This comes out tomorrow and nobody is even talking about it
This comes out tomorrow and nobody is even talking about it
>falling for the Ubisoft meme
Remember The Division?
Remember For Honor?
I thought it's been out. People have been streaming it for a couple weeks.
I played the beta, not much substance. Was going to buy but not anymore.
It's good-ish
>Generic open world game where you play a bunch of white men killing innocent latin people
Geee I wonder why.
you´re just a weeb faggot not a gamer thats why you dont support western games and cuck yourself with asian devs
being into asian games is like giving your girl to a black bull, you dont support your own nation or the people who make shit in your country no you wanna move that to africa and asia like the cuck you are
Most of the games I own are Western, Ubisoft games scream mediocrity.
Its alright, but im not going to waste my time on it.
u mad mexicunt? fucking pay for the wall and take your illegals back narco scum
latins should all get microwaved they´re even worse than niggers
The Division reskinned edition
You can play as a nig nog, a fellow beaner or a woman
>the division
>Assassins creed
>far cry primal
>watchdogs 2
Ubimeme has ruined ghost recon it shouldn't have be called a Tom clancy games or even a ghost recon
I don't like Jap games, but why should I buy shit western games like Wildlands or Division?
I played the beta for both and to be frank they were lacklustre.
I liked the first 2 assassins creed, especially the first one. I thought that was amazing.
And you're a filthy westacuck who likes being jewed out of your money and supporting shit devs because of you're false idea and delusions of patriotism good job you're just viewed as a tool by ubisoft.
I'm tempted to get it so I can do some co-op shit with my friend on PS4 (enjoyed the beta too), any idea when the game will go on sale?
Or should I bite the bullet and get it for 20% off on Prime in the next two weeks?
AI is shit
not worth $60
Tomorrow isn't the 7th, dipshit.
>Lets take Just Cause, add multiplayer, and make it very boring.
Why would I want them?
That's because it's shit. It's the same exact game as Far Cry 3 mixed with The Division's cover shooter combat. Tedious and genetic as hell, horrible AI, nothing like what Ghost Recon is supposed to be. Fucking die already Ubishills.
so it´s "jewing" if your local workers get paid instead of some assfaggots in china, india or other foreign areas.
nice job with giving your work to pajeets and chinks dumbass, enjoy collecting welfare for next five years while they party hard with the money you cuck gave away from your nation
>drug cartels members dindu nuffin!
>tfw tempted to buy this just because there aren't enough decent games where I can RP as a ghillie sniper with a suppressed rifle taking out enemies silently
bait almost got me there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>arma 3 altis life.
Isn't Ubisoft French?
Pretty sure he wanted to enjoy playing his games.
AssCreed was good until Syndicate, and the first Watch Dogs is great.
The first watchdogs was infamously bad. I'm honestly shocked it even had a sequel
Looks like it'd be really fun to play with at least one buddy but just ok alone. Smart buy when its on sale.
Red Storm (home of the Tom Clancy games) is based in North Carolina. The other two major studios are Montreal and Paris.
What system? I'm on the fence about buying it for Xbox. I will get it if I have people to play with me.
I'm trying to get another friend of mine to get on here too since he has a PS4 and PS+ but for some reason insists on getting everything for PC despite none of us playing on there.
WD was bland as fuck. Outside of your Asian buddy and the soundtrack besides those terrible radio stations theres not much to it. If theres one thing good about this series though its exploring the digital recreations of real world locals.
It only had a shit launch, just like Unity. The sequel is ass.
at least from the beta, its definitely worth a long term time-investment. There's a projected playtime of about 70-80 hours, putting near Fallout 3 in terms of content quantity. This is before the multiplayer or expansions are taken into consideration.
Definitely wouldn't recommend renting it (unless you use gamefly), because the time spent you'd just be paying the same amount at the end instead of upfront. In the end, either buy it now, or wait for a price drop.
>posted as i pre-order single player panty-automata for 60$
I can't believe you are really thinking of buying this piece of shit...
>fantastic 1v1 multiplayer
>tons of minigames
>Digital Trips
Chicago > San Francisco
>downloaded the beta because maybe it's not actually that bad
>Is fun in the sense of just get a friend and fuck around and try to break what the game establishes
>the game itself isn't fun, it's very barebones and shallow, but breaking the way it expects you to act is fun and results in hilarity
>start to remember how good we had it with Advanced Warfighter and Chaos Theory and how high my hopes were for the franchise after those
>start to think about how far Tom Clancy games and tactical shooters have fallen since then
>"you're not allowed to like things or have different opinions" the post.
I don't know how Ubishit honestly thinks it's worth $60 and a season pass. I might buy it for $20 with all DLC included. That's a strong "might".
