>Atelier Firis North American release tomorrow
>no thread
aren't you guys excited?
>Atelier Firis North American release tomorrow
>no thread
aren't you guys excited?
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Not after playing Sophie
>60 bux on steam
ps4 version it is
This doesn't have Denuvo, right ?
I will pirate it first to test if it's a broken mess.
Even then
>KT pc port
>No steam cloud, no trading cards
>No way to get the preorder DLC on PC
>uses lower resolution Vita UI instead of PS4
Firis was worse than Sophie.
I still haven't played Sophie so...
I did play all the others even going back to PS2 though, but I need a break now and then, those damn games release too fast.
Jesus, really? I bought Sophie on launch last year for Vita and i still can't bring myself to finish it, every time I try I get bored and play an Arland or Dusk game instead.
I want it but I'm mass debating whether I should go for Vita or PS4. Sophie was ok on Vita for the most part but Firis is supposedly doing the whole bigger exploration stuff so I don't know if it suffers performance issues.
I thought people said it was better but sold less
Escha & Logy when
Atelier is the Madden NFL of the RPGs.
I believe the Vita has 8 games of this series and the system is 5 years old.
>uses lower resolution Vita UI instead of PS4
Every fucking time this shit with Koei
Do they think people on PC play on 640x480 or something
They push these out too fast. No way it can be good.
Only a fucking moron would play Koei games on PC
But Sophie is moogy-approved. His good friend kastel also likes it.
There are too many of those fucking games. I even got tired of Dark Souls after they rehashed if for the third time and that's a good game.
Literally who can play a yearly rehash of a cancerous shit series? That's almost Musou fan levels of retarded.
BotW just came out
Nier is coming out tomorrow
No time to play CoD tier weeb trash
I don't support the possible presence of censorship
Actually 6 are remakes of PS3 games. Sophie and Firis are new.
Only a fucking moron would play Koei games
nigga, don't talk shit about nobunaga's ambition and rotk
Is Nobunaga's Ambition decent at $20?
steam page already out
which one? I'd say the one on steam (sphere of influence) is great but then again I'm a weeb so I may be biased
Are they fucking serious?
Those are really poor strategy series.
Why do people keep acting surprised that Japan expects full price for whatever paltry shit they half-assedly port to LC
It's worse than episode
Sophie and I bet KT will ship it with the day one bugs like the console version
No one with a sane consciousness is.
Wait, wtf? How are we going to run this on vita?
>i5 at least, i7 recommended
>GTX 550 minimum, GTX 960 recommended
Do they not hire system technician or something? The vita CPU is gonna burn out
Yeah, I really want to support Gust, I did buy Sophie and Nights, but 60 euros with no Cloud or even the pre-order bonus makes me not wanna buy it.
I want to impregnate Meruru
Nothing's censored though. Wtf is that supposed to mean anyway? If it has content that might get censored, you won't buy it? Who's the SJW now?
>Day 1 release on both PS4 and Steam
>PS4 = $60
>PC = $60
PCbros don't deserve the Ateliers.
On ps4 you get the disc. On pc you get fucking nothing.
The disc is worthless, what's important is the data on it which is the same data you get on PC.
>owning your product is worthless
>le steam is gonna delete people's games any day now boogeyman
Meh. Not even halfway through Sophie and Ghost Recon Wildlands is coming out. Then Mass Effect and Neir. Won't be long for Persona 5 after that
So yeah. Not excited at all
Aaaaand this is why you're a P.Cuck.
>is the same data you get on PC.
We'll see tomorrow. Maybe it will be the same as PS4 or maybe Koei throws in some Vita assets in there too, you never know these days.
>what's important is the data on it which is the same data you get on PC
>he doesn't know about the vita scaled UI
I mean I don't consider buying japanese games that are not specifically uncensored
excited? nope
interested? after hearing the music a little bit
There's nothing to uncensor because the game wasn't censored in the first place.
Well, that's good but I also know nothing about it except it being an anime game with cute girls
Yes, actually.
The $60 price is kind of worrisome, though.
I had Sophie on PS4 but I never finished it. I got stuck on some boss that would one shot me even after I applied buffs and such. The combat system in this game never really clicked for me like the Dusk games did.
Well, you stop "leveling" after 20, but you can spend points on things like defense and damage reduction. Also, make lots of bombs.
Are you talking about that fairy-ish boss?
Up to sun and moon dragon was easy.
