Please Sup Forums tell me what other games should i get. I really like these

Please Sup Forums tell me what other games should i get. I really like these.

Also got Saints row IV and Gat, but I didn't like those


el witcher edicion completa.

Well my friend, I would be dumb not to recommend the NEW Nintendo Switch™, along with the greatest game to ever grace this planet since NEW Super Mario World, and that of course is the BRAND NEW The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! Of course I don't have to remind a PRO Game® such as yourself to also acquire the Nintendo Switch's Pro Controller along with a rechargeable grip and a neat pair of Joycons™ in your color of choi- oh I'm sorry sir, I've mistaken you, please come back once you can afford our products, we'll make sure to optimize our UI to your language of choice.

apparently the spanish dub is better than the english one. also not interested in nintendo products until i have kids

Get Horizon or Nier tomorrow (or both) and Persona 5 next month.

I'll get at least Horizon and Persona (and Nioh) at some point, I don't like the way Nier looks. But what about all the older games? is Horizon the best I can get for the PS4 today?

I just noticed you don't have Bloodborne.

What is it about Nier which you don't like?


Man, can't wait for P5 to have a reason for owning a PS4 again.

get D44M

from what i've seen so far graphics seem a bit outdated, not a lot of variation in enemies/landscapes

ive read a bit about the author and it seems the story is charged philosophically speaking (which i like) and i guess it should have good gameplay but the visual part is offputting to me

CoD series
Assassins' Creed series
Batman Arkham series
Skyrim Remastered

I dunno, what else is popular?

>CoD series
>Assassins' Creed series
>Skyrim Remastered

I don't find appealing DOOM or COD not really into fps, I guess Far Cry Primal was the exception cause I really liked the tribal theme.

Asscreed Blackflag looks really good. Gotham city looks amazing in Arkham Knight but ive read the batmobile sucks. Should I get Skyrim? wouldn't it be like playing an old witcher?

I'm recommending games based on his tastes, not based on whether or not they're good.

Skyrim is only good on PC imo. Black Flag is the best of a shit series so take that into consideration

nobody mentions fallout 4 or MGS TPP even if they were GOTY material, i guess they werent as good after the hype

Trust me, Skyrim is nothing like an "old witcher."

MGSV is very recommendable. It's just not game of the generation or anything like that.

Personally, TPP was a great game but it was such a large disappointment for me as an MGS fan. Fallout 4 is just shit desu

I would have mentioned Fallout 4 if I'd thought of it, but no, it was never good. You might like it though.

Where is black hand?

I recommend Horizonte Alba Cero, Inexplorado: La collección de Natán Dráke, Transmitido por sangue, El Racheto y Clanque, El Nióh and Lobezno Vital: A Todo Gas

The Order 1886

Ps4 pro price drop/bundle when ?

Infamous and expansion

Never played any MGS and im not very fond of war games, but this one intrigues me. I've heard gameplay is really good and the trailer shows interesting themes in the story

Ratchet and Clank
Until Dawn
Resident Evil 7
Horizon Zero Dawn
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor
Final Fantasy XV
Infamous Second Son/First Light
Metal Gear Solid V/Ground Zeroes

This one never seemed appealing to me, judging by the creatures and overall design, but I know it's an "important" series

MGSV is no war game. It's goofy Japanese shit where you can have your horse shit on the road to stop a vehicle and then attach a balloon to the vehicle, kidnapping the people inside of it and then brainwashing them into joining your army.

MGS V had the best gameplay in the series no doubt, it just had dogshit pacing and writing for a Metal Gear game. I'd still recommend it tho

yeah i was definitely thinking about giving a chance to the older uncharted games, bloodborne and nioh... ratchet and clank seems like kids stuff

really? i only see people and critics shitting on this game. it doesnt look half bad visually. I was more interested in Until Dawn for the "movie game" experience

Where the fuck is your black hand? MODS

>kids stuff
Come on now, even if you don't like the aesthetic of the game it still is a great addition to your library

>kids stuff
back to r*ddit

>This one never seemed appealing to me, judging by the creatures and overall design
yeah the "wasteland/miles of garbage" type world is just miserable to look at for hours on end

>ratchet and clank seems like kids stuff
R&C is one of playstation's best franchises

the order was most likely a shitpost
it's like suggesting someone play knack

If you liked Uncharted try rise of the tomb raider
Also Horizon

Please do not buy the Order

>he doesn't like Saints Row

saints row is a mediocre open world game with a bunch of meme garbage thrown shoved in your face

Infamous Second Son / First Light
Dying Light Definitive Edition

I forgot dying light was a thing
that's one I never see get mentioned