game that lets me play as Succubus?
Because it's boring? Being a succubus is just like being a prostitute but without the middle man of having to exchange the money you make for food.
Shouldve started the thread with the better suck-you-bus from Darkstalkers
What about a tragic tell? Like a succubus that is no longer able to suck because of a curse or something and she goes on a real weird trip or a succubus that actually goes doki doki for someone from the church or whatever?
Queen of Pain in Dota 2 is sorta SUCCubus like.
Are you really playing as a succubus at that point?
Is this good? Please respond!
Depends on how good the game is going to be, senpai.
Full of furry shit as you can expect from reading that
Also reading
It's a text based lewd game that is generally agreed to have a lot of good stuff and is about demons for the most part and you can turn into one
But later on it gets a lot of furshit because the author is a hack sellout so reader beware you're in for a scare
Also if you want to play play the modded version, has a lot more shit in it.
>lock in QoP of Pain
>go mid
>win lane against injoker
>proceed to gank and make MLG noscope sonic wave kills
>team refuses to push high ground and passively farm the map
>other team starts going rambo and proceed to gank nonstop
>40+ minutes later, fall off in scaling as the 4 enemy cores come online
>lose game
Yeah, it's an abstract sort of succ alright.
how do i summon a succubus?
You can summon one as level 10 Wizard, so by the age of 40. You need to be a pure blooded level 10 Wizard, though. So no kisses and your hands must have remained pure too.
Go here and ask
God is dead
Furtrash and dickgirls so if that's your thing yes if not no.
Not at all.
Dwarf Fortress with mods
The Succubus Dungeon mod, to be exact.
Fun fact, CoC was originally designed to be a deviant's porn heaven focusing on just that, Demonic corruption and succubi n tentacle fun, sorta like monstergirls but with a corrupting theme hence the name. but alas. the guy in charge fell to furries and their endless comission money, this is why we cant have nice things ever in the Deviant community, it's worse than /d/ back in the day when it was 80% futa.
You literally posted a succubus from game
Darkstalkers thread?
Bat Slut's powers won't work against a superior machine.
Whats the best morrigan doujin? Fuck I only know one in mind but it is fucking futa
shit's still 80% futa at certain points of the week
right now though, every porn board is like 80% BLACKED posting and I'm really sick of it. makes this website really unfun
Yeah, but she isn't doing very succubus like things in her game.
Please! I'm about to go to work, don't tease me just now. I don't have time to fap anymore.
She fists all the souls
let's trade. I will (not) give you what you (do not) want
The vampire does a lot more succing than the succubus.
i'm gonna sound like a Sup Forums tard but i blame newfaggotry somewhat, Sup Forums's gotten alot more traffic in the recent years by normies, and the gateway to weird sexual deviances is often dickgirls, but that just my opinion.
ah yeah nigga in a day im about to be reuinited with my girl, and my man doctor doom
sorry to anyone that runs into me online on PC but you are about to get fucking cancer from me
>Is actually a bat demon instead of an undead human
>Can take in power from souls and drinks blood because it tastes good to him rather than pure need
>Surrounded by attractive people
What the fuck Capcom.
>implying my dormammu/strange cancer won't get you first
I'll even pick Zero
I wish Infinite will let me play my dream team.
But I know I'll be lucky just to get one of them.
Just wait until 2026 when Ultra Darkstalkers: The Final Challengers comes out.
Basically the arranged version of Savior from the PS2 collection but with MVC-style Morrigan and Gou-Sasquatch added.
*bubble loops intensifys*
*Actives Dark Force*
*floats behind u*
Nothing personal, kid
It's funny how few people know these days that Huitzil was the character Daigo first gained fame with.
Because his most fame is from 3S Ken
Didnt he play a few characters in hunter? i remember his pyron, also his jedah in savior
On the subject of Daigo and Darkstalkers, he could play lots of different characters in that series. I think he said he played Bishamon in DS1, but that game's scene was never all that big, and of course more or less ended as soon as NW came out. In NW he primarily played Pyron and Huitzil, but there exists footage of him playing Sasquatch, Rikuo and even Donovan in that game. In VS he primarily played Jedah and Bishamon, Jedah was who he won his first national-level tournament with.
Pyron and Huitzil were his mains in Hunter, but supposedly he could play almost everyone on the roster.
A Morrigan game could be awesome.
I think there was one in the works a long time ago, but it was scrapped.
There is one. It's called Darkstakers.
because you would need to make that game yourself since it won't happen on its own =)
post some morrigan. i need to fap.
anyone want to play savior or hunter on fightcade?
Morrigan Aensland from the Street Fighter series in:
Succ by Degrees
>tfw the only fetishes I picked up from here were traps and rapeoh wait I got that from LiveJournal
It's extremely difficult to not end up being a dickgirl in some way.
I remember a succubus game I played that was recommended from someone here like 5 or 6 years ago, you went around a village corrupting all the inhabitants until it was a village of sluts. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls.
She's a human succubus, though.
>Morrigan will never drain you
At least there's always morrigan erpers.
>tfw start out as a man and become a succubus
The only way to play coc.
Or to try to be a Good Person but when you get TG'd by the sand witch you figure it's better to be one or the other so you just make yourself into a cute girl.
you don't. succubi are egregores, like other similar beings such as tulpas, invisible friends, demons, gods and so on. they are made through pure continuous focus, and are the crystallization of your lust and desires, placed in a body of your choice that only you can see, since it's simulated by your brain.
depending from how much focus you put into creating one they may become nearly indistinguishable from reality, except the senses like touch will be somewhat fake, formless.
depending from personality programming process they may be submissive, equal or even possessive and/or controlling of you. the last one is a very bad idea, since once those latch on and enslave you, you will find it very hard to get rid of them and regain freedom, becoming a slave of your own creation.
TG is the best fetish
I must agree
What would you do if you became a girl?
Kimi-iro Days. Guy switches bodies with a succubus.
The same thing I do when I was a guy, ask to suck the dick of pretty much every guy I'm acquaintances with.
Except this time they're more likely to say yes.
Wow, that's slutty. It's sex for the sake of sex. I only ever want to have sex for the sake of procreation.
Dress up, masturbate, have a man make a woman out of me
>UMVC3 is out in less than 24 hours
Darkstalkers Succubi like Morrigan are more interesting, because they feed off fun rather than sex.
>Being a succubus is just like being a prostitute but without the middle man of having to exchange the money you make for food.
So it's an upside you're saying?
I don't know what that entails, but I like the sound of it. I want to experience this.