>Flight attendant: "uh excuse me sir but you cant play that here despite the false advertising, its interfering with the aircraft and also arent you a little too old for those toys?"
>excume me s-
>plane crashes
>only one survivor in the wreckage
Is this a Bane reference?
What did he mean by this?
Uhhh... you don't get to bring joycons
You can turn off airplane mode on cruise stage. It's only forbidden during take off and landing.
Mobile gamers are so autistic.
Class action lawsuit for false advertising when?
I literally bought my Switch to be as comfy as planeguy is.
>thinking plane mode makes a difference
Is this how Americans think?
>Thinking you can't use radio signals during the actual flight
>Thinking wifi on airplanes doesn't exist
Airplane mode is to be used before taking off/landing.
>plane stops for gas
>everyone gets out to stretch
>play with your toy on one of the benches
>get back on the plane
>look for your toy
>it's not in your bag or in your hands
>the plane driver refuses to go back and let you look for it
Thanks, Nintendon't
>plane brakes suddenly
>the poorly balanced nintendo toy is hurled forward
>hits the pilot in the back of the head
>he makes you get off right there
I can't wait to see this happen to some Nintenbro who thinks he can play with his toys wherever he wants
>Implying Americans can think
Holy shit does anyone else think that the stand thing looks flimsy as fuck?
>Plane makes a turn
>Switch falls off to the floor
>Screen cracked
Why can't you use phones etc during flights tho?
Airplane mode is only required during takeoff and landing, but I wouldn't expect a flyover to know how planes actually work from the inside.
To avoid electrical infetterance
I don't think that's a word.
So you pay attention during the safety brief. They "allow" you turn them back on after take off and landing
The stand genuinely is flimsy as fuck, the GiantBomb footage showed how bad it really was.
Nintendo opted for a shitty plastic screen (that scratches extremely easily) because they knew that everyone would have massively cracked screens if they dropped their Switch even once.
They're not my joycons
Was the ''plane'' yellow and parked in the street?
It's amazing how dumb everyone in this thread is.
Nintenklumpfs btfo
Don't worry, no charge for them
And why would I charge them
Fuck y ou
You're a long guy
He did it
What an amazing shitpost. It's the best I've seen all week now.
> glorified maid jelly of disposable income
The worst part is that stand does't even work on a flat surface let alone a fucking moving plane, does Nintendo think people are that fucking stupid
This, whenever the plane accelerates, brakes or turns, that shitty stand would fall off
Put me in the screencap
I want to be on r/Sup Forums
Made me chuckle desu
That's a big post.
>Attendant notices your switch during penis inspection
I should be flying a fucking Airbus in 2 months, and I still have no idea if these signals actually effect anything.
Can't wait to become a captain, so I can play games during the flight and no one can give me shit. Airliners these days basically fly themselfs in cruise.
What master plan are you thinking of?
One day everything will be on autopilot and then Skynet will make its move
It potentially could but the chances of it happening are so slim unless someone is deliberately trying to interfere with avionics somehow
they just rather be safe than sorry
iirc the FAA was considering rescinding the rule entirely a while back
If someone deleted one of your posts would you die?
It would be extremely disappointing.
You can have airplane mode on and still use the bluetooth though, it's a setting
Airplane mode is a meme and if planes actually crashed from the interference they would crash more often than they do because there's much more interference coming from the outside the plane. Nothing will happen to a plane all of sudden if a device is using 2.4 or 5 GHz frequency. The while thing is there is because people are paranoid by the safest form of transport.
Nope, bluetooth needs to be turned off too.
anything that emits a wireless signal of any kind needs to be OFF and PUT AWAY
t. former flight attendant who's gotten into arguments (mostly with Americans, surprise surprise) about this. The alternative to not being able to browse your goybook or play your virginity protector is being ejected from the plane and pissing everyone off for delaying the flight while flight marshals or security throws your ass off the plane.
Every airline has wifi now you dumb faggot. Nice LARP
A&P mechanic here. Some autopilot systems are very, very sensitive to any number of sources of interference. Even the screws that hold the indicators in place need to be made of brass so that they don't cause any magnetic interference like a ferrous material would. That said, it is most likely just the FAA being paranoid as usual. Not that I disagree, paranoia keeps people alive, but you'd have to be putting out more than any normal cell phone could to have an effect on autopilot systems.
But don't take my word for it, considering avionics is literally the only thing on an aircraft I as an A&P am not rated to work on. I can install and uninstall but anything more is above my pay grade.
Which doesn't get turned on until after takeoff
>nice LARP
You have to go back.
>plane stops for gas
Unless if every single person on a plane was on a phone call at the same time it would Maybe effect the systems. It would do Jack shit if one person or a couple people were on their phone or tablet, also
>using a job as a flight attendant as credibility for knowing how flight systems work
not all of us can live in 1rd world countries where your planes can go to their destination in 1 run.
The absolute mastermind.