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ITT: Games with top-tier stories
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Time to wrap this thread up as the two best stories in games have already been posted.
Marathon 1-3 are inarguably the best
silent hill 2 desu
The main story in Torment wasn't even that good. Just served as a vehicle for all the amazing side quests and characters.
>amnesiac protagonist
Yeah, I see what you mean.
>inb4 2deep4you
Witcher 3
someone please sum up planescape's story in a single sentence.
Does that have a story at all?
In the end, nobody can escape their fate.
Ghost Trick
Probably the only game that can beasr Planescape in terms of a deep story.
okay then?
>Teenagers first pretentious story.
Seriously there's nothing special about the story at all, it has reached the point were people are praising the game just because they're suppose to.
Unless you've never read any books in you life ever or are an angsty teenager, the story is just mediocre.
I get the impression it's like xenogears: walls of text. and people think that makes it deep.
What about actual legit deep stories?
atlas-something something atlas something
Maybe its a case where the voice actors carry the dialogue or the fact that its an RPG with loads of side content which makes it feel like a grand adventure? Still havent played it.
Torment turns so many tropes on their heads without resorting to bad humor like so many other games that try.
>Undead characters are some of the most interesting in the game.
>You character wears a loin cloth all game and the best weapons are daggers or clubs
>Your character is responsible for nearly everything bad that has happened to you and your companions
Strange opinion you have, it's good to see diversity in the world.
I never cared for the main story in Torment and hate when that's what it gets praised for. The game is great because it's full of interesting side quests and characters. The Nameless One is just there to bridge the gap between the otherwise unrelated stories of the world and characters.
>Seriously there's nothing special about the story at all,
PS:T is the best collection of fantasy short stories in existance. I hate when people praise the main story because "muh philosophy". Same with Morrowind actually. My 2 favorite games and every time I see people discussing them on Sup Forums they're praising things I never cared about.
OK, which main stories in games do you like?
I like the main story in Torment but it's not the highlight of the game for me. Morrowinds main quest could be non existant and I would still love the game.
Best main stories I have played were The Last of Us and Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons.
Planescape Torment and Legacy of Kain are probably up there. Although, a lot of PST's foundation comes from excellent source material.
KoTOR is an RPG that the main story carries the game. I can't even remember any side quests from that game.
I remember one where you can win some guy's girlfriend from him in a game of cards. It was pure pazaak.
Max Payne 1 and 2. Un-apologetically noir, doesn't do a wink wink nudge nudge, it just runs with it.
>doesn't do a wink wink nudge nudge, it just runs with it.
That's also what sets Torment apart from other games that try to break tropes and be original unlike a game like Undertale.
>Although, a lot of PST's foundation comes from excellent source material.
It also has to do with Avellone putting in months of his own personal time into the project after pre-production was done to flesh it out. I imagine that's why the game feels so tight even if the man himself is credits way too much as if he single-handedly made the entire game.
Despite the questionable translation, it still stuck with me.
>mfw that ending
Yeah, Square-Enix really needs to re-release that game (preferably with a better translation)
avellone was both designer and director for pst which does, effectively, make it his game considering he approved what went in and how it looked.
>responsible for one one of the best stories in video games
>actually advocates we don't need writers and systems should tell players' stories
is he a mad man?
>planescape torment
>KoTOR 2
>fallout 2
>fallout NV
He is god
I liked Wonderful 101 for this reason. It just keeps getting more and more insane, no attempts to validate or hand wave it's just the way it is.
>Get a ginseng tea for your spasnish medieval knight friend who is sick in a hotel room in a highly industrialized chinese city so you can break into a old gothic chinese castle so you can meet the princess of medieval Spain who also appears to be your girlfried vom Underworld.
I really like the game but it's story is the dumbest shit.
>world with literal magic and monsters
How can you not be a fan? Sure, Obsidian's programmers are incapable of fixing bugs or delivering on time, but somehow their games are still the best in their genre.
I think Obsidian sank into mediocrity as of late. They're perfectly content just creating run-of-the-mill titles these days to stay in business. All of their older games had something why fans liked them even though there was a ton of technical problems.
GTFO this game and its story are fucking shit. Nocturne is superior in every way
The best stories are the ones you make yourself.
The fact that every discussion boils down to "de game blame meeeeee!!!!", just proves my point.
It's controversial, provocative, unique and compelling. Genuinely like nothign else in the medium.
>read Aristotle's Metaphysics for a paper
>he tries to explain the diffrence between a single person and people-as-form/idea
>his metaphor is a bronze sphere
Which is a shame because KotOR main storyline is garbage until you collect all the plot coupons
This has the best story Sup Forums. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't