I'm not sure why people are so pissed with Sophie, it was still the best among all atelier franchise
>60 bucks
Alright not suprised there however
>KT port
This is what makes me worry, its a hit or miss. Also I'm rather waiting Toukiden 2
>No LE
What's the point?
Good news is the combat in Firis goes back to Dusk gameplay. There's also new things like subweapons and combo attacks. And you can control who's support attack/defending.
>you can control who's support attack/defending.
So having everyone in the same stance is unique to Sophie?
Yeah that stance thing was a new thing in Sophie. In the old games, there was a support gauge for everyone and whenever someone attacked or was attacked you can choose who defends or supports and when to use it. I didn't like Sophie because it took all the control from you.
>Monika has a literal 100/10 perfection design
>Doesnt return in Firis
>Meanwhile fat fuck Oskar comes back with a new skinny design
What was everyone's usual party in Sophie?
>Leon, then later Plachta
>that almost absurd amount of Japanese games all hitting Steam in tandem
The publishers are actually fucking up by hammering them all out in the same time window. Holy shit, why are there entire MONTHS of release drought and then all these dumb assholes decide to release like a dozen games all in the same 2-week window to claw tooth and nail for those Steambux?
How do I get started on the Atelier series? Is there a guide somewhere?
play ayesha and nothing else
are the games connected in any way? is every release a separate story?
Nothing on the same scale is coming out now though.
I don't even know if these games are fun.
for the ps3 games and on, they're trilogies
there's rorona, totori, meruru in one
ayesha, eschatology, shallie in another
and a bunch of other stuff
in the second trilogy, ayesha is great, the other too not so much
gameplay also varies quite a bit between each uh trilogy
but yes even the games that are in the same trilogy are loosely connected, sharing some characters and the world at best
hmm, is the one about to be released part of one then? also should I play the games on Vita or playstation?
I didn't finish Sophie yet, they came too fast dude.
its amazing how they can design MC that looks like supporting character, and supporting char that designed like MC.
this new one will be the second in this trilogy, which started with sophie
both are on pc, but I'd still recommend ayesha
the vita versions of the rorona, totori, meruru, ayesha, eschatology, and shallie games are plus versions with more content so I'd say go vita for those
thanks user, guess I'll do the trilogy you recommened and then move on to sophie
There are too many good games coming out in a quick succession for us to give any attention to the sequel of one of the worse Atelier games of all time.
I'd say try ayesha, then try either rorona+ or totori+ as those are very popular and well liked games in the series
they're structured a bit differently so if you don't like one you might like the other
I'm just biased towards ayesha
How do you beat the DLC bosses in Sophie? I went through the game without much trouble on despair, yet the DLC bosses just completely wreck me.
you don't. DLC bosses are for lifeless weebs to jerk off on
I always play them when they drop to $25
Monika is a bitch. She's an annoying goody two shoes that makes Sophie go to church. Takes credit for Sophie's work. Doesn't really contribute anything to the group. Worst character in Sophie.
My favorite character interaction with Sophie is Harol. It really gives off a feeling of Sophie is the pestering osananajimi that always goes to wake him up in the morning to make sure he's not late for work. There are some cute moments between them.
Should I pirate this game or Berseria?
>Plachta and Sophie are back in Firis
I know who's taking up permanent slots in my party.
That won't stop it
That's not Leon
Hell yeah motherfuckers Atelier on PC Hype
The Vita version looks a lot worse than the PS4 version.
I assume PC port might be PS4 this time.
PC port is a mix of both. It has the Vita UI and 2D elements (HUD, menus, etc), but it has the PS4 models and textures.
It was like that for Sophie, right?
I just hope we get proper 2D elements this time.
>It was like that for Sophie, right?
Correct. You can see a huge difference even on the main menu if you compare the PC and PS4 versions.
>I just hope we get proper 2D elements this time.
We're probably getting everything the same as Sophie did, minus the CPU bugs. KT are lazy fucks when it comes to PC ports.
Does Harold come back? He had the best development with Sophie by far. It was adorable how she even shared some of his mannerisms.
Why are there so fucking many of these Atelier games? It's like the call of duty of item creation games.
if you buy stuff digital on PSN it's still the same price
Design is alright but she was the blandest character of Sophie, that say a lot.
>35 fucking gigabytes
fucking how, how can these games habe bigger filesizes than oblivion, morrowind and skyrim together
Atlus is missing out on all those steambux by not releasing on PC.
That must be a mistake, Sophie is only 5 GB.
You utilise the alchemy system for the first time and maek good gear. This is the best part of the game.
Firis is apparently a way larger game with actual dungeons