
I've been playing Divinity: Original sin and have been having a blast playing it
but I gifted it to a friend who said he would play it with me so I don't want to progress any more solo

Which other rpg should I get into out of these, or others?
planescape torment
torment: tides of numenera
pillars of eternity

I really enjoy the combat system in divinity if that affects anything

I heard mixed opinions about torment: tides, whats up with that exactly?

You should play Planescape Torment first, after that Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, then Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, just ignore Numenera, it's a scam.
You can add other games like Divine Divinity, Icewind Dale, Fallout 1 and 2, KotOR 1 and 2 and VtMB.

You can go on and see their RPGs, they have pretty good games, and cheap too.
After you played those, you can check out the older ones like Darklands, Realms of Arkania or Wizardry.

Will we ever get a serious non constant quips crpg where you only control one character?
Why cant we have that...

Fallout 1

Divinity original sin sucked cause you could literally steal and empty out entire houses...
They never even addressed this...

thanks for the suggestions
looks like I'm going to have a massive backlog to get through
I don't have a lot of time for games these days

the party system instead of a single character is what kept me from playing crpgs as a kid

Second one is great, though.

exactly how complete is the second one?
i havent looked into it much because it was early access

cRP"G"s are all shit, go play a real game.

These are all very story driven and if you're more interested in combat you might rather want to check out Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Temple of Elemental Evil.

Storywise though Planescape Torment is the best by far.

Disregard the bullshit talk about Numerera. It's ok.

Around 20 hours, I would say.

And it has plenty of content, and hidden stuff, plus it realy feels finished.

>Disregard the bullshit talk about Numerera. It's ok.
This, it's pretty good so far (I'm only less than 10 hours in though). Just Sup Forums being Sup Forums I guess.

Problem is, it's not even Sup Forums, it freaking Steam.

From what I gather, it's just backers who are salty about stretch goals. I didn't even follow the development progress so I have no comment on that, I only care if the game is good and so far it is.

Maybe some people expected it to be PS:T 2, but I didn't go in with that expectation and got what I wanted.

I don't know, my biggest issue with it is the writing style, other than that is fine, After Wasteland 2, I also didn't expect much from them, but I just wish Bard's Tale 4 will be good, plus they are making 1-3 remakes.

Isn't the old Shadowrun game basically a single-player cRPG?


UnderRail has a great combat system.

Torment is a classic, but its focus is on dialogue based role playing. So you spend a lot of time talking to people (and defining your character's personality in doing so) and exploring the world in a non-combat fashion. There are quite a few combat encounters in Torment but they are mostly tedious. The dialogue however is great, in particular how the game occasionally references your stats to give you more (or less) information or choice depending on your character's abilities. It's not a game that is anything like Divinity: Original Sin, which is a very good game too, but heavily focussed on combat almost to the point where it plays like a turn-based Diablo. Torment also uses a real time with pause (rtwp) type combat system where you pause the game to queue orders to your unity and then unpause the game to see them executed, pausing the game again to adjust to the situation at hand if something changes, etc.

Pillars of Eternity plays like a weaker version of the Baldur's Gate series in my opinion. It's by no means a bad game and well worth playing. Pillars of Eternity is a bit stronger in the mechanical dialogue department, i.e. it offers more choice and stats-checks than Baldur's Gate but its combat encounters are significantly weaker and occasionally very tedious.

Tyranny is like a weaker version of Pillars of Eternity. Personally, I didn't like the game very much. It had potential but did everything that PoE did badly even worse. Also it's a very short game. It's still somewhat okay-ish if you have nothing else to play, but I wouldn't recommend paying full price.

Numenera is a game I haven't played yet. I've yet to see some reasonable criticism though. Most people seem butthurt about some supposed SJW crap, but I wouldn't buy into that too much. Still, you should probably wait - there are lots of other games you can play first.

Addendum to :

You should also look into Shadowrun: Dragonfall, Underrail and Age of Decadence. These are all pretty good RPGs. Dragonfall being the most "lightweight" of them, with Underrail and AoD requiring quite a bit of effort to "learn" how to play the game. AoD in particular can be rather frustrating when you don't know what you're doing but it also features one of the most elaborately branching plots in RPG history and an enormous amount of stats and skill checks in dialogue.

>Most people seem butthurt about some supposed SJW crap
It's just neo/v/ (or Sup Forums 2.0). People spamming images of "SJW" things a voice actor has said in their private life and other nonsense that doesn't actually have anything to do with the game. Desperately trying to find a way to link it to their favourite thing, discussing social issues. The actual game is fine and I haven't encountered anything like that so far. Basically, if you just enjoy video games and don't consider one of the voice actors' personal political views to be relevant then you can just ignore 90% of the discussion on Sup Forums regarding this game.

Anyway, I generally agree with your post. I thought Tyranny was fine but not great, PoE was good and Torment is sublime. Tyranny has better combat than the other two, though.