You literally can't make a valid argument against this perfect game
You literally can't make a valid argument against this perfect game
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Looks like ass
low resolution
sage for gookgrind
It didn't teach it's younger brother any valuable lessons
It's ugly.
Only thing I don't like is that you have to really on town portals so much during boss fights. Maybe I'm just bad but I had to leave boss fights every five seconds to heal on everything past act 1
Rectum worm cave.
>muh graphics
Some runeword and cube recipes are ladder only but if made in ladder carry over to non ladder
The droprate on high end runes
Stash entirely too small
Duping is still possible 17 years after release
Game is still great though
Playing solo hell just to realize that every nigger has immunities that you just can't kill because you played fire sorc. I felt cheated. I never used a guide until years later.
It's not this one
Median is literally diablo 2 improved in every single way
I think in a lot of ways it was a step down from Diablo 1.
All you need is PlugY, and the HD fix.
who would win?
Act 3.
I mean, come on. Playing it alone can be quite dull.
Druid best class.
Olbblo would win easily. Look how scary he is.
>horrible balance between on uniques and runewords
>many skills are laughably broken
>implying olbblo stands a chance against lord of d
I'd argue that its Diaaid since he is the lord of d.
I've started up the game and gotten to duriel and quit like 5 times as my necros then I played a druid and stopped at 3. Idk why but I'll get so into it in the beginning but after the 2nd act I just get bored.
Only the first 2 acts are nostalgic to me for this reason.
>tfw no one will remember the ancient BloBlo OC
>tfw can never find it in the archive
OlbblO could be concept art or even in the base game
among others
>- Mana burn should supposedly drain mana based on their damagex4, but apparantly melee monsters drain mana based on their damagex256 (effectively always draining all your mana). This makes energy shield nearly worthless for pvm purposes.
This is a christian imageboard
The skills being broken is the point, considering the absolutely ridiculous enemies you get later.
the first one was better
>Hammers ignore Demon and Undead immunity
>Vampire mode having the same run/walk speed
>Creatures which either are lightning enchanted or naturally emits sparks when hit (various scarabs) add all other forms of damage they have to the bolts.
>Two aura's granted by equipment stack
>listing attributes that aren't even in the game without modding
>Curse Resistance Glitch
This list makes some good points, but holy shit is it filled with things that aren't bugs and things that are just useless nitpicking.
Act III is a fucking slog.
Really good game, I think character customization would make it even better.
Nox is better
I need a bit of advice.
I'm stuck in act 4 because I can't kill packs of mobs in the sanctuary without having to tp back and forth 20 times in order to buy pots and rez my act 2 merc.
Multiplayer isn't an option since I'm playing with mods (plugy and resolution).
Playing as a lvl 23 fireball sorc (planning for meteorb), and my only items worth noting are Leaf (on a shitty staff with no +fireball but I couldn't find anything else) and Stealth (80def, best armor I could find with slots).
I've got one point in static shock which is useful for bosses, but the range is so terribly short that using it on packs of mobs is suicide.
Venom lords soak up so much fucking damage. It's ridiculous.
This is the first time I've gotten this far in the game and it was a lot of fun getting here, mainly because I just teleported past everything and only killed bosses/uniques/champions. But now I've hit a roadblock and I don't know how to proceed.
What do?
only the first part really. the jungle is annoying to navigate, but kurast/travincal is fun
>having trouble
>as a sorc
>in normal
I used to think that act 3 was horrendous and so I'd quit playing whenever I'd get there. But it's really only the jungle portions that are annoying. Kurast is fucking rad.
Now act 2 on the other hand...
Go back to act 3 and grind a bit?
Or speak to akara and respec your build.
It only gets more crowded from here user, your days of teleporting to safety are over.
wouldn't know since I couldn't stay awake thru act 2
>>maggot lair
>>arcane sanctuary
There were some pretty cool locations imo, it was the enemies that made 2 annoying.
