
>lose all your experience
>get sent back to where you were 3 hours ago

I thought you guys said this was a good game?

Yeah, it means you have to take the game somewhat seriously since death carries weight.

obligatory git gud

>sucking at the easiest souls game


>calling bloodborne easiest while DS2 and DS3 exist


This OP. Once you get into the rhythm of the game it'll be easy a pie. trust me.

Shit thread, reply all to my post to get dubs

>not playing with a keyboard and mouse


Don't worry, even if you find the game piss easy like I did Bloodborne literally consists of running through the same areas over and over again endlessly.

It's like they made a 30 minute game and extended it out another 10 hours by making you replay shit.

Just don't die.

don't die


>get sent back to where you were 3 hours ago
Try 10 minutes.

Exactly when do you backtrack at all in blood borne? It's short but almost every area has a linear progression.

>have to restart section over again
>complaining about something thats literally in every kind of video game
do you want to have infinite health or something?


>Aww, you got hit? Don't worry hunny, just hit them back and get your health back!
>Was hitting them back too hard for you? No sweat, just pop a blood vial! We hand them out like candy so you won't run out!
>Concerned about your mobility? Don't be! Equipment load has been removed as we found playstation players have become tired of managing items, it is 2015 after all!
>Scared you'll hollow out and lose your max health? What is this? 2009? Losing your sou-... blood echoes is punishment enough for our wonderful playstation gamers!

There is equipment load you tard.

When you kill Daddy G.
When you find daughter G's dead body.
When you kill Iosefka
When you go back to the Cathedral Ward after BSB.
Going back for Celestial Emissary and many more bosses.

I haven't played Bloodborne, but I have played Dark Souls 1 and 3 and I agree OP.

I was promised that these games offer a nice challenge and satisfyign combat. But all I found was tedium.

>Go to the blacksmith, have to kill the same enemies over and over again
>want to change items have to kill the same enemies again
>want to level up or repair weapons again? Fight the same guys over and over again

It wasn't difficult. It was just dull. The bosses too; instead of making the bosses have more complex ai and moveset patterns, the way to make the boss harder is having to traverse t he same area which takes like 10 minutes to get to and fight the same waves over and over again. It isn't about skill, it's merely an endurance test to see how long you can put up with the tedium.

I dropped both pretty quicky. Combat wasn't tactical or complex either, it was repetitive and a grindfest.

L A F F I N'

There's a degree of tediousness not really present in other games. It's not like combat in Bloodborne is any good at all unless you're fighting bosses.

Honestly there are few games where trash mobs are as unsatisfying to kill as in this one. They may as well call it Retard Wrangler because the closest to a challenge those dumbshit AI come to being a challenge is when there's 15 of them in front of you and they all die instantly anyway because R2.


Nnnnnnnnno there isn't. You mean inventory limit.
Besides, this isn't the kind of game to focus around heavy armors. Like how he forgets to mention >Can't block to save your life like a pussy.

>Get hit by boss
>Try to hit back immediately like user said
>Boss hits again and kills me

Dks 1 had 15-20 estus flasks, 2 had life gems up the ass and DeS had infinite grass, but it's not okay this time cause this is a PS4 exclusive

Game about fast gameplay? no I wanna wear rocks!

Dark Souls 1 had no hollow system and it's a garbage system that forces you to grind for whatever item you need to reverse hollowing every time you die.

All in all, your points are garbage, it's painfully obvious you're just asspained this isn't available on PC so you resort to blatant shitposting about things that were in other installments of the series.

If you think there is any difficulty to fighting trash mobs in Bloodborne you are legitimately retarded.

All of them follow the same routine -
R1 until Stamina depletion then step back.

Or simply R2 for groups and in situations it just speeds things up.

Bloodborne should legitimately just have boss fights and save us all the time of running through its tiny bland map attempting to be labyrinthian.

>no saves
>have to write down password

>minor encumbrance

Kids these days...

>Find a church giant
>"user said just mash R1 until stamina depletion"
>Mash R1 and get 3 hits in
>Giant attacks and kills me


lmao sounds like you need 2 git gud

>find church giant
>somehow manage through the grace of fortune and divine intervention to not be such a drooling dumbfuck to get hit by his massive attack
>press R2 twice/three times(which can be done before his next windup)
>he dies

You are retard

>Dks 1 had 15-20 estus flasks,

Which you had to earn through exploration. Something too hard your little mind.

>Wah I can't play demons or dark because mummy only bought me a ps4

Cry me a river.

>We hand them out like candy so you won't run out!

Completely wrong. I had to farm blood vials a few times so I wouldn't have to think about them every again like estus flasks.

Bloodborne is the new Bioshock, the pinnacle of being overrated. Not sure by either Sony fanboys or Soulsfags. Probably both.

If you believe there is any challenge in battling boss mobs in Bloodborne you are actually autistic.

All of them use the same method -
R1 until you need to heal then step back.

Or simply summon when you want to finish earlier.

Bloodborne should legitimately just have PvP and save the players the effort of farming its boring bosses pretending to be difficult.

