Sup Forums told you the game is shit

>Sup Forums told you the game is shit
>play it
>it's good

post it
god of war for me, whole trilogy is top tier

the new one looks really shitty tho

God of war is the only series for me that fits the bill, but I never played DMC trilogy or ninja gaiden so I'm probably wrong anyway

Sup Forums is almost always right


I've been wanting a God of War game set in Norse mythology since GoW 2, but not like this.

not like this

God of war shits all over dmc and bayonetta in every department except for the combat system.

such a shame.

lol no

Nice argument.

I especially like how you brought facts and examples to show that user how wrong he was.

>god of war


Combat may be pretty simple but it is still enjoyable for me.
Tonight i was fighting with Hercules and shit was so dope with the music, area, amtosphere and even the final qtes were hypy as fuck for me.

I found leaving this site altogether helps you enjoy video games more, nothing but bitterness and hate here.

I really do feel sorry for any of you who spend your whole day here.

See here, this user has no argument so he posts a smug anime reaction meme and calls OP names, sad!

I think Devil May Cry and Bayonetta have better characters. But thats only because I think Dante is a rad dude

Yeah the game is too easy and yeah its literally impossible to die unless you want to, but i still had fun.

Same, it's my favorite series to play on ps3. Only the main trilogy though, I haven't touched the psp games or Ascension.

>Mash of Square

GoW II Is my favorite one and then 3 which one do you like more?

Dark Souls games are like pizza.
Even when they're bad they're still pretty good.

You posted your own opinion without any arguments to back it up, why the fuck would you expect someone else to put in more effort into their reply than you do? Fucking retard.

I watched an old room mate playing god of war once and it just seemed like way too many quick time events

god of war is qte the game

Not him. Don't even agree with him.

Try again. Maybe next time sound less like an upset autist. : ^ )

>kratos is always screaming
>you can just win the game with square square triangle
>open every chest and door with smashing a button (GOW1)
>GOW2 ends with cliffhanger
>rage of athena in GOW1 is extremely slow to charge but at a few points you almost need it to succeed
>more advanced moves only become available when you level up your weapons, a replay is fucking boring till you can unlock some new stuff
Its fun to explore and some moments are great but its combat isnt that great. And thats the main portion of the game

Brutal Legend, but it's just decent overall

If you're playing it you're going in for the story, setting and metal aesthetic. The shit rts battles don't ruin anything, in fact they're a welcome break from the equally shit action game it is the rest of the time.

pretty much any game with microtransactions

>Expecting people to state opinions whilst creating arguments for why in a subjective manner which is already mundane as to why you would even do it because it is an opinion.

Haha! Look at this gay candyass jabroni. I bet he argues about colour preference.

You mean you have enough taste to realize the new one is shit, but not enough taste to realize the one you like is also shit.

>somebody actually believes this

The reason why you think so is because your taste palette is of both a plebeian and a philistine, faggot, as you're used to eating shit and are comfortable with it.

>he's one of those retards who thinks "objective" is a synonyms for scientifically proven fact and you can't have objective opinions

and it has pretty good cinematic scenes

yeah, just platinumed it. pretty fun.
I don't care about pvp shit so maybe that's why I don't see how it's so bad.

>Sup Forums told you the game is shit
The only people actively shitting on GoW on Sup Forums are Ninja Gaiden fans. They actually think their izuna drop simulator is in a anyway deeper or better than GoW.

But DaS2 has the best PvP in the series.
If it had a red eyed orb it would be perfect.

>objective opinions
>objective opinions
>objective opinions
>objective opinions
>objective opinions


1. (of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Yeah...? Are you ESL or just straight up retarded?


You probably enjoyed DS3.

I learned to never listen to Sup Forums's opinion on popular games ever again.

So a Reddit thread then?

>Using nu-definitions because nu-males used a word enough for it be considered official


>His looks were very haggard, and his limbs and body literally worn to the bone, but there was something of the old fire in the large sunken eye notwithstanding, … - Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, 1839

Hello rebbit

Sup Forums loves the Witcher series, 3 included. You must be a horrible regartes newfag to think otherwise

nice try tod


>Implying he used literally as figuratively

So cute! Skin can literally be worn to the bone if you have no fat. Try not to prove my point, nigger.

I don't enjoy Soulsborne because I'm not spastic. You probably enjoyed Minecraft.

