How the fuck do we get this game on the PS4? Id gladly pay full price even if it was a digital only nonupgraded PS3 port

How the fuck do we get this game on the PS4? Id gladly pay full price even if it was a digital only nonupgraded PS3 port

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why is this game so unbelievably overrated on this board

You don't. Stay mad @ your overpriced no-gaems purchase.

it's the best Souls game. Doesn't require more than that.

underrated maybe?

I get a boner whenever I remember my first playthrough of DeS

Nah, most definitely overrated.
It's pretty good, but it's still the second weakest in the series, after DaS 3.

i want bonner too

>You don't. Stay mad @ your overpriced no-gaems purchase.

Are you retarded? Demons Souls is literally the only game PS3 has as opposed to PS4's bloodborne, GR1/2, NiOh, Nier automata, Uncharted 4, Spiderman etc

The reason DeS should come on the PS3 is because otherwise it will die completely as PS3's become harder (on top of being useless) to acquire and there are probably around 20 million former xbox guys who instead bought a sony machine this time

How fucking stupid are you? Its literally a part of the holy trinity with BB and dks1. Its not a tired, non-innovative sequel milking on the souls name but an actually good game that built the entire legacy of the series

Licensing hell probably.
Or based Yoshida still hates the game.

>Demons Souls is literally the only game PS3 has

>as opposed to PS4's bloodborne, GR1/2, NiOh, Nier automata, Uncharted 4, Spiderman etc
literal multiplats and who-fucking-cares AAA shit. = NO GAEMS.

>most definitely overrated
I'm so sorry, but it seems like you have terminal case of shit taste.

>whines about multiplats and then posts a list full of shit thats on other machines

how fucking stupid are you? Yes, it literally has one game, demons souls which would be infinitely superior on the PS4

I'd much rather they leave Demon's Souls alone or have From/Japan Studio work on something else, I'm honestly burnt out on Souls after Dark Souls 3 and giving myself a month or 2 before Nioh.

>PS3 no games meme

Yeah no.
It's a good game and I appreciate the fact that it was the first, but it really falls short of the later installments.
The only thing it really has on them is a better story, IMO.
To add fuel for your autistic wrath, this is how I personally rank the games:
BB = DS2 > DS1 > DeS > DS3

>PS3 no games meme

Literally everything worth a shit EXCEPT for the one game it has, demons souls, is better on xbox, pc or the ps4

nobody gives a fuck about obscure anime shit number 31324 because the PS4 has tons of those too. The thing literally has over a thousand games on the digital library atm

putting dark souls 2 above anything means you should just be shot

Wew lad

Demon's Souls is pretty garbage when it comes to bosses.

It's okay to be wrong, user. Shit taste is not the end of the world.

PC and PS3 has more "obscure weebshit" than PS4, don't delude yourself

>he doesn't have a CFW PS3

I'd put DS1 over BB and 2 and DS3 over DeS but I generally agree.

because youre a retarded peacock

demons as the only game with consistently good bosses (arch bosses were meant to be unique experiences and not hard) that weren't just "big guy with sword and swelling operatic fare #23"

Agree to disagree but Demon Souls has the best atmosphere out of any game ever made and it's quite possibly one of the most important games ever made.

Back when the videogame industry was getting casualized and turning into shit, Demon Souls was released out of nowhere and reignited the entire industry and saved it, and that's why it's considered the best souls game, and quite possibly one the greatest games ever made.

>a game that sold a million copies at best
>saving anything
The delusion is strong.

There were tons of good games in 2008 and some in 2009. Typical fanboy overrating his dumb game.

Souls players, everone

>weakest in the series, after DaS 3
>2nd weakest in the series DaS 3
Not while 2 exists, faggot. Opinion discarded.

Ninja Gaiden 2 released in 2008 though.

Name one good game from 2009 that achieved a wide success

DaS1:PTDE 1080p 60fps HD modded > DaS3:TFFE = BB:TOH > DaS2:SOTFS > DeS.


>Godzilla: The Game


Haven't played DeS so even though I feel you're wrong about DaS2 being higher I can only agree with the rest of the ranking.

Wait, demons still isn't on ps4 yet? I was hoping to get the ps4 as soon as Im settled down with my life-stuff, seeing as Xbox is gonna have they're stuff be on windows as well and switch is still a one trick kid. But fuck, I dont just want to play only only blood borne and nioh. That's fucking stupid.

just buy a ps3

>another console game thread hijacked by butthurt pcbros

Don't buy it, it is the most overrated garbage souls game out there. People praising it are high on nostalgia or SonyFaggots praising for exclusivity and their insecurity.

