Does it get any better? I'm about level 20 right now doing some quests in Novigrad and I'm bored out of my fucking mind...

Does it get any better? I'm about level 20 right now doing some quests in Novigrad and I'm bored out of my fucking mind. The high point was questing in Skellige because the environment was so beautiful, but when I have to return to the mainland for the main quest the game really seems fucking boring and predictable.

Does it get any better from this point on? I cant wait to play the B&W DLC but i dont think im going to even make it there if i dotn make it thru the main story.

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Delete your save, play through Witcher 1, then 2, then replay Witcher 3.

There are some twists, keep going

don't even touch witcher 3

its shit and a massive disappointment

>bamham combat
>detective vision because cdprojekt thinks you're an idiot
>ubisoft tier openworld with question marks scattered throughout the map
>question marks are monster and bandit camps, 0 variety even worse than ubisoft games
>other than the question marks its an empty and bland open world


OP how many hours have you put in?

I'm like 4 hours in and just made it to the Baron or whoever the fuck and I'm so fucking bored. Every fiber in my being wants to stop playing but my friend says "keep playing it gets better".

He showed me a video of Witcher 3's combat with maxed out stats, alchemy, and items and shit and it involved Geralt using potions and fucking guys up but I just don't care. It doesn't interest me. The combat doesn't feel good. I don't want to play this game.

What the fuck do I do? I'm actually scared he'll beat my ass if I don't keep playing.

>>bamham combat
What does it even mean? The combat is more than decent, and different builds and use of oils/potions impact it.

>>detective vision because cdprojekt thinks you're an idiot
Because witchers have superhuman perceptions?

>>ubisoft tier openworld with question marks scattered throughout the map
>>question marks are monster and bandit camps, 0 variety even worse than ubisoft games
Or scavenger hunts. Or people in distress. Or guarded/hidden treasures. Or nests. Or places of power. Or abandoned site. Or races. Or competitions. Or more quests.

>>other than the question marks its an empty and bland open world
Extremely bullshit. You can find untracked quests, random encounters, big monsters, small dungeons / villages / and decent treasure.

maybe 50 or so. If youve got a nice rig, skellige is beautiful and i loved that part dearly, but after getting back to shitty novigrad im bored again

>got to the baron in 4 hours
It sounds like you're just rushing through the story instead of exploring shit. The game may just not be for you.

I tried "exploring" for a bit but I just couldn't keep going because I couldn't care less about "discovering" stuff in this game. So then I thought "maybe I'm missing something and I'll find it if I get deeper into the game" so I tried progressing through the main quest.

Problem is I don't care about it either.

Then just stop playing. Who fucking cares? If a game isn't for you it isn't for you.

>Then just stop playing.
>What the fuck do I do? I'm actually scared he'll beat my ass if I don't keep playing.

>meme regurgitation

I too have only started playing now since Sup Forums cannot shut the fuck up about it.
But it's just doesnt feel rewarding at all. I like that they put more effort into the backstory of some sidequests since I only missed one so far.
And the main quest is so spread out with "in order to get this you must do this and in order to get that you must to that and in order to get this you must do this and in order to get that you must to that"
I feel like I make no progression and upgrading your gear is kinda locked t othe main story progression.

Usually when I play a good game I keep at it until I finish it but The Witcher 3 just doesnt appeal at all. It's beautiful for sure and they made a good job of directing the authentic feel. But that's what it is, a directed experience which you have to slog through constant dialogue. I feel like I should read the book instead.
Once I went exploring to an area with 3 question marks and they were all Monster Nests with the same enemies, it's just boring.

Should I just rush through the main quest or drop it. I wanted to paly the DLCs but that feels so far away

call the cops, he's abusing you and it's not OK

>Problem is I don't care about it either.
So stop playing?

Found that guy

Going through all the games in order

2 was wayyyyy shorter than I expected it to be. It's like half the length of the first one.

I'm about three hours into 3 and I'm actually liking it a lot better. It feels more like the first one than 2 did.

Take a brake. Its not a game that should be played in one breath.

