How can anyone treat this console seriousely?

How can anyone treat this console seriousely?

It LITERALLY has no games. Not a single one. It has a multiplat you can play on Wii U and a tech demo.

You have to wait half a year for Mario Odyssey to be able to play anything on it, how at this time it sold even a single unit is beyond me. Who the fuck bought it? For what purpose?

How are consoles real if the games aren't real?

Dunno, I'm just asking this.

Nintendo has the only saving grace - it's exclusives. It falls flat on every other category imaginable. And new Nintendo console doesn't even have a single game on launch. How the fuck was it even released? Who bought it?

I can somewhat understand buying one when Mario Odyssey comes out, but who would buy it now? If you wanted to play Zelda that much, you should have bought WiiU, it's cheaper. Not to mention if you want to play Zelda, you most likely already have WiiU. So it's just 60$ for a game. Yet people have spend 500$ on Switch just to play Zelda.

How is this logical? How? HOW?!

Black Friday 2019, baby
>Switch library
>Early 2019 hardware refresh

People like you shoudnt use the word literally

It has a console seller game, what's hard to understand? Sony has them too, and PC, xbone even has Forza that saves it from obsoletion

Stop posting. Reading your inane excrements makes me lose IQ points by the second. Thanks.

It has Zelda

All I need

>"LITERALLY has no games"
>proceeds to list the games it has
really makes you ponder

I literally explained how you can have Zelda for Wii U at lower cost.

How does that make it not have Zelda?
>you can buy a phone for cheaper than iPhone therefore Apple shouldn't exist
failing to see the logic here m8

>playing Zelda at 720p on a television with framedrops out the ass is the same as playing it on a handheld with no framedrops

really made me think

>multiplats are ok when they're on a Nintendo system


>Wii u
You realize the Wii U is basically $250 to buy used. Why would anyone get a Wii U when they can get a Switch for $50 more and allows them to play Zelda in bed.

because wii u has a library of games

so multiplats aren't games? what are they then?

it's like Nintendo doesn't give a shit anymore. They're just making a quick buck where they can get it from chumps.

You mean crossgen? And yeah if people consider Persona 5 to be a PS4 noteworthy game then Zelda should as well since most are gonna buy it on a new system, the Switch especially since Wii U has one of the worst install bases in gaming history.

>And yeah if people consider Persona 5 to be a PS4 noteworthy game
And said people get laughed at for saying that

You mean it figuratively has no games. Literally it has a few including Zelda.

Not really especially since PS4 version has better resolution.

Correct. The Wii U is still priced way too high and I don't buy consoles second hand. I'd rather just play BotW on the Switch.


>How does that make it not have Zelda?

Wuld you rather buy something for 10$ or (the same thing) for 15$?

Buying Switch is literally paying 15$ for no reason, according to economics Switch shouldn't have sold a SINGLE console.

>if people consider Persona 5 to be a PS4 noteworthy game then Zelda should as well

Except you people keep bitching how Persona 5 is not PS4 exclusive. Make up your mind which position you want to take, you can't have both.

Same thing could be said about flagship smartphones, and those bring profit

Switch owner here. The portability factor is a big plus for me. Plus I'd imagine a lot of people here skipped the Wii U and would rather just get the newer console.

Nice, can't wait to play it on my Wii U. So glad I don't have to buy useless console for this gem.

>playing it on a handheld with no framedrops

it dips the same amount on switch in both modes.

So why buy a PC when a console is much cheaper and easier to set up is what your saying?

You realize that the Switch can be played anywhere because it's a handheld?

That alone is a pretty big difference.

except you could be paying for portable mode or better UI or whatever, you can't know what others prefer

Breath of the Wild

Not at all what I'm saying. Glad we cleared that misunderstanding up.

>has a console seller game
True they finally convinced me to buy a WiiU

It doesn't. Handheld mode is smoother but docked mode isn't nearly as bad as Sup Forums shitposters would have you believe.

It has bomberman and many others.

>he uses iPhones
Jesus. Not really though right?

I want to pee, so i’m going to pee, brb

Bomberman is mobile game tier. Where are the many others?

Hmm, it's like spending a bit more at a sprouts than having to go to walmart. Or buying brand name over generic

How do you think I feel, OP?
I'll have to wait 2 years for xenoblade 2 at least

true. still runs better than bloodborne lmao

I use s7 edge, it was just an analogy

xenoblade 2 is slated for this year. they reiterated that on the newsfeed on the switch itself

ironically they backtracked on Mario Kart 8; instead of April 28th it sayd TBD lmao

Finished to pee, really needed to pee, feels good.

I imagine a year at most for that, I can't see them working it for TWO more years when footage of it is already available.

There's literally footage of the game dipping to 20 and hopping between 20 and 30 on Switch in BOTH modes.

>Xenoblade 2
>release date: 2017
>two years
Time travelers are among us!

>he hasn't actually played the game
on handheld I get framedrops maybe once an hour that last for less than 10 seconds

on the dock, which i've barely played, those dips happen about every 10 minutes


Presumably Wii U games will be coming to the Switch eShop right? I skipped the Wii U so I'd like to play XCX along with a few others.


i'd say presumably not

play it in Cemu. one of the few games that works near flawlessly

That's not what we're saying, idiot. Yes both modes have framerate drops but it runs smoother overall in portable mode.

