Aloy fucked Link in his virgin boypussy this week

>Horizon outsold Zelda
>Horizon outsold Zelda
>Horizon outsold Zelda

G-g-g-game of the decade right guys??



How are people still buying gta

I'm guessing with a credit card

>In the UK
Call me when it's a country that matters.



As someone who doesn't own either game, both camps are fucking retarded and I'm excited when this stupid trend is done so Sup Forums can go back to regular shitposting instead of this Zelda vs. Horizon shit.

Muh sales

>the Horizon fanatic comes from the United Kaliphat no surprise.

But this is the regular Sup Forums shitposting.
It's always flavour of the month vs flavour of the month retard crybaby shilling

Are people even surprised? There is way, way, more ps4 sold than the travesty that was wiiu.

So you're telling me a game on a platform with a much larger install base sold more than a game on a completely new platform?

t. assblasted nintenbro

>a hyped AAA for an established console userbase
>the only launch title worth having for a long time on a new console that you have to buy separately
Eh, it was obvious

Delete this

Skyward Sword sold 3 million, which is still millions more than most Sony exclusives. Botw is going to outsell them all.

t. illiterate

It's stupid as fuck when nintendo fans shit on sony and it's retarded when sony fans shit on nintendo. Two way street, not everyone on this board is as dug into brand loyalty and shitheaded as you fags.

This argument has always been repeated despite the UK sales having been a clear indicator for a game's success ever since the Wii U. When it topped the UK chart, as did MK8 or Smash or Splatoon, it was a hit. When it didn't, it would also sell shit worldwide.




>A Playstation game is top of the charts in the UK
Surprising absolutely no-one.

Daily reminder that PS faggots literally repost the same shit people said about the PS4 4 years ago.
The then 12 yos must think it's some rite of passage for new consoles on Sup Forums

Why do Sonybros keep bringing up Horizon anyway? It's not even better than Nioh

>Literally the country in the west with most immigrants

Mashallah Pajeet Muhameed Ali!

>release game on console that you've discontinued and another that literally only one game that's worth getting for it
If they had waited for development on Super Mario Odyssey to get finished to release it, Zelda and thd Switch probably would have sold way more since there wouod have been way more games for it by that point

Nintenbro kafirs acting tough, how cute
Bing bing wahoo!


Sorry meant to type NintoddIer

Will sonyegro butthurt ever end?

Still less than the amount of minority shits in the US

>tfw every normie I know have been fanboys for the most popular console at the time
People are weird.

Kill yourself Mohammed.

This must be a troll thread, because surely you would of noticed that botw came second to a game that is already on a well established platform, whereas 80 percent of botw sales came on a brand new platform.

So nintendo not only came second with a new game on a new platform *in its first week* but it also managed to make a stupid amount of profit on people buying a new console to play it on.

But you're not that retarded to miss that are you ohpee?

It's spelled Muhammad, you retard

>it is a two way street

Sup Forums has truly become India

who cares

Honestly after playing both games Zelda is fast more SJW. The only sjw shit in Horizon are 2 lore fragments and one or two lines of dialogue and even those are mild at best

>one game is for an established console
>the other is a launch title for a new console
>one game costs less than 20% of the other
>somehow outsold the more expensive game

Literally Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Ireland, Norway, Russia, Austria, Greece, and Belgium have more immigrants in Europe.

Let's not even start about the US.

But Zelda was advertised way more tho

You should care that you're an ignorant buffoon

>sales = quality
I guess I should go buy the latest FIFA and COD.

Maybe with parchment they receive for performing labor and sometimes menial tasks for an agreed upon amount of hours.

lmao fuck off mudslime



It really wasn't tho

>mfw even the HD remaster of Uncharted outsold Skyward Sword

Zelda truly is a joke of a franchise.

Wait what?

Switch games really cost 60 mullah repartations or something?


>new IP vs one of the oldest franchises in the business
Sup Forums got btfo once again it seems

>Let's not even start about the US

I hope that you dont think that black americans are not part of our country because they contributed to build the greatest country on earth

> get paid in cash
Where do you live? New Guinea?

Argument not found