

men need approval like women need security

Me on right

>Women have big vaginas

That is some legit cute shit OP.

I want to penetrate those cats

"Women who like to be blacked"

t. 4.5 incher

>This is why I only date small chicks

>Ideal Penis Size for Women
this can be read two ways

>Good at videogames
He's always been shitty at videogames, in every single one of these comics. He has such shallow taste and so little respect for the medium, and the joke of a lot of the comics is that he's shit at videogames (he even thinks Dark Souls is HARD), but it's all okay because he's a cute cat. Can cats really be so egotistical that they think they're "good" at something when they're not?

sweet is best cat and I wish I could be his concubine

Literally the only people I ever see denying this are women.

>It turns out the woman was pretending to be a man in disguise.


Do you hate lol threads?



But if every male lies about their Penis size, does not that mean women would think that the avarage penis is is much larger than it actually is?
If they hear that everyone says their penis is over 8 inches but in reality is around 6, that would mean that most women think that 6inch penises are in fact 8 inches long.

guys deny this all the time

>girth is more important than length
>6.5" is huge
>If I can make my girlfriend orgasm with my fingers, then a five incher is enough.
As a female these are all true though????????????????????????????

The one about "average sized penis feels better" is only slightly true. There is such a thing as "too big" but it's towards the 8.5-10 inch range.

Wait what.

>small-dicked forever
Where's the button to die, my friends.

Why hasn't anyone posted White Korra yet?

>Girth is more important than length

That's why I always fuck in landscape.

because this is a sfw board and I on;y have lewds

It all depends on the girls Vagina tho. If someone got a tight and small vagina you don't really need that big of a Penis.
But if you're fucking someone with a loose and big vagina(slut) your penis better be large.

>Set an unrealistic standard for women
>Less then 3% of men can actually claim to have 9 inches
>Sell them oversized dildos

I think I see what they're attempting here.

So women are basically saying that average size is way to small?

Really gets the noggin joggin. Well if it's any consolation I think average tits are way too small. :^)

Take one for the team user.

kinda doubt that, no girl actually gets upset when people make fun of dick size like you do.