>God of war shits all over dmc and bayonetta in every department except for the combat system.
God of War was sort of cool when Kratos actually had a reason to be angry.

Then they made like 5 more and suddenly having Kratos being angry all the time got really annoying.

I still cant believe what they are doing to the franchise.
Im mostly a PC gamer but i bought console up to the last to play some exclu and GoW3 was literally the only reason for me to buy the PS3.

I dont understand, if you want to go the TLOU way and shit at least make a new IP or even a spin off...
I mad they call what they showed GoW and the bearded dad Kratos. They shit all over the lore and the previous games...

I enjoyed the world design and implementation of lore.
I'd buy an artbook

The best thing is that they are making a big point of Kratos having a son but he already had a fucking family and this somehow have not changed him much, despite him loving them

But yesterday I read some developers diary by some nu male who said
>durr having a son changed me so much that I want to show this on Kratos example

fuck these guys, I wont buy this new GoW.
3 had perfect and complete ending anyway.

>Square button benchmark simulator

God of war 1-3 were great
The PSP spin-offs were also not bad

Jesus Christ that's horrible. He literally already had a family; that's already his character. They're just rebooting it and pretending it's deep. Fuck that noise.

>3 had perfect and complete ending anyway.

Also remember when he suddenly had a brother he cared about in the second PSP game ?

This is getting ridiculous

And the new camera... I wont buy a Sony's console for that, no way....

GoW trilogy is really good, it isn't button smashing at all because you'll get fucked in later stages and harder difficulties

Also it has an edge of level design and some great puzzles overall

True, level design, puzzles, bosses, graphics and enemy variety are better in GoW, gameplay is still king so DMC and Bayo feel better, but GoW needs to be recognized for what it is

There was a secret movie to unlock in God of War 1 about his brother.

Ahah really !? never seen that but he is not mentioned in 2 and 3 and GoS was revolving aroud him (still better than the Chains of olympus's plot i dont remember anything about)

kratos is a faggot, is fucking emo that wants to kill himself and blame everything to the gods, saying that his life suck.
is immortal, powerful and fuck every woman he want and still was fucking complaining.
also bad gameplay.

>He is a fortunate man to be introduced to such a party of fine women at his arrival; it is literally to feed among the lilies.
F. Brooke, The History of Emily Montague, 1769
>He is, literally, made up of marechal powder, cravat, and bootees.
Spirit of Farmers' Museum, 1801
>Lady Kirkclaugh, who, literally worn to a shadow, died of a broken heart.
J. Denniston, Legends Galloway, 1825
>The house was literally electrified; and it was only from witnessing the effects of her genius that he could guess to what a pitch theatrical excellence could be carried.
Sir Walter Scott, Chronicles of the Canongate, 1827
>They both literally slept in Jesus
Abigail Goodrich Whittelsey and Samuel Whittelsey, The Mother's Magazine, S. Whittelsey, 1837
>Literally, I was (what he often called me) the apple of his eye
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, 1847
>...there is never a candle lighted in this house, until one's eyes are literally falling out of one's head with being stretched to read the paper.
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield, 1850
>And when the middle of the afternoon came, from being a poor poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom was literally rolling in wealth.
Mark Twain, Adventures Tom Sawyer, 1876
>Mr. Chamberlain literally bubbled over with gratitude.
Westminster Gazette, 15 Nov. 2/1

>Ahah really !?
Yeah. It was unlocked after you beat the game.

Basically Kratos had a brother that was too weak to pass the spartan trials and ended up in the underworld jealous of him and that's about it.

>kratos is a faggot, is fucking emo that wants to kill himself and blame everything to the gods, saying that his life suck.
.t numalecuck

He got his revenge on all gods and destroyed the Greek world, not to mention he's probably tired of being angry all the fucking time.

The writing is acceptable, but the gameplay looks way too movie like.

> Sup Forums is always autistic screeching
> you can just win the argument with smug anime girl
>shitpost every thread with smashing a buttons
>almost every thread ends with shitposting
>mods are extremely slow
Its fun to lurk and some discussions are great but shitposters arent that great. And thats the main portion of the Sup Forums experience.

Uncharted series. Don't have pic.

>Sup Forums is almost always right

Sarcasm, right?

If he's a faggot, why does he fuck more women than you will ever touch?

Be careful what you wish for, user. Your recklessness has doomed us all.

