Horizon Zero Dawn beats Zelda to No.1


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>literally came out a day before the chart

She did it!


Hilarious considering UK voted yes to Brexit because they didn't want any more muslims.

This seems VERY unlikely. I've been playing Zelda titles for years, and this one is by far the best of the bunch. This is probably some kind of reporting error, as I have not yet played Horizon(which looks fun), but the two games are simply not comparable. Just look at the reviews. 9. fucking 8. Need I say more?

Does she have sex with any black guys? This is important I only buy games to indulge my cuckold fantasies.

You are not playing it now are you nintenbro?

Ps4 has a huge install base and Sony have been pushing it hard....of course it's gonna outsell Zelda. Not to meantion it came out earlier too.

>Switch zelda not even in the top 10



Well no fucking shit, the Switch/Wii U install base is 17 million at best.

The chart is for the week ending March 4th, so its day one sales for Zelda. Also its the UK, Sony central.

Lmao! What about
what about the fucking console that people bought for this game? the wii u? you're telling me the attach rate is that shitty with a """"""""98"""""""?

You mean FIFA country where everyone buys Sony instead of Nintendo and Microsoft?

Wow I'm so fucking surprised.

>aka Sonyfag HQ
Can't say the britbongs have good taste in movies or immigrants.

>this mad
Cry more pls

Its just that the UK doesn't have the "muh Nintendo" nostalgia America has, so very few people care about Nintendo games outside of a few gameboy hits like Pokemon.

When the nes was really successful in the US everybody in the UK was playing videogames on home computers, the only Nintendo console that ever really took off in the UK sas the wii, but that was only casuals and grandmothers who didn't care about real games, or Nintendo characters and they have no brand loyalty.

Quite frankly I would have been really surprised if horizon didn't beat out botw in the uk

So does that man Zelda is dead and done?

>i-if we just d-dont count the sales of places where nintendo lost t-the math adds up to botw > horizon

What's the big deal? It only came out 3 days ago and Horizon has been there all week. It's actually really impressive.

Master System was selling hot in UK even in the first 3 years of the 90s.

>Bomberman in top 10

I'm glad my classic Muslim game is still appreciated. Or maybe it's just europe

>Game thats been out for a week outsells game that's been out for one day

I'd be surprised if Horizon manages to outsells Zelda by the end of the week.

Zelda will sell copies two to three years forward and Horizon Dawn will be forgotten in a month

forgotten because there will be a new elusive by then, enjoy playing breath of 20 fps until sony finally buys nintendo, lmao


You might recognise the master system as a Sega console...

The basic point of my post is that people in the UK have nostalgia for the first home computers and dead console manufacturers like sega, I'm sure if sega or Sinclair made consoles today then people in the UK would be gushing about them like most of the Americans on Sup Forums gush about Nintendo

>like most of the Americans on Sup Forums gush about Nintendo

The case of Nintendo in USA is interesting. The thing is most people like Nintendo because of Mario and portable gameboy/gba/nintendo ds

People born from late 80s to 1995 are very pro-Nintendo because they grew up watching pokemon and playing Mario kart




>Switch sold around 80k in UK
>BotW was included in 75% of those sales
>60k sales were enough to get to second in the UK charts
>Fifa 17 was top last week

What the shit is happening with the UK industry?

That's because none of that shit matters. It's a videogame.

300 halal pounds for a tablet is quite expensive

Sold out
A copy is 80-100€ right now on amazon

Coming from the country of bad decisions, I don't think that means much.

Filthy jew detected

>Only counts day-one sales for BotW
Wooow, really makes me think.

No one other than die hard nintendo fans care about any nintendo games except pokemon, which is the one franchise which will NEVER get a full fledged console game from nintendo. What a backwards ass company.


Britbongs aren't into playing with kids toys as much as amerifats.

Don't know how accurate this is, but if it is accurate, I would blame it on the fact that PS4 has sold way more than the WiiU or Switch so there's more people to buy it's games.

Nintendo didn't know what the funny E symbol meant so they sell it at 300 there too


why should anyone care what people in the UK think?

Nintendo because that's where money comes from

Looks like the Silent Majority has made themselves heard once again.

So why does a single country matter? Wouldnt the global sales matter more? Not saying this to defend Zelda, but in general about all games.

>where money comes from

Do you think Nintendo is any more relevant in the rest of Yurop? cause ive got some bad news for you

Money comes from everywhere you goof


They are into cuck toys instead?


Europe still isnt the entire world. If Horizon sells more globally, thats what it does then. One country's sales just really doesnt matter jack shit.

Sony always


Said by a flyover kek

>Look mom, I photoshopped the User Score to be blocked! SONY BTFO ETERNALLY, UBISOFT ZELDA BEST GAME OF THE MILLENNIA, WASHINGTON POST SAID SO!1!1`1`11`1`1`1


>getting this butthurt over a metacritic score, critic or user

>literally Sony Shill Country

Why am I supposed to be surprised?

