Sup Forums I've come here as a last resort. I need help completing the big splash DLC assignment in battlefield 4 (PS4). My problem is there are no servers populated with players running the map required to complete the assignment. So what I need is at least 3 other players to help me populate a server and complete this.
Sup Forums I've come here as a last resort. I need help completing the big splash DLC assignment in battlefield 4 (PS4)...
happened to me in countless games, its just sad
>nobody plays the Naval Strike maps anymore
>despite them being the best maps in the whole game
I couldn't unlock the gun (mpx?) that required playing the chainlink mode
If anyone is available to help out I'm online now ready to do this just give me your usernames
I thought ea giving all the dlc away for free would keep the servers populated. Shame since those where some dope maps
>trying to play DLC for an abandoned game
Bf1 will never be as good as bf4
it already is and all it took was Back to Basics
you realise battlefield hasn't been good since it went to consoles right? now it's just yearly installments and season passes.
no it's not we're getting Battlefront 2 this year not Battlefield
it's completely different
> yearly
You look stupid trying to act like you know what you're talking about.
Its not about the series post bad company, its about how absolute shit bf1 is. Bf4 can boil down to a shit show but not a casual shit show
well it's an fps designed with consoles in mind therefore it is casual.
>defending BF4
the Zelda Cycle doesn't apply to fucking FPSes you contrarian fuck
Let's be real, Bad Company 2 was better with 12v12 players than current Battlefield is with 32v32. Everything is too inconsequential. What they should do is limit it even further to like 12 players, so it's 6v6. Then expand the number of classes from 4 to like 30 and give each toon their own personality, loadout, abilities, and voice lines and shit.
All im saying...bf1 is the downfall of the series.
BF3 was the downfall of the series you fucking idiot.
>first major battlefield released on consoles
>CoD with tanks
>most major features from BF2 removed because consoles
>arcadey as fuck compared to previous BF games
>shitty map design we want the CoD audience
>DLC out the ass when DICE said they would never charge people for maps
You're underage
>>first major battlefield released on consoles
>>CoD with tanks
>>most major features from BF2 removed because consoles
>>arcadey as fuck compared to previous BF games
>>shitty map design we want the CoD audience
>>DLC out the ass when DICE said they would never charge people for maps
You just described BC2 down to a T.
battlefield 1 had the potential to give the series new life.
EA threw that potential away when they stuck to the trend of closed-off servers (as in servers you can't host yourself and are forced to rent), and no mod tools for the PC version..
I'm talking about the downfall of the Battlefield series. Bad Company was always just a console spinoff so I don't really hold any bad will towards it because it wasn't a mainline BF game.
different user here but "bad company" was a "spinoff" so might be worthy of having those flaws overlooked..
>Battlefield 1 is the downfall of the series
>the 2 main platforms have retained most of their post-launch communities
man it must be terrible if people are still playing it
I really hate Bf1's unlock system, ingame server browsers are nice though
you're nice
Let's not forget what we're here for boys, discussion is great and all but I want my fucking unica 6
what use is a gun if there's nobody to shoot it with
try reddit? I think most of them would probably help you
>implying tasteless plebs are people.
There are plenty playing, just none on the maps I need them to be playing on
is the mateba model 6 unica autorevolver the most aesthetic weapon on the planet?
no, you are
BF4 is by far the best frostbite BF game, in its current state its amazing the CTE did wonders.
BF1 was made to appeal to sub 2kdr (infantry) shitters
Heyyyyyy saw this had had to reply. I play the pc version as of 6 months ago (late I know). All I played was the pistol only server on locker. Once I cane to the hard wall of not being able to grind anymore pistols...(compact 45. Is the last I believe) u wanted the Unica 6 so I spent around 8 hours refreshing the server list until I found a couple of players on the map with the boat in the lake (couldn't remember map nsme) I then proceeded to bait them to the boat, jump in...kill them while in the water and heyyyyyy presto. Worst Carlsen I can try and help you unlock it since your now stuck unable to unlock the sweet 44. Deagle
>BF1 was made to appeal to infantry shitters
>Meanwhile Pilots and Tankers go 100 and 0 regularly while barely trying
Jesus my phone typing skills need work.
>EA shit is already dead
>BF4 is by far the best frostbite BF game
>Bolt Action rifles have a bullet velocity of 280 m/s
>people moved on to the newer game
wow what a surprise, this totally hasn't happened before
CS5 has the lowest bullet velocity at 400m/s with a silencer.
why are sniper shitters so retarded that they dont even know their weapons?
Best Battlefield game coming through.
Nothing was more fun than 3 round bursting everything with the HK51 and its shitty accuracy.
At Launch all Bolt Actions were 280ms except one which was 300ms. The Assault Rifles were mostly around 450ms.
>Best anything
I hate that this game failed. I really liked it and the graphics style really suited it. BF1 has its moments, it helps that I can play averagely at it but at the end of the day the graphics look very artificial despite their attempt at an engine and there's next to no customisation.
