Fuck, marry, kill

fuck, marry, kill

Marry Velvet, Fuck 2B and kill whomever is the last one.

Kill, Kill, Kill

Whores don't deserve to exist

>no A2
What a garbage list.

Kill Velvet, Fuck 2B, and Marry Kat

Berseria is fucking trash and edgy Millia was a mistake

You'd never have been born then, I guess. But you'd probably prefer that.

Marry Velvet. I don't need to do anything else.

Merry pre edge tier velvet the rest can die

Fuck the Toobster, marry the Tooble, kill the two others.

Kat is 100% wife material I don't even care about the other two

Marry Velvet
Fuck 2B
Kill Kat

easiest one of these of my fucking life.

Marry Kat, Fuck Toobie, Kill Fractured Milla

Marry Kat
Marry Velvet
Holds 2B hands and then cuddle

Fuck Kat, Marry Velvet, Kill 2B (Endless 2Bs)

Used goods, not worth my time.

Fuck Velvet
Marry 2B
Kill Kat

Marry Kat
Fuck 2B
Kill Velvet

Magilou is better.

Why do so many people want to marry fucking Velvet?

Marry Velvet.
The rest can fuck off since I don't care about them.

Fuck Velvet, Marry Kat, Kill unfeeling robot

Fuck 2b
Marry 2b
Kill the other two

Fuck Kat
Marry Velvet
Kill 2B as you cant fuck android

This is the only correct answer. How could you all get it wrong?

Do you expect people who play Tales games to have good taste?

fuck Kat, marry 2B, and kill Velvet because it's the kindest thing that can be done for her

Is the Tales game worth the money if i think Velvet is cute?

Do I automatically become a Shota if I chose Velvet?

Kat is the only girl who could bear your children
2B is a robot
Velvet is a demon who lost her womb

kill the garbage tales game bitch
marry Kat and 2B since there are no laws that say I can't

Play the game to find out.
You won't be disappointed in seeing why she's a wife material.

Seriously, it's quite good. Definitely one of the better ones in the series.

Who's the artist?

>Marry Kat
My nigga

Now that i think about it, 2B is the only one of the three without casual clothes

>wife material
>sewer hobo
>slut robot that loves /ss/

Gee I wonder.

>Wife material
>No womb to have your children

Literal perfect wife.

Enjoys cleaning, doing laundry and cooking.

She's the perfect wife material.

Fuck Velvet, Marry 2B, Kill Kat.

this is the optimal setup

That much Tsun concentrated in one area would collapse time.

Velvet isn't Tsun though.

This tbf

Pre-Innomilaphi Velvet is definitely Tsun.

savage underrated

Fuck Kat, marry Velvet, kill 2B.

Fuck Velvet
Marry 2B
Kill Kat

It's a well known fact robots make the best wives.

confirmed for not playing teh game

>ywn marry Velvet

Marry Velvet, ignore rest

That blindfold can't fool me, 9S is peeping that ass.

Fuck Velvet, marry Kat, kill 2b

Do androids have anything TO fuck, exactly?

Fuck 2b Marry Velvet, Adopt Kat

We dunno. The machine lifeforms don't have genitals but nothing says the androids don't. We also know the androids function lightly on water which means they must produce some kind of waste?

They wouldn't have created an ass or tits if they weren't going to go all the way with a pussy.

Fuck 2B, Marry Velvet, give Kat a headpat and a kiss on the cheek

They got a mouth
You can fuck that
Or get a tit-job
Or an ass-job
Use your imagination, there's more than the vagina.

This is true.

Androids had to look indistinguishable from humans. Therefore they have genitals like replicants.

They probably just breathe it out.
Fun little trivia tidbit - Most water loss from a human body is actually in your breath, not urine or sweat.

kill: OP

Why did the thread go past this post?

Fuck Velvet, marry Kat, kill le ass maymay

Fuck 2b marry kay kill the other one

>fuck marry kill
>2b literally dies after the first 2 endings anyways

What's the point?


>playing a Tales game after the shitshow the series has become due to Graces

wew fagboi

fuck kat, marry 2b, kill velvet

are BRAAAAAAAAPS included in fuck or marry

9S and 2B were totally fucking like rabbits.

I actually really enjoyed this movie.

Marry them all.
Fuck my own daughters
Kill myself for being a degenerate.

Marry Velvet, Kill 2B like Caim's speciality, and ignore Kat.

Fuck Velvet
Marry Kat
Befriend with 2B

Marry Velvet, mercy kill 2B again for lying to me that she was the main character, fuck Kat because at least she was honest.

Smug Velvet just does things to my dick.