And there is thebull94

I feel you OP, I bought this game for $20 with all the dlc included and it's just so mediocre. Geralt only uses swords, women have the same breast size, the combat is atrocious and clunky and there's just too much filler and crap around the world that you will never use. The game is pretty and the lore is kinda interesting but that's about it. The music sucks ass too.

Whoever came up with the idea of gathering flowers and herbs for potions for this game should be shot

I can essentially see why it's so highly regarded though; it's pretty much babby's first rpg

>trying this hard to trash the best RPG in years

>bamham combat
very little reason to have a differentiate light and heavy attacks. attack attack backstep attack attack backstep. it's not a very complex system and it's a lot more repetitive than other games. not as bad as real bamham, but it gets close to bamham
>witchers have superhuman perceptions
so wouldn't they always be viewing the world like that? why is there a button for it? that's a lame justification for detective vision.

sometimes i don't have 300 hours to dedicate to a single playthrough of a game.

So you're using that other 296 hours to shit post on Sup Forums?

tee bee aytch probably jacking off

So I wasn't the only one who fell for this shit. Fucking polacks and their shilling

I borrowed the game once from a friend and thought the first few hours were pretty boring too. But I gave it a chance and kept playing a couple of hours every once in a while, ultimately cleared the game, played the second game, cleared it, read all the books, got the GOTY edition of 3, played it again, played through HoS and B&W and had a blast.

You just gotta stop being twelve sometime and accept that not everything has to be instantly gratifying.

>You just gotta stop being twelve sometime and accept that not everything has to be instantly gratifying.
I'm confused. Adults aren't allowed to not enjoy things?

Learning to read could also be helpful.

>how to tell if someone is under aged; the post.

That downgrade and plagiarism though

>It's another contrarianfag on Sup Forums episode episode episode

>he fell for the witcher 3 meme

where are you in game?

Someone didn't enjoy the beginning of Witcher 3. You responded that you didn't like Witcher 3 at first either, but you kept playing and ended up enjoying it. Then you said they have to stop being 12 because not everything is instantly gratifying, AKA if you don't instantly enjoy something and you stop doing it, that means you're 12.

Where am I misinterpreting you?

what did he mean by this?

It doesn't get any better. You've reached the point of disillusionment, the absolutely worst place a video game should never lead you to. This is verboten. This is a shit game.

Nowhere there did I claim adults can't enjoy things. Just, it will sometimes take time for a thing to become truly enjoyable. You will never find out, if you drop everything after the first few hours because it doesn't immediately please you, like a little kid.

I'd rather play EU4 and modded Minecraft than Witcher 3.

thats the weakest part about the game
the combat is the most important aspect in an rpg but it's just so fucking bad tho

I dunno OP, maybe it's not just your type of game? I've been gaming for 25 years and it's one of my all-time favourites, but not everyone likes the same things. I can't stand Skyrim or Fallout 3/4, but can respect that a lot of people love them because of different tastes and priorities.

Just as a tip in case you're one of those people who might eventually like it, don't focus too much on the side actitivites. There are simply way too many and rewards are almost always crap. The only good stuff are diagrams for witcher gear and alchemy, but you'll eventually get a quest for the former and be able to buy the latter. I know a lot of people who ended up loving the game, but almost gave up on it entirely after burning themselves out gathering herbs or diving after sunken treasures for ten hours straight.

Oh and play on the hardest difficulty level in case you find the game too easy. The difficulty curve is kinda fucked in Witcher 3 since it starts off pretty hard, but gets much easier after a couple hours when you learn the basics, and just about everything not totally out of your level range becomes trivial by at least the last quarter. I initially loved the combat, but started disliking it towards the end because of how it reminds me of Dark Souls, but ultimately isn't anywhere near as good.

Just in case you're serious and not just trolling, could you name an open world game where the world is less empty and less bland? I'm trying my best to not be a fanboy, but I've played a ton of open world stuff and think the world in Witcher 3 is the most alive and genuine feeling yet.

The Witcher is one of the worst series I've ever had the misfortune of playing.

I can't understand, on any level, why anyone would enjoy this trash. I must have started the first game 5 times, and every single time, I quit in the first town after the ghost doggos. It's just trash. The combat is AWFUL, the story seems dumb, and so I gave up and just tried to play 2.