Every other Soulsborne game that came after DeS is superior and cucked DeS.

All the shills who made my buy one, get cancer.

The former. Sony own the DeS IP, but they're not in complete control of the publishing rights after Yoshida dropped the ball on it after he thought it was crap. A reissue/remaster would require them to go back into talks with Atlus and Bamco, so they probably just think it's more hassle than it's worth.

The only soulsborne game I played after demons souls was DkS3, all of the others ones before it. Youre not smart enough to appreciate it. Probably american

it's better than dark souls 1-3
>best atmosphere
>best combat animations
>best online
>best lore
>best bosses

not to mention that dark souls is LITERALLY just demons souls clone^^

It's the PS quadro that has ONE (1) game, and that's Bloodborne.

PS3 at least has MGS4 and Demon's Souls

>It's the PS quadro that has ONE (1) game, and that's Bloodborne.
nice meme



fuck off you twat


is this a joke? Even IF it had good gameplay (it fucking doesnt, still pales in comparison to every actual stealth and TPS game just like MGS3) it would still have like 4 hours of gameplay topped off by 20 hours of laughably shitty cutscenes

le opinion discarded.

This doesn't look like a reason for me to consider your opinion anything but objectively wrong

MGS4 has great gameplay, 40:60 cutscene:gameplay ratio (exact same as of MGS2's, which nufags still praise to heavens), and great cutscenes.

>best atmosphere

Best atmosphere? don't make me laugh, it's atmosphere is dogshit because you can barely see or feel it witht he dogshit 720p, garbage textures and fps issues. It's soundtrack is the weakest out of all souls game.

>best combat animations

Nope, that would be Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3.

>best lore

Baby-tier lore, Dark Souls and Bloodborne lore are superior and take a higher IQ to comprehend.

>best bosses

100% troll post, but w.e, best bosses = Bloodborne and DarkSouls 3. Fuck off retarded troll.

Look, another DeS fanbaby who has a low IQ, if you didn't, you could see from the picture I posted that I am European, stay retarded low IQ DeS babyfag.

DeS was a retarded alpha test for souls ideas and nothing more.

Dark Souls perfected, solidified and popularized the Souls formula and genre, it is the best, nothing you faggots can do about it.

>Dark Souls perfected, solidified and popularized the Souls formula and genre

budget literally ran out halfway through, its nothing but a demons souls multiplat that does some new things and drops alot of good things in return. Go kill yourself

Anyone from europe with a brain should be able to appreciate the genius of demons souls and bloodborne instead of fawning over the americanized dark souls. There is literally nothing better about generic "somber" high fantasy in comparison to medieval european horror or gothic/cosmic horror. Even a select few americans are smart/ cultured enough to realize this

It would only make sense if they added the 6th archstone. Otherwise what is the fucking point.

I beat DeS for the first time literally yesterday and it is excellent, in many ways on par with DaS1 imo, but what exactly would be the purpose of a PS4 port?

This just confirms that DeS fags don't even know what the core of souls games are.

Dark Souls has the following:

Best atmosphere
Best soundtrack
Best world design (itnerconnectivity)
Best healing system (estus flask only)
Best difficulty system (kindling bonfire, determining your own amount of estus flasks)
Best leveling system (levelign at bonfires)
No teleporting for the majority of the game.

Everything wrong with Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 can be traced back to the cancerous trash that is Demon's Souls.

Having a hub that you have to return to is a terrible idea, it damages the world building and world design, it damages the immersion. Having to go through loading screens to level up, it's just utter shit and it exists because of the subhuman shit that is Demon's Souls.

The best thing about Demon's Souls is that it is forgotten and burried for good, it will never ever be remastered, just a trash tier alpha test and nothing more. Hopefully it's influence on future From Software dark fantasy games will be gone too.

