Hey Sup Forums,

Just tell me which one to choose, I have lots of buddies on both.

Which is better pls include details

Unless you're a western cuck,or really care about playing with your friends,PS4.
>better graphics
>10x the games
>10x the games

Well, if you wait to get Scorpio
>Better Graphics
>Virtually the same library as the PS4
>Backwards compatibility
>Xbox Game Pass
>Better multiplayer games (Forza Horizon 3, Halo 5, Gears 4, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust, Cuphead)

Definitely PS4

>Virtually the same library as the PS4
What did the fucking moron mean by this

Get the one with the library of games that you like the most

PC, 100x the games, better graphics, controls, etc

Look at the exclusive line ups. Pick which one has the most games you're interested in, consoles really don't have any exclusive features anymore and are simply prisons for games. This is a blatant terrible XD CONSOLE WARRRRZ thread so who am i kidding?

already have one just wanna try out consoles

PS4 no doubt, xbox is just a PC with few timed exclusive games and costs more

The only differences in libraries is a handful of titles

I hate xbone but you can get it for 150 easy

PC has literally zero good exclusives

First person games are cancer

pc or xbox are your only choices

pick one and go with it

OP here,
Already have a pc

You are just going to let the shit collect dust in 6 months. Don't be bothered by it.

Pick up an Xbone for cheap

Xbox controller is a million times better ergonomically. t. Someone with wrist arthritis.

Serious talk op got a pc like you all xbone games are on PC currently for the most part if you want a new experience buy the sonygg3r experience IE the Shitstation 4 its is more powerful and and makes all of its money of fifa and exclusives
Dont listen to this xboner its dumb all worthwhile games are on PC

if you already have pc you have no need of xbox unless your trading in your old 360 for some backwards compatability games and maybe a one off exclusive like sunset overdrive or something. better of pc then ps4 or switch as couch time.

But he wants to get it to play with his friends, Xbone has more multiplayer games than the PS4.
Almost all worthwhile PS4 exclusives are single player.

All of those games are on PC though xboner, and what HALO and uh wait what, nothing he'll be ok, an xbone is a dumb idea for a PC player honestly.

What if he has Windows 7 though? Then he doesn't have access to any of those games.

Dear mods,
This is a flamewar thread. Sure, it wasn't OP's intentions, but they are too dumb to know what they are doing. This shit needs to stop.


Well then get windows 10 shit user, grasping at straws now
Im just trying to help OP not waste his damn money on the same product twice

If you don't have a good PC already get the PS4. I don't own one but you'd have to be retarded to get the Xbone.

Neither. Stop wanting to spend your money on things you don't need.

Do you like weeb games or normie games?

Well, yeah you are right.
I didn't notice the price drop.