Would a Dune (((open world survival))) RPG work?
Would a Dune (((open world survival))) RPG work?
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Sometimes I think I am the only human being who genuinely doesn't like the Dune universe.
who does? it's fucking boring desert.
Isn't the planet entirely desert or equivalent?
That's because you have shit taste
>open world
>in a vast universe
>wants one open world
Dunedrones are the worst
You big dummy!
Someone give me quick rundown on Dune.
Everyone wants a drug that only exists on one planet in the entire galaxy.
the spice must flow
the sleeper has awakened
walk the golden path
>open world
Pick one and only one if you want this to work.
On paper, yes, in execution - not at all.
I still wish someone bothered but a Dune game with mainstream aim is bound to be the worst thing an actual fan can get.
Becoming god is a huge dick move.
Or becoming a huge dick is a god move.
read the fucking book, nigger
Everyone's fucked in the head
graphic detail about how shit and piss can be filtered in special suits.
some fat guy who can't walk.
david lynch.
glowing blue eyes.
spice must flow
giant sandworms.
Spices and big worms
the shitty dune movies not Dune.
HYPERION cantos is vastly superior
A science fiction universe that focuses more on the evolution of cultures and religions than on the evolution of technology.
There is a forty four point nine percent chance you are a harkonnen spy.
it would be boring as fuck
the old adventure game by cryo is probably the most you can get out of it.
I reckon it would be like the Mount and Blade Persistant World Survival mod.
this, also the drug literally allows space travel. Not just imaginary but, like, for real dude.
I'll never get over the bald BGs
It really doesn't work well when everyone including me wanted to fuck Jessica and the later introduced bene gesserit were even lewder all the time.
>still hasn't been ported to Warband
pls don't remind me
where did these guys even come from
and I don't mean the planet.
Honored Matres are the perfect evolution of lewdness.
It can work if you are not playing as paul. Or really fucking anyone of actual book importance. The best way to handle Dune character rpg game would be to make a player one of the Fremen who later becomes Fedaykin. Also would be a nice way to show what the fuck happened in jihad followed the first book.
I couldn't help but keep imagining the old bag of bones matre in a leotard so it was hard to be interested, Murbella was pretty hot.
They were like Westwoods original faction do not steal.
Indeed, trying to lead the main story could only lead to disaster.
But letting us exist alongside the story - taking place in the timeskip that Paul spent in the desert, participate in the Arrakeen rush and all that would be top stuff, and it wouldn't have to retcon the book lore just to make some cool stuff for us to do.
Spice Marines
>open world survival
>open world
A Dune MMO would probably work.
Open world would be boring. It would be a mix between Red Faction Guerilla and Far Cry 3 (I'm sure you can appreciate the similarity with the story).
Rpg, yes. Open world, maybe. Survival, no fuck off. As other anons said, it would have to not be the story of the book though. Would probably work better as a tabletop game though
annoying fremen locals get in the way of two factions trying to mine the best resource on the galaxy.
>tfw want to find and read a physical copy of Dune
>literally all the other useless Dune books except the original Dune everywhere I go
How the fuck?
Needs to be a VN with separate disconnected routes.
>Bene Gesserit Route
>Fremen Woman Route
>Fish speaker Route
>Honored Matre Route
turns out it is all just Leto II spending time in his memories and seeing into the future
can someone explain what dune is? it it a book? a movie? a table top game? and where should I start
>no Harkonnen slave boy route
Its not okay how hard I got at the thought of Piter as a slender smooth brown boy with glowing blue-in-blue eyes.
Dune is a series of 6 books written by Frank Herbert. The first one (called simply "Dune") in particular is often considered to be the best science fiction book ever written, and is an all-time bestseller. I suggest starting with it.
There's also a movie based on it, but it's not very good (but has some good visuals). There are prequels and sequels written by Frank's son and a professional Star Wars/young adults fiction writer. They are generally considered to be not very good.
All of those. You should start with book, Dune is first one, then Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune. You can safely stop there, but if you want to venture in even deeper mindfuck you can proceed with Heretic of Dune and Chapterhouse Dune.
On that note never ever touch anything that is not wrote by Frank Herbert and takes place in Dune universe.
That scene where Alia works off her pent up sexual desires by training naked made me diamonds.
This artist actually made and is almost finished with his dune porn game.
Its called "behind the dune" if you want it.
okay, got it, gonna go read the books but before I start, does it have like a grand overarching story? or is it more small stories, hate starting series that has cliffhangers
Book by frank herbert, get it and read it, thats all there is to it
1 and 4 are contained stories.
2 goes into 3 and 5 goes into sort of 6.
So stopping points would be 1, 3, 4, 6.
It kind of does. It's a bit awkward to explain, but the first book has a pretty clear ark on the surface, but there's a bit of unfinished-ness to it. Books 2 and 3 tie it up, then 4 comes and completely ties it up 4000 or so years in the future. Books 5 and 6 were supposed to be parts of another trilogy and the ending is very cliffhanger-ish.