If anything this means Nintendo is gonna give you guys the shaft again. Enjoy SMT5 a year after release.

>look mom, I found one of the many shill accounts from either side of the consolewars review squads! I sure showed that sonybro who's boss! LOL!!1`11`1`1`1 HOLY SHIT DO YOU SEE THAT MOUNTAIN? YOU CAN CLIMB IT!!1`11`1`1``1 FOUR BOSSES, FOUR DUNGEONS, FOUR THOUSAND ACRES OF EMPTY LAND!11`1`1` BTFO1`1`1`


Why are you so mad over a video game?

t. Asshurt Sonyggèrs

HZD is superior to shit old Zelda in every way

>Being this mad

Let it happen Nintentards.

Great news.

I plan on picking up my copy today after work. Fuck nintendo and their army of paid shills on this website.

Why ARE there people who blatantly bomb and ruin the point of the userscore metric by posting 0's for retarded reasons anyway?

I find it hard to believe anyone pays them to do that, it seems not worth any amount you'd pay someone and where do you even recruit for that kind of thing

what is the point of this action, why does it occur

>us nintenbros would never do such a thing!

>look mom, I can ad hominem and call others angry on the internet, surely this will justify how GAME OF THE MILLENNIA ZELDA IS. YOU CAN DO ONE OF THE 1,620 5-minute Half-Life-era physics puzzle "shrines" or even climb some Totally-Not-Ubisoft™ towers!11`1`1 GAME. OF. THE. ERA. DEAL WITH IT SONY PONIES. BTFOOOO

You really are angry over a video game. Why? Didn't Sony just win like the link in the OP states? Winners dont have to be angry, they are above it.

Exactly. So why bait?



But winners are above catching baits too. It just shows how insecure the poster is if they get angry even after their victory.

Also in Japan


Alright calm down, go back to playing tetris graphics Zelda on the >6.7

>Look mom, I have a master's in Psychology and can assess a total strangers' mental state from anonymous imageboard postings in a bait thread!

Have you considered that I'm not angry at all, I just enjoy triggering retards like you who drink my piss-posts like swill, because you're gullible die-hard fanboys of dead-10-years-ago IP's like Zelda?

Nintendo literally shit down your throat with this release and you're swallowing it, tears of joy in your eyes, as you beg master for more of his brown love goo.

>Nintendo can't even win on their home turf
That can't be good

In terms of launch titles, I think the Switch wins. I don't think Knack could stand up to BotW

The Japanese has shit taste too.

Watching white paint dry on a white wall stands up to Zelda

PS4 also launched with Killzone and CoD, Fifa and shit.

>Complains about getting btfo by ad hominem after using strawmen and ad hominem to make his """"""point"""""" throughout the entire thread

Just you wait Knack 2 is gonna blow BotW outta the water
Everyone has shit taste

It's an understandable outcome for two reasons.
One is that the Nintendo fanbase isn't as strong in the UK. It's weaker compared to the US.
Second is that it's a console launch title, the Wii U install base is pretty low and to otherwise play the game you need to buy a system, not even during the holiday period mind you.
The PS4 having a solid install base had the advantage here, it was a single game purchase compared to a game and system purchase.

>The Japanese has shit taste too.
>English motherfucker do you speak it?

God, what a shit country

>grew up with Nintendo and had every system up through Wii (console and handheld)
>fucking hate Nintendo and shitpost about them constantly

I can't exactly pinpoint where I began to hate them
Somewhere around 3DS launch

>oh shit an ms paint comic.jpg

You also assessed the fact that I am a fanboy from my posts even if I didnt show allegiance to any particular brand. I really cant hold it against you though, this clearly matters more than I imagined to you. No idea why, but hey its Sup Forums.

> Third party game beat zelda

probably at something specific but damn.

Both are average open world games that provide nothing new that i didnt already do 5 years ago in far cry 2 lol.
But horizon at least looks impressive on a graphical and technical level and has more enemy variety lol

>week ending March 4th
So not even two days? Why do these shitty magazines lie?

kys fgt

Not an argument

Yh and Zelda is targeted at 5 year olds but is played by mentally stunted men

>B-b-but I don't even care... I'm just shitposting responding to every post because it's uh, it's Sup Forums... yeah, mom, i don't even CARE!!111`1``11` BTFO, STUPID ANGRY INTERNET STRANGER1`11`1` YOU CARE SO MUCH AND I CARE SO LITTLE~````, WOW REKT BTFO FOR CENTURIES

>Sony have been pushing it hard
you say that as if nintendo wasn't pushing zelda as well

I'm not here to argue i'm here to call you a fucking retard for trying to get an ms paint argue for you