The Elder Scrolls

Is there anyone in this game more based than this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

besides vivec?
na not really.
Vivec mastered chim bby.
But man, oh man fyr makes his own daughters and then fucks them all.
He is immortal and immune to corpus, he has access to some of the most powerful artifacts in Vvardenfell.


Fyr is the epitome of our existence

>the only way to get daedric pauldrons is to kill the most based character in the game

>Humans have Pelinal, Tiber Septim, Ebonarm, Reman, and a bunch of others
>Dunmer have Divayth Fyr, Dagoth Ur, Saint Nerevar, and three literal gods
>other races don't have any cool heroes
Are they even trying? The Imperials/Nords/Bretons and the Dark Elves are the only ones worth a shit.

"A gift? For me? How thoughtful. And shrewd. I suppose you know I am a collector. And that such a gift is bound to please me. I congratulate you on your diplomatic skills. So, why have you tried to butter me up? Come to consult the great Divayth Fyr? You have the divine disease? Want to plunder the dungeon? Or leer at my daughters?"


wants to unite all dunmer on da island p.good guy

>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed

I remember it was the first time I got that message.

Those snake tits from that other continent don't have gods, do they?

No. They may have aspects of Akatosh and the like, but only Men-related race have Lorkhan and aspects of him, who is pretty much the only Aedra that cares

m'aig the liar has been in every installment since morrowind...

I don't think so but the tigers can turn into dragons

this threads alright.

Dr. Dag

coldn't you get it in one of the expansions? I remember having full daedric and I certainly didn't kill the guy or cheat it.



>fyr makes his own daughters and then fucks them all.
Living the dream

Are there any notable Argonians in the lore at all? For the coolest race they dont seem to have any heroes or significant individuals


Who are the best characters in Morrowind aside from Fyr and Vivec?
Hard Mode: No Jiub

That's because Argonians have no identity, they're all a bunch of faggot treefucking cunts who deserve to be enslaved

Uncle Crassius hands down

Aryon from Tel Vos, although he has a tiny role. Rare case of a sensible Telvanni Mage Lord.

Almalexia was cool

what do I pick?

Dunmer EP, though alliance is irrelevant.


You can experience everything as anyone since One Tamriel. Faction and race don't matter anymore.

Arginine again left to rot, why?

with the expanions you can complete the set without killing him

You could use Disintegrate Armor and Chameleon/Calm Humanoid to strip him naked without getting killed and then pickpocket him

Race matters in terms of stats, and faction in terms of alliance war. But otherwise, things are irrelevant.

I;m guessing the single one out is Imperial?

Pelin-El, the "Star-Made Knight," " his left hand, made of a killing light."

Pelinal the Bloody, "for he drank it in victory."

Dude's an elf-slaying Terminator from the future.

they have non, even the Red Bramman is implied to be an Imperial


With the possible exception of players known only to the Dark Brotherhood (Shadow-born Argonians are immediately recruited into the Brotherhood), not likely. Part of this is due to the influence of the Hist, which doesn't seem to influence any one Argonian above and beyond the others they can reach out to. Aside from Glim in the novels though, I can't think of anyone big whom stands out.

>ask my friend what race he plays in ESO
>he says he plays a white Redguard
so wuz he kangs?

Redguards are Middle-Eastern. Despite what SJWs would have you believe, there are fair-skinned groups in the Middle East.

Answer the question hotshot, wuz he a kang or not?

I made a nightblade
how bad did I fuck up?

I won't lie, you fucked up bad here

Breton obviously.

Argonians have the Hist.
The Red Guards have a god that can survive the transition between Kalpa and heros with nuclear swordmanship (Even if Vivec and Talos retconned the Red Guards to have lost their knowdlege of aberrant swordsmanship)

Realign your memes, ESO is acceptable now.

>Even if Vivec and Talos retconned the Red Guards to have lost their knowdlege of aberrant swordsmanship

Nope, sword-singing just became a lost art. The specific atomos-splitting move (which isn't really that, it's a bit more complicated), was intentionally forgotten by the original sword-saints who blew up Yokuda because it was too fucking dangerous.

Redguards are culturally mostly middle easten but they tend to look black though.

Redguards are actually Mediterranean culture-wise.

Not him, but you can dislike ESO not because this is popular to hate ESO.

Fuck, they could've been actual kangz. What the fuck.

Some people may accept compromise and pollute their own ideals but I will never accept ESO

I agree. He even lets you take the first swing.

