I just started playing this shit knowing I wouldn't like it but I have nothing else to play...

I just started playing this shit knowing I wouldn't like it but I have nothing else to play. For some reason this pissed me off because it's fucking stupid.

>At red rocket
>"dogmeat found something"
>thought I checked everywhere
>dogmeat runs to magazine rack and barks

Todd Howard directed this game didn't he? If I ever see that fucker in real life I'm sacrificing my freedom and tearing into that cunt like a zombie.

what are you trying to say

yes ? and ?

He mad.

Yeah I guess I'm just an angry cunt and this game doesn't help. It all started when the vault tec rep said "A better future underground"
I hope they were being retarded on purpose.

Very mad.

Honestly whenever I've played Fallout 4 Dogmeat always went to the medical box or whatever the fuck outside of the building, not the magazine rack

>Todd Howard directed this game didn't he?
Yes he did, and guess what, you better buy another copy of the game plus all the DLC or you know what will happen.


Don't do this, Todd. They should have executed you after Skyrim. I'm still wondering who's worse. Todd Howard or Sean Murray. They're probably the same person.

That's what pisses you off about this game? Time for you to disregard the memes and just play the game, see what aspects people were really complaining about. protip: the dog isn't one of them

Some of the dialogue choices in FO4 sound like they were written by a literal 14-year-old and that's coming from somebody who likes this game somewhat.

What was the one option you could say to Kellogg? "When I die, I hope I go to hell just so that I can kill you all over again" or some stupid edgy shit like that. I'm not kidding.

> using any companions other than Codsworth

I just started playing yesterday but I've watched my friend play a fair amount. But I get really nitpicky and shitty about tiny things in games.
It's mostly because you know Bethesda isn't some tiny indie company, they have the money to fix tiny shit.

you think that's bad? I played this trash on the PS4. after sending dogmeat back to the gas station so he wouldn't die the dumb creature disappeared from my game. gone, that nigger died on the way back to his planet or some shit. sloppy ass piece of trash game.

lol I'm using the PS4. I would still be using Xbox if Microsoft didn't ban me for their mistakes. But Xbox is basically a "family TV streaming simulator" anyway

I'd use him if you could give him gear

>Master Fuckface

I'm traveling with Valentine because he's recommended for Fart Harbor but after finishing it I'll go back to [/spoiler]traveling solo so I can sneak better[/spoiler]

Automatron lets you replace his body parts.

>Turn Codsworth into a sentry bot

Every time.

Is the Automatron DLC worth it? I only bought Far Harbor

FH is great, Automatron is good, Nukaworld is middling
Don't bother with the crafting DLC

It's pretty alright. Makes robot companions worth it and not fucking worthless on Survival.