Horizon: Zero Dawn is written by the same guy who did New Vegas, it will be amazi-

>Horizon: Zero Dawn is written by the same guy who did New Vegas, it will be amazi-

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redpill me, what's wrong with it?

if your intent is to claim this is SJW shit then i urge you to look at TLoU lore. its the same shit.

as for the climate bit, thats pretty accurate as to how shit will go down.

>as for the climate bit, that's pretty accurate as to how shit will go down.

are you retarded, everyone who in over the age of 5 will be dead by the time the rising sea levels become a problem.

terrible ideas terribly written what's not to love

What's wrong with it? What, Sup Forums is gonna argue climate change now?

Based Nigel.

Climate change is fake news.


Tell that to Michigan's isolated tornado phenomenon for a state that NEVER gets tornadoes.

>What, Sup Forums is gonna argue climate change now?

Yeah. Well, sort of. Even Sup Forums doesn't bother denying that climate change is happening now, but they always find a loophole. The argument now is that climate change is happening, but it's not humans doing it

Some of us have a family and heritage to care about you little shit.

wouldn't pass a seventh-grade english test, but I kinda get the feeling that's what they were going for

I swear to God I don't know why I come to this place.

>Never gets Tornado
>Suddenly gets a Tornado
Explain to me how that doesn't make environmental science into a fake science.

i wonder who reported this even to the public
that's right the lying media

>The argument now is that climate change is happening, but it's not humans doing it

Those fucking lizardmen!

it's not like you've got much else going on

Because the climate is literally changing


Even if Climate Change was real politicizing it is wrong.

the 1970's tho

cant wait for my beachfront property I have up in the mountains

Climate changes everyday, amigo.

>we are GOD's country
>literally have vortexes of wind and hate spawn above you to try and murder you multiple times a year

pretty ironic

Weather changes daily.
Climate does not, it changes over centuries.
Well, until humans started fucking with it.

Yeah it seems that fast fourier transform doppler radar really helped predict tornadoes starting in the late 1970s, which has saved a lot of lives.

The data is still from 1950-2010, and Michigan has gotten a great many tornadoes in that time, so...

F0 and F1 tornadoes are weak-ass shit. As you can see from the bottom, they comprise about 60% of all touchdowns

>as for the climate bit, thats pretty accurate as to how shit will go down.

Man, you must really like that kool-aid, because you're drinking it like a fish.

still way more than anywhere else in the world, it's like the sky is trying to wipe you guys out.

sky's doing a pretty bad job, there are 315,000,000 of us lardasses now

Hard to take the left/globalist seriously about Climate Change when they can't even decide if it is man made or not, or even if it can be stopped.

Not to mention if they do believe it is man made how do they expect every country to comply to stopping it? The globalist/leftist can't even stop China the biggest violators of the environment, but they want to impose the fake news on western countries only?

(((Hmm.))) reallymakesyouthink.jpg

Take this black people!

i can't believe this. that's just rank incompetence.

>when they can't even decide if it is man made or not, or even if it can be stopped.


>The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Fifth Assessment Report which looked at the science of climate change. It is categorical in its conclusion: climate change is real and human activities are the main cause.

>The globalist/leftist can't even stop China the biggest violators of the environment,


You done being uninformed?


White men are evil, only nigger refugees can change the world to a better place.

There was never real contention about climate shift. Only whether it was man made or not.

Anyone who remembers the whole 'Hole in the Ozone layer will cause an ice age and there is nothing we can do about it' shit from the 90's will know it is right to challenge these sorts of claims.

We just don't have the historical data to know for sure that this isn't naturally occurring. And there are far too many vested interests involved in the climate science industry to take this on face value.

You read the PDF report really quickly.

Or you could just be retarded and post coincidence brackets and think that constitutes an argument.

>duuuur america should do something about climate change
>china is the biggest culprit