They "fixed" the combat, it's now not the worst thing ever. Instead, it's just poor. The story is still the dullard shit only a child would enjoy, and I make it a little further this time, into the town where Dandelion is going to be executed before I give up.

I don't even want to touch 3. I'm sure they made the gameplay slightly better again, but from the summary video I watched to skip the first game, I can't understand why anyone plays this shit.

Is it just the tits? Because you can find tits anywhere. Triss seems like the biggest cunt imaginable, and the fact she's a major element of the series is part of why I gave up on 2.

Go pick up a Switch and play pic related. It dumps a huge one all over TW3 in everything; gameplay, combat, open world, quests, you name it.

>Just, it will sometimes take time for a thing to become truly enjoyable.
So if someone plays Witcher 3 for a few hours and doesn't like any of it and stops playing, does that make them 12 or no? Does quitting a game after a few hours reflect a general attitude in life of quitting everything after an hour or something?

If not, why did you say it did?
>You just gotta stop being twelve sometime and accept that not everything has to be instantly gratifying.

>So if someone plays Witcher 3 for a few hours and doesn't like any of it and stops playing, does that make them 12 or no?
Yes, because in a few hours, you've seen nothing of the game yet, so claiming you don't like ANY of it is fallacious.

>Does quitting a game after a few hours reflect a general attitude in life of quitting everything after an hour or something?
Clearly such is the player's base personality, yes.

>If not, why did you say it did?

>so claiming you don't like ANY of it is fallacious.
I meant any of it which he's played/experience. So if someone plays Witcher 3 for a few hours and doesn't like any of that which he has played so far and he stops playing, does that make him 12? If so, then all adults are actually 12, because everyone in their life has quit something that they didn't enjoy within the first few hours. It happens.

>Clearly such is the player's base personality, yes.
It'd be hard to prove that someone's entire personality can be judged based on their behavior in one circumstance.

Take your pills, tom, this is getting silly

stop acting 12 wtf


Read books first understand the logic behind witcher stuff(World, characters, witcher sense creatures)and start over, you illiterate bastard, this isn't a hack&slash game like Elder scrolls or shitsouls or bloodbored.

Is hating on witcher 3 an epic meme?

Here come the bloodborne and gothicfags again

nah the contrarians like thebull have been here since the game released

Nah it doesn't really get better, if you aren't enjoying it that much just finish the main questline for the sake of completing it. I personally enjoyed the Witcher Contracts but found almost all the other quests underwhelming (save for a few of course).

>I'm about level 20
>high point was questing in Skellige

There's a few really cool quests still coming but the main game kinda blew its load with Crones & Skellige.

Both DLCs are excellent though, so you have that to look forward to.


OP is a phony!

If you don't do a lot of sidequests this is quite easy to do...

>If you don't do a lot of sidequests

It's a great game OP and I enjoyed it thoroughly but if you dont then just stop playing?

literally the same point as "skyrim takes only 4 hours to beat from start to finish"
yes, if you don't do any sidequests, you're completely right.

The EnderWigyn smelled of Lilacs and Gooseberries. In this world, dwarves live in ghettos. This is a smart game for smart gamers and im glad i need to learn all this stupid crap to enjoy a video game


your mother sucks dwarf cock


>tfw no mommy cock to suck

What is the best looking sword in the game, including the expansions?

Got to a point where the game warns me and implies that I won't be able to finish other things if I continue and then still lets me finish other things and continue

k..keep me posted

that shows up twice and only 2-3 quests are affected

HoS Iris Sword.

You get it at the end of it and only if you are not a shit Witcher but it is easily the best sword in the game.

>it's TheBull94 from Reddit makes another thread shitting on TW3 episode

Tired of these reruns.

Piss off to . All regular threads should go there.

What about Aerondight? It looks pretty cool, too.

My only quarrel is that it's a bit too easy. Quen-fast attack-evade-fast attack-evade-Quen etc.

>knowing the names of reddit users


Well I mean you could not Quen spam. They should have put a cooldown on it.

I do enjoy fighting large groups in TW3.