All I remember about him is that once the story was over I killed him for his armor (since he's the only fucking source in the game of unenchanted daedric armor). It was a really bad design decision on their part to not make Dremora lords drop it or something.

That doesn't make you a noble paragon, it just makes you look like an idiot. Especially considering it does most things better than mainline TES.

Sure thing

Nope. Female Argonians are best damsels tho.

Well, Yokuda was a fairly advanced society in some cases, it's just that when you split your continent into pieces, you might have a legitimate reason to cosmically ban the weapon responsible.

because so far the game were set in human or dunmer lands
one game = focus on culture and lore surrounding the region that makes that race culture more deep, when you play Skyrim you also feel the influence of Morrowind, you can choose to roleplay the great houses, temple, etc
which is why shit like Black Marsh desperately needs a game that explores argonian society and culture

>better bosses
>better combat (for what it's worth)
>larger amount of memorable characters
>sneaking and crime more rewarding
>better crafting
>better Thieves Guild
>better Dark Brotherhood
>more skills
>more weapon types
>kept medium armor
>better lockpicking


It's a shame that the lore is awful and it turns what could have been cool areas like Black Marsh into generic as fuck MMO areas

>actually incorporates the weird TES stuff like the spaceships and even shit from train's sotha sil mods

What a qt.

>expecting black marsh to be anything but a shitty swamp
Black Marsh was never cool.

Why are all weird Vvardenfell fauna so cute? Well, with the exception of Shalks and racers.

Shadowfen's technically the Morrowind part of Black Marsh anyway. If the Dres and others could inhabit it of course it wouldn't be the weird trippy swamp black marsh's inner stuff is meant to be, though we do see that briefly with the DB

>implying cliff racers aren't cute

Black marsh deserves to look like shit.

>>better bosses
>>better combat (for what it's worth)
you cant compare morrowind/oblivion/skyrim combat with eso, its different and for me it feels empty
>>larger amount of memorable characters
too bad you are no one in eso world, you will never rule that world
>>sneaking and crime more rewarding
in terms of gold, not gameplay
>>better crafting
last time i crafted something was in morrowind
>>better Thieves Guild
>>better Dark Brotherhood
>>more skills
not really
>>more weapon types
fixed number apart from previous titles
>>kept medium armor
again, this is modable
>>better lockpicking
just annoying, every lockpicking minigame is boring

This is a dumb post.

>too bad you are no one in eso world, you will never rule that world
this is dumb, do you constantly need to be some superhero who keeps saving the world or ruling all of it?

Even the sneak gameplay is better though. It's actually difficult in some cases and has more consequence.
And what the fuck does calling it an MMO even mean for the TG and DB? They were miles better than Skyrim especially, the quests actually involved you know, thieving and assassination.


>user needs to be told he's a hero and chosen by the gods

Did you parents not love you enough?

>Humans have Pelinal, Tiber Septim, Ebonarm, Reman, and a bunch of others
>Dunmer have Divayth Fyr, Dagoth Ur, Saint Nerevar, and three literal gods
>Argonians have Lifts-her-tail
Sounds good.

i use games to escape you faggots, not to be some mediocre niggergorian in a world where pvp is a thing

>you might have a legitimate reason to cosmically ban the weapon responsible.
That's no fun.

>i have to be the chosen one to escape
Wow, you are pathetic.

I've tried to play this game so many times in different ways, with and without graphics mods, and I've never been able to. It just looks and feels like it hasn't aged well and I can't get into it. Does anyone have any advice for enjoying this game in the current year? I really want to be able to enjoy what is apparently the best TES game.

>too bad you are no one in eso world, you will never rule that world
Sometimes I feel like I would like to play a less grand role in an Elder Scrolls game. Not a boring, isolated life like a common person, of course, still a life of adventure, just not the savior of the world and the hero of some prophesy and the greatest swordsman/conjurer/acrobat/etc. alive and the arch-mage and the wealthiest person alive and the proud owner of every Daedric artifact. After finishing the main quest and some other big stuff in these games, I felt the urge to start a new game and focus more on smaller things.

best intro mod?


>Being a filthy fucking Mer
You fucked up

It's not.

Great response.

Fictional character from a play. Try again.

It is.


Stop trying to force it and go play something else because it obviously isn't for you. You're not required to like anything

She's real in my C0DA


Lifts-Her-Tail has long since transcended a mere play.

Nope :^(

Go Jiub yourself you flying fetcher

I Jiub'd your mum real good last night n'wah

She followed me around like I wielded the Staff of Everskank.

To the east

To Morrowind