You need to learn what the word LITERALLY means, dipshit.

Honestly, half of people replying didn't even bother to read my OP

This console will only be worthy when monster hunter gets announced for it

>Who the fuck bought it?
People who like vidya
>For what purpose?
To play vidya

Mystery fucking Solved

God BotW is so fucking good.

Glad you took time to tell us about it.

Don't act like this is new, people bought 3 systems just to play the last guardian, at least with Switch you get the factor of portability

>multiplats are suddenly NOT games when it's Nintendo

your welcome

>Backtracking on MK8
why? that game is already out lol

>You should buy a shitty old console, which we already know has nothing good on it, rather than buying a newer system which has better games already confirmed for later in the year.

So I got the switch, but how fast do you think the SMT crew works?

Apocolypse seemed like it was out in NA 1.5 years after initial announcement, so can we expect demons next summer ?

What happened to all the devs? You said there would be devs, nintendo.

post YFW From is making the Metroid Reboot

People here don't consider multiplats a thing on PS4 or Xbone either. They can't fathom that not everyone that posts on Sup Forums owns a desktop gaming rig.

No thanks. I don't see their particular brand of game design working for Metroid. I'd rather have Retro continue to handle it.

>They can't fathom that not everyone that posts on Sup Forums owns a desktop gaming rig.
you're right I actually can't imagine why somebody who is a video game enthusiast wouldn't have this.

The average age here is like 17-19, man.

should be 20-30

I don't know how or why underage gets in here so often

I'm 24 and I don't own a gaming rig because my job pays me peanuts, so I settle for consoles at the moment, till I can get a better paying job.

It should be pretty obvious. Only teenagers(should) have the time and willingness to shitpost back and forth about video games all day.

So, you hid my thread and despite that you still browse it. Nice.

You can play vidya on every console you already have. So why buy Switch?

But assuming you made an argument of 'you can play Zelda on it', you can also play Zelda on far cheaper WiiU, which, if you want to play Zelda in the first palce, probably have already. Like I do.

So, why would ANYONE buy Switch?

>So why buy Switch
To play vidya

And not everyone owned a Wii U, but the Switch getting MK8D has people losing their shit, calling out "LOL literal port!", yet it's been perfectly fine and defended to death that the literal ports on other platforms are fine because "not everyone played them". Not to mention all the indies it's getting, yet those are also not games when it comes to Nintendo platforms.

Not him but what about the games that aren't Zelda coming out? Like what if I didn't play Mario Kart on the Wii U? The Switch version is basically perfect for me and has even more content and features. Then stuff like Arms which is basically going to be the Switch's Splatoon, then Splatoon 2, then later Mario Odyssey and so on and so forth.

kys and see

>which we already know has nothing good on it

It has literally 100% of Switch gaming library as of now. In 6 months, it will have 50% of Switch's library

>buying a newer system which has better games already confirmed
You have no idea what Odyssey will be like, yet you somehow claim it is better than +40 console or Nintendo exclusives you can play on Wii U. And what other games are 'confirmed'? Splatoon Remaster and Mario Kart 8 Remaster?

That's... literally exactly what you're saying

pretty much this
I skipped out on Wii U because no killer apps for me, so getting Mario Kart and Splatoon on it in the next few months is going to be great

plus, Mario Kart DS was my life in middle school; can't wait to get into being able to refine my skills again

they aren't, according to Nintendobros. I'm just judging Switch based on what Nintendobros taught me and the judgmenet is that is has literally no gaems.

The people that owned a Wii U already got what they wanted out of it and are ready to move on. The people that didn't own one probably aren't going to get onboard with a dead system at this point.

It's not. Work on your reading comprehension.

Glad that NOW we have cleared up our misunderstanding.

Breath of the Wild

>How does that make it not have Diablo?

>Wuld you rather buy Diablo for 10$ on the N64 or Diablo on the PC for 15$?

>Buying PC is literally paying 15$ for no reason, according to economics X shouldn't have sold a SINGLE PC.


Wii U is priced too high for a dead system.


This. I don't buy used consoles and I don't think stores are even carrying the Wii U anymore. It never got a heavy discount. Pretty sure they just shipped their unsold inventory back.

Oh, so you not only don't understand the multiplat argument, you haven't played Breath of the Wild.

Wow, you sure are desperate.

Question - does this shit usually work? Making completely silly comparisson to force your argument that has NOTHIGN to do with what I was saying? Do people usually fall for this?

>you haven't played Breath of the Wild.

Not yet, I have few other games to play. But gonna buy it for my Wii U soon.

Hm? Switch? What is that?

You still have yet to refute it.

Please explain how both versions of the game are "the same thing" when one is factually superior to the other.

>Make up your mind which position you want to take, you can't have both.

I think you misunderstand how Sup Forums operates, they take whatever position fits their shitposting.

>Not yet

>OP has answer to question
>reveals he just wanted to shitpost

Oh NeoGA/v/

It has a console seller game that you can buy on the Wii U that looks and runs exactly the same.

The only reason to buy a Switch is if you didn't previously own a Wii U and REALLY want to play Zelda.