>can't restart from my last autosave/quicksave 15 seconds ago
uninstalled, shit game, I hate it, fucking trash

>post on Sup Forums
>lost dignity

I thought you guys said this was a good site?

But you said "R1 until Stamina depletion then step back" which is what I did and ended up dead, so now you're saying I have to learn to dodge attacks?

I don't find it hard though, merely repetitive.

It is though, with the way enemies keep respawning after killing them.

>game is dull
every game where grinding is allowed ever
I hope you learned a valuable lesson today

>few hour game at best

>30 to 40 hour game

Nice point, kiddo. Good try, but *psssh* nothin' personal.

Are you retarded?
>Through exploration
You literally just offer humanity to get 5 more flasks, 3 humanities lets you get 20 flasks, and you can easily find humanity everywhere.

What the fuck are you talking about? I played every game in the series that's how I can tell you're just assblasted you can't play BB at "4K 144FPS" or whatever number you jerk off to.

The game does encourage you to grind the fuck out of it though. They knew what they were thinking when they made it so you're about to begin through a new area and suddenly you have fuck all for damage output.

Can you play it with trash damage output? Yeah. I got snatched at a low level and still killed everything. It's tedious and lame as fuck though.

The game not only encourages you to grind, it persistently guarantees that you should never be too much of a shit eater to fail because you can always go level a bit(something i dont understand because I haven't even died to bosses in the game yet and I'm up to Rom)

This is pasta ive seen this thread around 4/5 times in the past 20 days

maybe you should try gitting gud. You gotta be fucking up somewhere in order to have the enemies respawn.

What's it like playing Vidya in your late 30s?

I never said bosses are challenging, Bloodborne is "babies first game with savepoints"

Bosses are the only AI of interest in the game though.

"And R2 when it expedites the process"

Accidentally quicksave a nanosecond before you die

I died a few times, but most of them were just me wanting to level up or changing equipment or kindling a bonfire. It's like the most blatantly artifical way to add extra hours to your playtime.

the enemies aren't THAT much more difficult in a new area. You're probably missing a weak point or missed some upgrade materials in the last area.

Everyone who has played all of them will call you the retard you are. 5 +4 estus flasks are more powerful than 20 vials when bloodborne is built around getting hit all the time because of how fast the enemies are

You can make a quick save with an usb drive tho

no, it's a way to organically get the player to master an area. Or, git gud. So git fucking good. Playing through an area 3 times isn't a grindfest because you're making progress towards the boss, always seeing something new.

Somebody is mad they're stuck with only one souls game due to no backwards compatibility. I can play demons and dark all day, best you got is sotfs and bb.

Nobody says this site is good

Do you need a picture of my ps3 or are you really that retarded? and Dks is available on PC so it's not something worth bragging about.

The intent is for you to find upgrade mats as you explore new areas. If a progression zone is too difficult, you're supposed to do an optional area to gain echoes and mats.

>Playing through an area 3 times isn't a grindfest because you're making progress towards the boss, always seeing something new.

Fighting those shitty mobs was tedium the first time, and it never gets better. It gets measurably worse each subsequent time because there's actually nothing new to see in them.

Yeah a broken version that crashes if you slide down fucking ladders.

>Fighting those shitty mobs was tedium the first time
Then stop dying

You need to be over 18 to post here.

If someone can't afford to buy a used PS3 if they SO DESPERATELY NEED IT ON PS3 to play more From rehashes then they probably shouldn't be playing video games.

This is what autism looks like

You have to be retarded to die in Bloodborne.

Forbidden Woods was the biggest disappointment in the game. Celestial Emmisaries, those snakes, what useless trash mobs.

It's a shitty mechanic made to be "punishing" but is just used to add up hours to your playtime. Notice how most of the best bosses in 3 don't have that bullshit, but let you respawn right before the bosses and instead of wasting your time traversing the same areas over and over again they make the bosses have more complex movesets and and better ai and more phases. (SoC, NK, Sister Friede).

I sit down to pee now. Urine jus comes out of my pee hole in spurts. My prostate just ain't the same.

yeah dark souls 1 and 3 and 2 are pretty mediocre

name a better arpg

The point of the punishment of the "grind" is to get good. Pussy millennials want everything handed to them. This is why competitions with actual skill are very popular in video games.

Deus Ex, Diablo, Path of Exile.

The only 2 bosses in Bloodborne that I found tedious to run to: Shadows in the main game and Laurence in the DLC. It's certainly nothing like DeS bosses.

Go play path of exile then. You have to beat the game three times to get to endgame content, but that isn't a grind right?

They could've also had a good story in reason to have them constantly respawn in game. It just felt so blatantly artifical and game like as well. For a game that tried to keep it immersive and engrossing by tying gameplay elements int othe story. Why do these fucks keep respawning, but not the bosses?

3 hours ago when you're so shit at a stage you die repeatedly and have died in the same place. I think that's what OP meant.