>>scarabs shooting charged bolts everywhere
>>ancient ones reviving everything while hiding in a tight hallway
>>stunning sneks thatll fuck you dead in seconds if they all charge at once
And lets not forget that fucking awful chill aura on duriel that makes kiting a nightmare.
graphics are dated
onlines full of hacks
combat is a bit simplistic and the same goes for the quest structure, essentially the whole game is builds and blasting through monsters with clicks
while this is fine in the case of diablo 2 it should be remedied in future titles, instead of taken as a divine commandment never to be changed
diablo IV should probably be third person, but this doesn't mean it has to be a dark souls clone, and it should focus more on your first playthrough being a difficult ordeal rather than something you just do to get started grinding (this doesn't mean that you have to cut out the grinding component, but it should not be given as much of the attention pie as it has been)
Does not work with the latest D2 version.
This, I do love both though.
the graphics are totally fine for a 2000 title
I tried killing Mephisto a couple more times in the hopes of exp/items, but I've had no luck so far.
>It only gets more crowded from here user, your days of teleporting to safety are over.
Well fuck
Defense is a useless stat.
>better armor makes you dodge stuff better but you still receive the same damage
What's the best Diablo-like game? I'm tired of Grim Dawn and PoE's skill tree gives me cancer.
>have to spend hours using crappy skills
>if you invest in skills that help you out for your current level you fuck up your end game build
>once you suffered 8-12 hours of grinding and you finally get your good skill you just spam 1 skill the entire game with potions and destroy everything
Strangely enough i really enjoyed Diabo 1 a great amount. I guess that's cause most of the focus was on the atmosphere and i didn't feel locked into a certain play style due to the lack of talent trees.
Titan Quest.
If you want no story and just go dungeon crawling try Fate, Din's Curse or Torchlight.
If you want to play through a story try Torchlight II, Victor Vran, Van Helsing or Sacred.
Other similar games would be Konung, Inquisitor, Siege of Avalon, Divine Divinity or Dungeon Siege.
Wait for this.
Do the thing that everyone else does.
You keep playing over and over till you fucking beat it you dipshit.
Jesus what a waste of fucking text!
Old and Boring.
I'm having more fun with the new Legacy League in Path of Exile.
Absolute boss taste, listen to this man user
Diablo 1 has great atmosphere and a decent plot, not to retarded or comic booky, gameplay is pretty bad, game is overall pretty basic and lacking.
Diablo 2 has awful repetitive and boring gameplay, everything looks the same, the classes are all dull and boring itemization is garbage items are bland stat increases 9 times out of 10, classes are unbalanced and some builds are completly usless, the atmosphere from the first game is gone and the game looks and feels like a saturday morning cartoon, the plot is deviant art levels of awful and it rapes the lore hard and the game offer's absolutely no challenge
Diablo 3 (RoS) has great gameplay with plenty of replayability and loads of extra modes, plot and atmosphere is better than 2 but not as good as 1, music is amazing and fits really well, classes are very well done and play differently from each other, spells are all useful and satisfying, the game has great items with loads of depth and customization and no one build or class completely dominating.
The only people who think D2 is good are the casuals with nostalgia goggles on, D2 was casual garbage back in the day and it still is now.
What asshurt blizzdrone started this "switch place with d2 and d3 in copypastas and images" meme?
This, but a little less harsh
You're still a dipshit though, how hard is it to grind lol
Have you actually played D3?
It's one of the single most dull modern games I've had the displeasure of playing. The expansion also didn't fix shit.
Older than sit shitting
Worse launch than D3
Broken stat system
Poorly designed quest rewards
Might the most supported/patched game in history... still has balance issues
Trading inventory space for power (charms) is poorly though out
and this isn't even going into the issues with an overpriced "must buy" expansion.
How do I stat my summon necro? I see conflicting opinions wherever I search.
enough str so you can equip the things you want to equip
enough dex to max out block rate
rest into vit
no energy
stand still in combat so your block rate doesn't get fucked
It wasn't even bad for a one time playthrough and one season at least.