Seeing as From Software is done with Dark Souls and creating a new IP dark fantasy action RPG that has nothing to do with Demon's Souls or Bloodborne, I can only smile and be happy. Good riddance.

just saying this x is better is not an argument neither is ''lul u r stoopidxd'' ironic because your reading comprehension is pretty weak

>muh bloodborne
I said it's better than dark souls 1-3 not better than bb

Are you fucking retarded? The point is to preserve the game for future generations and for the very least, ease of acquisition and access

Best atmosphere
Best soundtrack
Best world design (itnerconnectivity)
Best healing system (estus flask only)
Best difficulty system (kindling bonfire, determining your own amount of estus flasks)
Best leveling system (levelign at bonfires)
No teleporting for the majority of the game.

literally everything here is wrong except interconnectivity being good. The soundtrack is garbage synth shit, the "atmosphere" is high fantasy shit that apparently wows american kids and estus flasks are the easiest and most overpowered system in the series so far since you can actually upgrade them. Whining about "teleporting" is retarded when it compliments the design of a game- demons souls and bloodborne would be literally impossible to pull off otherwise because of how the story works.

second part of

HAHAHAH, fucking subhuman retard, Dark Souls has the best soundtrack out of all soulsborne games, nothing can compete with the following:

Go fuck your whore mother trash, I'd bash your whore face in irl if you disrespect DaS OST.

go play it on the ps3 then faggot

>Best atmosphere
That would be Bloodborne
>Best soundtrack
That would be Demon's Souls
>Best world design (itnerconnectivity)
Interconnectivity yes. Actual design overall, Bloodborne.
>Best healing system (estus flask only)
>Best difficulty system (kindling bonfire, determining your own amount of estus flasks)
>Best leveling system (levelign at bonfires)
No. What the fuck is wrong with you. Having a dedicated NPC for leveling contributes way more to the atmosphere, rather than just doing some sitting at a fucking bonfire. Learning of the Maiden's backstory in DeS, the fucking tragedy her existence is, was one of the best aspects of the game.
>No teleporting for the majority of the game.
I wouldn't go as far to say that such a thing is necessarily better than that DeS or Bloodborne.

Dark Souls is by no means a bad game. It's the best of the entire Dark Souls series, in my opinion. Bloodborne is just would Dark Souls should have been.

Trying too hard mayte.
DeS is still great, DaS and BB are god tier.

DeS is part of the one true Souls trilogy: DeS, DaS, BB.

Everything else is B-team trash.

Go back to school kid. Literally nothing about the synthesized shit in dark souls is "good"

DeS is dogshit and nothing more than an alpha, keep shilling retarded trash, it won't change the facts ;)

Fuck off bloodborne baby, bloodborne biggest flaw is it's easy-mode gameplay, it brought in subhuman 0 skill trash like you. You don't belong in the Dark Souls community you shitter.

Bloodborne should have never had the retaliation system so shitters like you wouldn't be able to beat the game, gas yourself and your whore mother.

All of those are generic and boring, except Ludwig''s theme. Keep shilling, won't change the facts.

Bloodborne will never ascend to Dark Souls level, Dark Souls is the best and legendary, you can't change that.

>generic and boring,
>Dark Souls is the best and legendary

nothing to see here, surprised people replied to this redditors bait for this long

t.underage pCUck

Why do you use "like" mid sentence?
Are you like retarded or like underage?

Enogh with this meme, DS3 is the worst Souls game.

>Bloodborne easy mode
As opposed to grass crest shield and magic in Dark Souls?

I've been part of the Souls community on Sup Forums since the Demon's Souls generals figuring out how character and world tendency works.

Bloodborne is simply the better game. I apologize if this offends you deeply, but the combat is more interesting, the bosses are more interesting, the world is more interesting, the lore is more interesting, the weapons are more fun, and so forth.

Dark Souls has better friendly characters and music, and a way more memorable final boss fight, but that's about it.

>this is what bloodcucks actually believe

>wizard king is more "memorable" than Gehrman


Thank you for pointing that out.

I was more thinking about Mergo's Wet Nurse. Gehrman or Moon Presence are for sure as memorable as Gwyn, but are optional bosses, and don't make up any "true ending", so I don't consider either final bosses.

The entire franchise is overrated by retards they think they are cool because it's "le hard and hardcore" and the "lore" which is just made up shit by youtubers.

DeS was the only one with a decent "plot" and the quality didnt go to shit halfway like DaS.

Demon Souls + Uncharted 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bloodborne and Uncharted 4

this is why the ps4 is a bad fucking joke

Yoshida actually likes it now iirc after actually going back and gitting gud, but the licensing with Atlus and Bamco is too complicated to work out.

Why don't you just buy a PS3 then?

go kill yourself


its the only way