Better characters and setting than FFX but with no illusions of nonlinearity. Movie game with great designs, neat lore, and difficult bosses.
Shame it got a shit reputation.

i blame the gods

>but the gameplay looks way too movie like.

So, good?


fuck you all, its one of my favorites of all time

That what most Sup Forumstards mean by "movie gameplay". Looks fluid, realistic, and high production animations.

Gow is not "Bad", is just realy REALY shallow
It literaly is baby first hack n slash, and for that job it works realy well
It gives casual players just enough of a chalange for then to get better
And then try real games like DMC and ninja gaiden

"Objectively" is a word that Sup Forums picked up on like three years ago and it's severely lowered the posting quality since.

>avoid it for months despite loving the series
>finally play it last year
>becomes my favourite, drop in more than 400 hours, still play to this day

I don't trust Sup Forums anymore.

I don't care what you faggots think. Had more fun with this game than most I've had in a long time.

Only redditors hate this game because they only play games for the story

v is basically all bait at this point. Dont come here if you want any genuine discussion of basically anything related to videogames

in kings bay now, lots of fun and its gorgeous as fuck. i liked the first 3 a lot too so i never really took Sup Forums seriously about this one

Personally I enjoyed it quite a bit it more or less being a Ubisoft sandbox game made it pretty boring, and it's a sad thought that the last game in the series was just really really mediocre.

Still, I've played like 100 hours of it so it's not like I can hate on it that much.

>fighting Satyrs on Hard

GOD DAMNIT STOP DOING STUFF FOR ONE SECOND!!!! And how the fuck can they literally block all of my attacks?!!?!?

Unfortunately true. This board has been taken over by 15 year olds who think they're cool for shitposting games and being a contrarian.

[Spoilers]Git gud [/Spoilers]

Sup Forums wanted Kojima and they got gameplay
I still think MGS2's Alt/VR Missions were the best gameplay in Metal Gear though

They said Conception 2 was garbage, and it is, but somehow it tickles my fancy just right.
Probably because of guns and breeding.

Dragon Age Inquisition. Sure some gather this quests are tiresome and Sera is downright retarded but other than that it's a solid game.

I'm straining myself so hard right now not to write a long post about how much I disagree with you.

But in the end you enjoy what you enjoy and I can't fault you for that.

It's not the only one. Sup Forums in general is filled with some of the most illiterate mental paupers you'll find on any board who seem to latch on to random trending words they think convey some sense of erudite and try to formulate their dumb thoughts with them in some kind of game of mental Mad Libs. It's quite amusing when you're not constantly exposed to it (at which poitn it just becomes grating) which is why Sup Forums is a pretty cool place to check out once in a while.

Shadow of Mordor is top tier. It's a solid open world game in its own right, but add in the Nemesis system and it becomes fantastic.

Nothing beats killing the hell out of an orc and then having him turn up later, with the scars you gave him, looking for revenge.

Or he turns up later and you've put the fear of god into him and he runs away like a fucking coward.

Hello r/edditors

I think people are underestimating the new gow game. They think it'll be all story focused and linear like last of us. Pretty sure its going to be semi-openworld and I have no doubt that whatever they show at E3 will blow peoples minds. Sony santa monica is an extremely talented studio and this game has been cooking in the oven for a long ass time.

>implying Sup Forums isn't the laughing stock of literally every other board here
We're all laughing at you. You're the retarded kid in the playground making out with the wooden fence and running into the basketball pole.

Dark Souls 2
Its the best in the series by bloody miles you lying pricks

I just wish they did more stuff with it.

It's very rare that you don't kill them on your first meeting and the system just becomes unnecessary at that point.

Wonder if the sequel is gonna do it better. Because it is a damn neat idea.

I don't like the camera. I don't like the combat.
I'm a Sonybro and I'm not gonna touch this shit even if it gets a 100 on metacritic

they better show us something soon then because it looks terrible right now....its like they think fixed camera angles are inherently bad when you make an action game its the best camera there is.

I'm positive that the casual devs went back and played GoW and decided they didnt like the camera based off some casual BS

I can forget most games if it has some damn good gameplay/combat, but from what I've seen of it, it looks terrible.

I know man, nothing beats killing the hell out of an orc and then having him turn up later while you beat him again by not even looking at the screen and mashing the buttons. Truly a game fit for your generation.

>wife's son