Best single player
Hotwire the gost gamemode. Also actual nightlevels that msde nvgs useful were great
>Back to Basics is good
>Operations are good
>Still no Operations with Back to Basics rulesets
just ask reddit
at launch the game couldn't run for 30 minutes without a CTD, how is that even relevant anymore?
wait, mateba exists in bf4?
OP, I would like to help if only my laptop can even run this game
>Back to Basics
>Americans get an infantry variant of the M1903 that isn't available in normal game modes
>Italians get the Russian 1895 because there's no Carcano
>Ottomans get the Martini-Henry, aka the only rifle that can only keep one bullet chambered, so they're at a severe disadvantage against the UK and their SMLEs
other than that it's a pretty good game mode
>people actually like back to basics
>its a shitty version of red orchestra 2
>it didn't count because it's a spin-off
are BCfags always this insufferable?
ask /bfg/, OP
>there are people in this thread who don't constantly blow the whistle when they get to be the Armored Train conductor
Sorry OP I'm playing Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 instead of shitty overrated game from 2013
You're actually retarded if you believe that, serious brain damage.
>id rather play a game worse in every way except graphics because year of release
Battlefield 4 was way worse.
Buy it around Launch was broken and unplayable for SIX MONTHS. Move on on to other games sold the game. EA makes all expansion free buy it once again and it's dead nobody is even playing the DLC maps. Battlefield 1 is definitely better
kek had a good laugh
If you want a better laugh just look at BF4's player count
1/3 of BF1s and its a 2013 release
BF1 is the fastest dying mainline BF game to date lad
>COD with tanks
>it's dead nobody is even playing the DLC maps.
I agree that nobody plays the dlc maps but it is far from dead.
>shitty overrated game from 2013
>Hardline singleplayer
OP said PS4, otherwise I'd help him too.
Its a cool gun, but I like my scoped .44 too much
lol bf1 is dying even faster than bf4
At $45 is BF1 worth it?
>proper followup to Battlefield 2 never
no, buy literally any other fps out there
nostalgia is one hell of a drug, the refraction engine gameplay would be awful nowdays
>Two handed ballistic shield
>Plays BF4 during its infamously shitty launch
>Says the game is shit even though it has 3 years of patches, updates, and DLC on BF1
>Not picking up BF4 Ultimate On sale for 15$
Seriously, I like BF1, but it has loads of gameplay problems and bugs that haven't been fixed since even the Beta.
I'm sure that it will be a great game in a few years once everything is balanced and all the casuals have moved on to other games.
BF4 is inferior to BF3 in every respect. It has worse hit detection, worse lag compensation, shittier shadows, gimmicky speshul devices and persistent bugs like planes' debris staying in the air.
>to get an achievement
Are you autistic?
BF1 will never be as good as BF4 post patches due to the dull time setting providing very little equipments to use, making the game boring.
hell just assault in BF4 can equip many more standalone fully modable weapons than the entire BF1 class roster combined including the """variants"""" of same weapon
BF4 weapons also feel rewarding to learn due to having a distinct recoil pattern as compared to BF1s random horizontal recoil which is impossible to predict, also BF4 weapons shoot where you actually aim.
>BF3s 30hz servers are better than BF4s 60/120/144hz servers
fuck off retard
But you need the achievement to unlock a gun, which you need for another achievement to unlock another gun
having only 6 weapons per class and no-customizable in bf1 is sad and infuriating
the "variant" system is the most retarded thing that happened to the battlefield franchise
>haven't played battlefield since 2142
>kind of interested in playing it again
>have to buy 'premium' versions of each game
>most of the communities are dead
BF4 anti cheat is borked on my computer, contacted their support etc. Apparently it's impossible to fix unless I buy a new game lol
>never cheated in a BF game ever their retarded system sometimes freaks out and you can't fix it
the whole focus on hipfire "trench" weapons is also one of the worse additions of the franchise
especially on pistols that no one bothers to ADS with
and people say its not a battlefront reskin
Never saw the point in BF gun cosmetics
I mean there are no killcams like in COD so there's nobody to show your uber 1337 bling to
BF fags BTFO
>no one bothers to ADS with inaccurate low capacity weapons with high TTK
This pisses me off so much. There is pretty much no reason to progress levels in this game, beyond getting the gimmicky level 10 weapons, which make no sense given that there's no unlocks between class levels 6-9. You don't unlock variants through weapon progression, just by using fucking warbonds. Variants are shit, too, locking attachments behind walls just to pad the weapon list. There would be a lot more reason to play with a certain weapon if you didn't just get all the attachments automatically, and had to earn them. Battlepacks should have been merit based too, not given out randomly.
I sometimes visit the bf1 subreddit and its fucking cancer, everyones defending every shitty aspect of the game and saying its in better state than any other bf or that's their favourite game
>posting a game with a lower player count than BF3
> btfo..!
the voice lines were one of the best things on hardline