Deus Ex is a regular rpg, not an arpg. Diablo and POE are totally different games compared to Souls, so much so that I can't compare them in a fair way.
you got me there

>tfw the Doll will never be your GF


That's fine and all but it's not like Bloodborne requires any skill at all.

I've died maybe two times through the whole game. Once because I wasn't aware a blob of shit was supposed to fall on my head and it held me down and raped me until I was trapped between a rock and it as a rat went to town. Being unable to escape something I had no way to avoid being 1.

The other one is because I had no idea that niggers had instagib cannons and he also surprised me. Another threat that, without prior knowledge, I had no way of knowing about. There's also the guys right before rocket man who throw the molotovs that can instagib you if you just walk out into the water.

The only real threats in this game are the ones that you can't really anticipate until it happens. Even then, it's still a piss easy baby game a la Legend of Zelda.

DS3 is most definitely the easiest souls game

The run to Nito in DaS1 was the worst.

the story reason is that they're not respawning and you're killing different enemies

It's easy, just don't die.

You have to kill pinwheel dude

Your massive gaming skill is too much for Souls games, congratulations.

Unless you're implying that BB is piss easy but DaS games aren't in which case you're just crazy.

I'm saying the difficulty of all From games is a meme.

DS2 is the most difficult souls game and yes Bloodborne is really the easiest. 20 estus from start, rally mechanic, VERY forgiving parry system where you don't even have to be in front of the enemy to do it, beast bosses that are a joke due to the stagger mechanic, removal of ways to customize your character in favor of non permanent features so you can't fuck up in making a shitty build, all this shit ads up.

OP is a faggot.
Everyone post your favorite experiences while playing Bloodborne.

Oooorrrrr or or
You don't grind and most litterally git gud
You can grind, get better at the game, get lucky, or do all at once
It doesn't force you to grind, after playing all souls in order multiple times since demon's release I of course needed no grinding and just took one trip through
It's 'tactical' in the sense that you can force the enemy to move in certain ways then attack during openings, the gameplay has its flaws and it's definitely not for everyone, but it is by no means grindy unless you're going for an item you already know an enemy drops

They require bare minimum of attention and reaction which is more than most mainstream games do. Thus the meme.

Most people play these games for different things, like exploration, setting, boss battles, fun weapons or whatever, if you want to prove your skill go play fighting games.

The weeping sound at the end of Ludwig's intro gives me goosebumps.

It depends on your style of play, really. I certainly don't find Bloodborne hard, but I don't know how shitty your build needs to be to have any trouble in DaS3 at all.

I'm not gonna lie mate, the main bloodborne game was piss easy to me but once I got to the dlc I just couldn't get past it so I stopped playing. I guess I'm a shitter.

But stagger requires a lot of technical ability to use, they don't even prompt you to respond when the enemy starts to do a thing so you can instantly drain all its health. It's like a patricians Assassins Creed.

I got most frustrated with the run to S&O, mainly because I was using the first bonfire you get in Anor Londo because I didn't realise there was a closer one because I'm a fucking retard. Running all the way across Anor Londo every time I died was fucking soul destroying, especially considering that by the time I'd get to the boss, I hadn't fought it for a couple minutes and had forgotten what I just learned from my last death. That run alone almost made me quit DaS1 (though admittedly it was mainly due to my own stupidity).

>if you want to prove your skill go play fighting games.

But apparently these are the most perfect fighting systems ever developed.

The only reason the DLC's difficult is because it uses the absolute worst method of increasing difficulty in a game: increase enemy health, increase enemy damage. The first enemies you encounter can kill you in a couple hits even with an end-game character. The only way to be a high enough level to be dealing and taking a semi-reasonable amount of damage is to do the Chalice Dungeons, and who the fuck wants to do that because the Chalice Dungeons are literally the worst thing ever put in a Souls game aside from Bed of Chaos.

Bed of Chaos run was also pretty bad, unless there was a bonfire closer that I missed.

I'm convinced BoC wouldn't get nearly as much hate as it did if the bonfire wasn't so fucking far and if the floors resetted. Going in then immediately swatted into the holes 5 seconds after you make it there is probably why it's so hated.

You're welcome to argue with strawmen in your head any time, no need to post on Sup Forums for it. Or you can samefag and false-flag too, that's what all the cool kids do.

I'm operating on the impression that the fanbase leaves it with.

You might have stumbled upon the great realization that videogame fanbases in general are often retarded, deluded and also consist of a lot of children, good job.

It's true chalice dungeons are repetitive as shit. They got old fast even with increasing difficulty I just lost interest in advancing in them because they all felt the same.

It's admittedly the worst part of the Souls games. Making the player go back and do something monotonous for a while is not a good punishment for death, and it doesn't make for an enjoyable game. Especially considering the developers are actively trying to kill players as much as possible (by their own admission). I don't have a problem when games have small margin for error, or when they have a high price for failure, but when they do both at the same time it's just tedious and annoying.

Wut, ds2 is much harder with limited movement, ultra slow estus drinking animation, and a hollowing effect similar to the demon souls soul form, 50% of the hp cut out if you hollow.

Bloodborne and ds3 are much kinder to new players.