I want to get into the Atelier series, would Totori be a good place to start?

I want to get into the Atelier series, would Totori be a good place to start?

if you like autistic shopping list simulators, sure

Rorona Plus first.

Every atelier game boils down to being a shopping list simulator.

The only thing that makes it a "game" are the deadlines, which only encourage the player to minimax the same assignment over and over until he can plan an optimal path to make the most synthesized items in the least number of days.

That's not fun.
You can't even fall back to the graphics because they're incredibly minimal and empty and the gathering states feel more like someone's shitty Unity project than a full price console game.
Anyone who thinks this is fun is incredibly autistic.

Start from Mana Khemia if you want a good jrpg
Start from Rorona+ if you only playing for cute girls.

>I want to get into the Atelier series
No you don't.

Fuck, the games have time limits? Never mind then

Arland trilogy

Rorona+ -> Totori+ -> Meruru +

Dusk Trilogy

Ayesha+ -> E&L -> Shallie

Skip sophie.

the new ones don't, but they're really bad and the pacing is shit because there's no time limits

Why would you start in the middle of a trilogy? Start a series from the beginning. Either Rorona, Ayesha, or Sophie.

Atelier is fun because its a relaxing slice of life anime in video game form

>I am fucking retarded

Kill yourself.


don't forget
>you need a player guide to get the true ending
>you can get locked out of the good endings for being too good at the game
>you need to get an exact number of assessment stars to unlock the true ending

What? Its true. Events happen as time passes, where different characters are doing different things each day, and you learn a little bit more about these characters as you interact with them from day to day in between filling out jobs given to you. That's fun, or at least something I think is fun.

I'm always getting mad at people claiming atelier Sol because I started from iris and MK and playing them solely for gameplay and music ever since.

What convenient timing, I just finished building the ship in Totori.
Marc best boy

Does it work kind of like how Radiatta Stories did where every character had their daily routine and you can choose who you interact with? Kind of want to grab Firis to fill this deadtime until P5

Only Mana Khemia has something similar, other ateliers all has.a little differentt time mechanics but in general you consul time when you do some actions such as fights, gathering, traveling and alchemy itself. Sophie doesn't have any time limit, Firis only have time limit for like first half of the game and I wouldn't recommend playing Firis before Sophie as they heavy tied by plot.

Sorry for retarded grammar, I'm mobile poster.

That's the hardest one

I never played Iris, but MK is pretty SoL. I mean, it's mostly just chilled out school life. They do come up with more serious plot stuff at the end, but it's kinda shit and detracts from the game, so whatever. Everything else is just a school full of idiots doing idiot things.

I'm more mad at accent being made on Sol like its the main reason to play atelier.

It's a decent starting point and the first one I played (barring Iris, which sucks). Rorona Plus might be better, though, as it's the start of the Arland trilogy.

Mana Khemia has better combat, but I think the Arland games are otherwise superior.

It's worth noting that there is never a clock ticking down or anything like that. You aren't rushed. Time only progresses when you commit to an action. The time management aspect is based on planning, not speed.