It took almost 20 years after this game's release for Nintendo to create another with non-linear dungeon order

It took almost 20 years after this game's release for Nintendo to create another with non-linear dungeon order.


why does it fucking even matter? just play them in order. who cares? it;s the content of the dungeons that's important, not which order you do them in.

OOT wasn't non-linear. I mean you technically could, but you technically could with MM too.

gonna have to "this" this post

And to do it they removed the dungeons

>OOT wasn't non-linear. I mean you technically could, but you technically could with MM too.

No, that's bullshit. OoT has genuinely meaningful non-linearity in its main quest, many aspects of the game were arbitrarily independent and optional content could even be used to do certain things early. It's not 'technically' non-linear, it is. MM, despite the freedom its sidequests grant, has semi-strict dungeon order, in that you can't do anything out of order without grabbing the main dungeon item.

first youre gonna have to explain why being non-linear is a bad thing

Because Sup Forums told me it is.

ALBW you nig.

Not an argument.

>game does the very exact thing OP talks about
>it's "not an argument" because reasons

What? Link Between Worlds had an extremely non-linear dungeon order. You were set loose once you hit the Dark World.

Google Djipi he does cel shade overhaul on oot and mm

Wind Waker?

No, there is absolutely no way to complete the dungeons out of order in WW. The Triforce pieces, yes (which I feel is a somewhat underrated aspect of the game) but every other component is strictly in order.

I'm plying wind waker HD for the first time with reduced Bloom on cemu. What a game! Can't believe I never wanted it as a kid

Kill yourself

Not an argument.

The problem with ALBW's non-linearity is that all of the dungeons were the same, difficulty-wise.

I want the ability to do dungeons in any order, but I also expect the dungeons intended for late in the game to give me more of a challenge.


that form of b8 doesnt work when they use an argument that completely BTFO you. lrn2meme

Calling OoT non-linear is a stretch.
You have certain opportunities to do one dungeon before another and that's it. The majority of the game, including the actual dungeons themselves, were practically on-rails.

>non linear

Or twilight princess


Seriously, I have no idea what you are even saying. In OoT, the Fire Temple or Well could be completed independently of the rest of the dungeons. In TP, you can't even do anything else without triggering the appropriate story sequence.

IIRC you could chose which order to do mirror of twilight dungeons in.

you have a very closed mind if you can't see the possibilities for epic dungeon design.

what if there were 4 dungeons you could do in any order, and in each dungeon were optional areas with optional content off to the side which could only be accessed by one of the items from the other dungeons

and thus, depending on which order you do the dungeons, dictates which side areas and how many side areas you can go to in each dungeon (none in the first one you do, all of the 3 in the fourth one you do)

depending on the significance of those side areas it could lead each subsequent playthrough to have significant differences when you do the dungeons in a different order