They are mostly self-contained arcs, but the first 4 books is "the story", despite the changes in cast and time. The 4th book is probably the best stopping point.
The other 2 books was basically the start of another saga like that but Frank died before getting to finish it, but they are still very interesting reads if you are already in the Dune universe.
The rest is not worth reading/watching.
1 is not really contained, you really need to read through first 3 to get the whole idea, and while you are at it, might as well read 4, because it is a best fucking book in the series.
Sorry for the late reply:
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal bloodline
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
You and everyone else.
Alia became such a whore by the end it was hard not to think how does an old fat perverts deviancy get channeled through such a tight pretty young body...
Thanks for the replies, gonna try to find time and read the books
Enjoy, its amazing stuff, really an experience instead of just a "good book".
Open world in a somewhat controlled form as Dark Souls 3 or something could work. Otherwise not, it would be too barren. The DS3 design also helps with storytelling and such
>Game instakills you if you hold down w for too long
>open world survival
can this meme stop?
That is beautiful, wish i had thought of it
The movie was fucking GARBAGE, but did anyone else love the mini series?
Also Dune doesnt lend itself well to videogames at all. The entire series is about political intrigue.
>You play as a Fremen
>The worm riding ceremony is a QTE
Probably because the novels themselves are dry as fuck and only appealing if you have an imagination to capitalize on the worlds they paint.
They were literally born and raised in France lmao it's their native language
>That scene in the first book where the woman and her husband on the Harkonnen homeworld plot to steal Feyd-Rautha's sperm to continue the Bene Gesserit cause
I've only read the first book but it sure has alot of action as well. Several different factions - Harkonnen, Sardaukar, Atreides, Fremen, and you could probably introduce more.
The fighting techniques could lend very well to a game and there even is "magic" and lots of other stuff.
It could be SotC-style, but yes it will most likely be a QTE
>The fighting techniques lend very well to a game
What the fuck are you smoking? Dune would make a horrible game.
You can't shoot anyone because it would make a thermonuclear explosion, and you melee would be terrible because you have to move like a fucking snail to get through their shields.
There's nothing in the dune universe that would lend itself well to a videogame.
You're going to get sick of the word "jihad" by the time you finish the series, believe me.
>The movie was fucking GARBAGE
You mean the David Lynch one? It's a fucking masterpiece.
shoot stuff that isn't shielded, different fighting depending on shields
Yes please source us.
you cant use shields on dune outside the shield wall.
here you go. kek
Who else fucking loves Miles Teg?
You can use shields in the desert, they're just dinner-bells for sandworms though
You can, but they can be knocked out by storms' static fields and they will attract worms. But you can, for example, put one on a thopter, though they didn't do that in the book.
He's great, although his power came out of nowhere. What Frank's son did to him in the final book is shit, though the entire book is shit enyway.
Fucking lecherous twats.
No official release yet but v11.3 is on swf chan or gamesofdesire.
Thanks dude.
What is the golden path?
giant death sand worm shit found on one planet in the entire universe allows FTL and is a super drug
Everyone wants it.
>tfw remember that old Dune point and click game like I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
>tfw still have it on physical CD
>saving the game never worked so had to go as far as I could in one sitting
>could never finish it
>still remember getting to the point where Paul becomes a Fremen
>still remember flying the orni into the fish's mouth on the map
>still remember all that spice farming on the map, as the Emperor keeps raising his shitty quota
>still remember the music and atmosphere being godlike
So good.
I'd rather have another RTS
The series of actions that will lead humanity to unification, not only with itself but with the universe.
Leto wanted to transcend humanity into a god like consciousness.
Anyone else hype for Villeneuve's attempt at Dune?
>in the book children should be like 12-13
>in the series they are clearly at least 17, if not older
Everyone forgets spice also allows you to live hundreds of years.
Mini series was amazing, it just needed a bigger budget.
I loved the probe agony because it was a freak accident and gave a cool counter to the spice agony the bene geserit use. Never read he sons books, never will.
>"hurrrrrrrrrr open world games are sooooo coooool eveeeeerythiiiiing neeeed to be open world"
I fucking hate nu/v/
he wanted the opposite of unification. He wanted humanity to scatter in every direction so nothing could possible take it out. He didn't want humanity to strive for godhood, the whole point of what he did was to make it so humanity never trusted another messiah or self proclaimed god ever again.
It's Avatar but with a Desert planet instead of a Jungle planet, giant works instead of giant birds and the locals only have blue eyes not blue everything.
the dino de laurentis film was awesome
the vile monstrosity of the alan smithee / david lynch abomination they CUT his film down to is a shitheap of fuckery.
>I'm a GENIUS! I'll just cut all this fully completed material out of here, here and here, and there too, !!! DESTROY THE MASTERS! Yay! Now the film makes no fucking sense at all.
>blame DdL and get away with it
Until the thinking machines showed up again. After that it was all about unification.