I saw a few gameplay trailers of the division last night, seriously thinking about picking it up for cheap. Whays wrong with it exactly? Cos it looks good, hows it feel tho
fuck i hate faggots like you. literal terrorists that contribute nothing to society
hope it bombs, the less openworld skinnerbox shit the better
Ubishill the thread, i don't even know why i took the bait it was so obvious
embargoes. i got paid to play it for a few hours and that was enough
It's an Ubi game. Give it at least a couple months for the initial bugs and DRM shit to get worked out.
>There's a projected playtime of about 70-80 hours, putting near Fallout 3 in terms of content quantity.
Maybe its better when I play it on something that isnt the PS3 and get it modded on PC but as far as I'm concern it was dull.
I liked WD2 more though mainly because my dad would occasionally walk by and notice how detailed the recreation of San Fran was compared to how it was in his time decades ago, customization options being more than different colored trenchcoats, and it didnt take itself so seriously, granted it feels "how do you do fellow kids"-tier
>recorded average playtime to complete both areas in the open beta was 7 hours (objective completion, not total playtime)
>there are 21 provinces
Wide as a lake, deep as a puddle.
Why do game devs want to have big open worlds with nothing in them? Whats wrong with having a game thats relatively small but bigger in scope than what it appears with loads of shit to do everywhere in a world where you dont need to stare at a minimap constantly and can remember it by heart, and most importantly doesnt take forever to travel through?
Blame Bethesda.
The thing I hate most is Ubisoft's ass-backwards save system. If you die you will:
-Start from a place you've never been because the game doesn't track your location
-Start with partially completed objectives because you died
-Start with inventory reset to default
-Start with acquired vehicles gone and lost vehicles respawned
-Start at the time of day you died instead of the time of day you started your mission
What is with their obsession of minimizing save data? Do they think PS1 memory cards are still a thing? Or is there nobody in the company who can program a save system? id Software had 6 dudes and Doom1 saves the trajectory of every projectile in the air.
oh hey, totally slipped my radar, but I watched sicario tonight and now I'm hankering for some operating
Im sure he wants both decent framerate abd gameplay
this is a game that would have benefited from arma gunplay
Aside from the nice graphics and great environments, there's nothing substantial about the game at all. Vehicles handle like trash, gunplay is mediocre, the skill tree is absolute fucking garbage and the enemy AI isn't noteworthy at all.
The weapon selection and customization in general is neat though. But playing dress up and gun dress up isn't enough to hold interest.
>start to remember how good we had it with Advanced Warfighter and Chaos Theory and how high my hopes were for the franchise after those
>start to think about how far Tom Clancy games and tactical shooters have fallen since then
See, I'm kind of on the fence about how I feel about it. On one hand, I almost feel the same way you do about the second half of your post, but on the other hand I believe I'm going to enjoy the game a lot for what it is. If you can find a group of friends who take the game relatively serious, It feels more like SOCOM/Ghost Recon than Just Cause/Far Cry.
Let me Preface this by saying that I'm a long time TC fan, and with the exception of splintercell blacklist, there isnt a TC game i dont like, so there's no bias here. As heretical as this will sound at first, it will make sense. In some ways this game is more realistic than future soldier, and yes, even GRAW. In the single player, if you gave future soldier the level of control over your squad like you did in previous games and no regenerating health, people would be lauding it like its the next GRAW. They were very similar in concept and gameplay in that they were basically DARPA tech demos, but Future soldier was a bit more Hollywood in it's presentation.
I honestly feel that Wildlands is a step away from where the series was headed and back to the more semi-realistic roots of the originals. This game stepped away from the idea of always being in-contact or near the enemy in linear or near-linear environments, and doing a more realistic depiction of what US Army Special Forces actually does IRL; drop a small team in a remote region to conduct Unconventional Warfare against an opposing regime or power. The game isn't without faults I concur, and I do believe at some points there is a bit too much down time. If they upped the patrols in higher difficulty areas, I feel like it would alleviate some of the emptiness, though the vastness itself isn't really a bad thing.
>I didn't play the game
I also recommend Clear and Present Danger, and Tears of the Sun.
This is the first time Red Storm did a game with vehicles so I'm willing to cut some slack, especially since they improved it noticeably between closed and open beta, But how they managed to go backwards in gunplay quality between Future Soldier and this is beyond me.
I had fun in the Open Beta. I plan to pick it up later after I finish Horizon and Nier. I can't do 2 open world games back to back.
me and two buddies bought the game since we had plenty of fun operating together in the open beta. i couldn't care less for the sp though.
also if ubisoft is smart they should make a zombie dlc for a day z light and a battle royal mode.
>red storm
Its made by Ubi Paris
Enjoy the cancer.