I wish they hadn't removed trading though. I love roleplaying as a Traveling Merchant that hopefully becomes rich someday from the spoils I had collected. Removing trading killed that for me. I'd be more inclined to play if they hadn't. There's really no reason for me to ever again.
Iron Maiden debuff was horrific.
D1 was better/thread
I'm a fucking retard and I forgot that regular monsters have resistances too.
No fucking wonder my fireball isn't doing shit when fuckers have 70% fire resistance.
People crying about graphics are cancer, no amount of high end detail can compare to solid gameplay, FF15 is a perfect example of a polished turd.
Fuck off drone no-one is buying it.
Multiple immune monsters break the game's fun. It can be difficult to play a Fire sorcress when everything in Act 4 is immune to fire.
LOD & many patches actually made a lot of poor choices & regressions
D2 1.0 is probably the best way to play it solo & pre 1.10 for MP, but the latter is impossible sadly
It's a good game, but where's the fun?
>The droprate on high end runes
this shit was ridiculous. i put years of gameplay in that game and never once found any of the higher runes.
also having to click faster than the 7 other idiots on your party to get loot is the dumbest shit
This. It got a dungeon crawl fighting hells monsters right unlike Diablo 2 which is just cutting through swathes of guys. Then all these loot clicks decided to follow Diablo 2's example and you walk somewhere and get swarmed.
It's not mobile and the graphics are a bit dated
why did diablo 3 suck so much? i didnt even bother buying it because how horrible everyone said it was
You can only grind well with a Sorc and nothing else cause of TP
the combat and gameplay is dogshit.
it was fun when you can be a lance whirlwind barb or a frost orb spamming sorc, after that they changed a ton of shit and made it all dumb and shit idk.
it's pretty fucking boring You doing same shit over and over But yeah in first walkthrough it's one of most atmospheric games
Its not perfect. Its very good but not perfect.
>enemies have unbreakable immunities
>resistance pierce mechanic is not working at all
>magic skills do not scale with magic mastery
>no items/passive skills that give said mastery or resistance pierce
>disfunctional skills are present
>unless modded, stash space is absolutely insufficient
>more skills could be introduced to increase class/build variation
Still, for its time and even now, it is a great game.
Ridiculous tiny chest/stash.
i remember i had one of the best double throw barbarians in the game with a top clan who had all the best shit.
shit was so cash just doing act5 boss over and over again farming loot, then i didnt play for a while and my character got deleted automatically with all the good shit and they stopped talking to me irl cus they were mad lol
It's very unbalanced as there are only a few viable builds that can reliably take on the harder difficulties.
The min/maxing is atrocious, most skills are useless, and it's a boring grinding slog.
>trying to pvp in this game
ya nah lol
I remember thinking it was a little too bright. only the fist level had a good atmosphere.
Never played this genre Sup Forums. I am interested though. Is this the best game to start with? What do I need to know to git gud?
Parents take note: this is what happens when you drop a baby on its head- they grow up and have shit opinions like these.
You just described the build for every character in Diablo 2.
It reeks of the 90s.
Path of Exile is better is nearly every way. The only thing Diablo 2 has is a better soundtrack and overall nostalgia factor.
Still my second favorite RPG.
There are people in this thread right now who didn't main Necromancer and didn't have an army of skelebros.
Act II is shit.
>what is bowazon
So you need to play co-op to get the most out of this game?
>droprates on runes and uniques
>overpowered runewords
>ladder only items, runewords and uber content
>synergy patch number creep
>immunities, combined with synergies and number creep, and resistance lowering abilities not working at full power against immunes
>majority of skills have broken math of bugs that make them competely useless
>numerous gamebreaking bugs still 10+ years after release
And the game still manages to be the second best in the genre after Diablo 1, other games are just that much worse.