Well see, there's the problem right there. Theres too much fingers dipping in eachother's pots. Tom Clancy shooters need to be left to Red Storm, because the other Studios can't handle shooters.
Thanks, I will.
this exept the horizon and nier part
because pc is better
Because it's nothing.
It's basically what if a game dev team made of Korean slaves tried to clone MGSV while pandering to the COD audience.
I kinda liked The Division as a co-op game.
>tried the beta because I wanted a more varied MGSV
>everything feels unpolished and glitchy
>controls are shit
>get in car
>controls get fucking horrible
>get in heli
>alt F4 and uninstall
What a fucking waste.
Yeah thats why Ubi Montreal alone created one of the best online FPS games which is Siege
>It's basically what if a game dev team made of Korean slaves tried to clone MGSV while pandering to the COD audience.
this. online community will be dead or at least 90% smaller after like 2 months.
Maybe because anyone who would have given two shits about it in the first place played the open beta and saw that it was painfully mediocre. Even if they're still getting it there's no reason for celebration.
>Watch Dogs was good
It objectively was not.
>It only had a shit launch
And shitty nonsensical plot, poorly written characters, and ridiculous driving physics.
>innocent latin people
Killing innocents gives you a game over man. It's game over.
>released just after 2 of the biggest games of the generation
>response to the beta has been overwhelmingly negative
>just another ubisoft cookie cutter open world games
Sent to die. RIP in peace.
>Objectively not
>Broke sales records
>8-9/10 reviews
Oh yeah dude but Bloodborne is so fucking great yet somehow it only sold 2 millions in a 50 millions userbase
>sa-sales dont matter
Games sell because people like it.
Because the developers refuse to do any of the changes people want
>Are not going to change how vehicles work
>Will not make the game harder by increasing difficulty
>Wont remove the marking system, so you will always have wallhacks
>Wont even let you force a difficulty mode, so while you play on expert the other three players can be on baby mode and never die
>not going to change flying controls
>'cant' let players customize their AI
>'cant' let players remove the AI if playing solo
Fuck Ubiosft, seriously.
Good thing both RE7 and Fot Honor are irrelevant to Wildlands ;)
3 months it will be 50% off, the game wont sell enough to stay alive
>>recorded average playtime to complete both areas in the open beta was 7 hours
No it wasnt you shitposting cunt, that was the average TOTAL amount of play time, which includes people just fucking around in other peoples games doing their missions. Clearing the actual missions took 2 hours, tops.
1x21 = 21 hours of 'campaign'
> ;)
Lel u mad
I appreciate it's existence since my GS will do their 'midnight launch' for the game meaning I'll be able to pick up Nier tomorrow night. #here4nier
>stay alive
Dude, it's a co-op game, not Siege.
Ghost Recon Wildlands is developed by Ubisoft Paris.
Red Storm stopped being Red Storm after they were bought out by Ubisoft and gutted the developer sometime in 06. It's like Bioware and EA, none of the OG devs actaully work there anymore they only exist as a brand.
Alive as in development dumbass. The game will get dropped.
>Wont remove the marking system, so you will always have wallhacks
You can turn markers off from the options. Fuck off counter-shill.
Remember Rainbow Six Siege?
Indeed, it's the same shit as usual. I mean, they struck a pretty damn nice cord with this one, an open world coop game is obviously going to be tons of fun, but then "Everything is fun with friends TM®".
Past the obvious fun, it's just the usual open world model, the same we've first seen experimented in Farcry 2, refined in AssCreed 1-3, streamlined in Farcry 3, and made retarded since Watch_Dogs, Farcry 4 and Unity. Wildlands is an AssCreed with assault rifles, or a 3rd person Farcry, or a south American themed Watch_Dogs.
And as usual, while the graphics are laudable (terrain detail in the distance is stunning even at the lowest graphics settings), sound design is good, music is alright but very fitting, and performance is quite good.
But as usual, gameplay is fucking shite, writing is atrocious, voice acting is abysmal, progression is predictable and boring, open world design consists of pressing F/X near icons on the map, AI is retarded, there's bugs and glitches all over the place, the netcode is still garbage, the UI is generally shitty too which is quite the achievement at this point, and there are a couple more bad points I can't remember right now.
A typical Ubisoft game with everything that entails.
>Turn it off
>Cant interact with AI
>Basic information not tied to marking also turned off
>Liberally cant play the game without it, you have to turn it on and off continuously just to see where everything is
This is how stupid you are. No more replies for you retard.
nice meme
For Honor is actually fun
>turn it off
>a whole bunch of other markers get removed
>cant use AI commands
Fuck off ubishit
>Remember Rainbow Six Siege?
A lot of people do. It's still played by a lot of people.
You can play it tomorrow at midnight dipshit
>Fuck off counter-shill