Why does Mass Effect treat having sex with aliens so casually? Like...

Why does Mass Effect treat having sex with aliens so casually? Like, how did human society degenerate so rapidly that they'd turn to openly fucking animals within a few hundred years? I understand feeling great love and affection for a creature of another species, but nobody sane fucks their cat.

>nobody sane fucks their cat.
And who decides who is sane for that to be a qualifier? Let me guess, you?

I don't remember it being said that it was common though, maybe Shepard is just a sexual deviant and degenerate.

Sexual attraction to animals is a mental illness user. The brain has mechanisms against being sexually attracted to, for example, people you grew up with. Also animals. And also your mother. And.. father, unless he was like an absentee dad or something. You know, like he was a strong, athletic African American man who was always working for the CIA and didn't have time to read to you at night so you developed deep homolust cravings for his black chocolate.

Aren't the Ayy lmaos pretty sentient?

Only Asari romance was borderline acceptable right? And that's probally based on the fact they can reproduce.

That's what you get when you get trannies, furfags and lezbos to write your game.

Because Asari are smoking hot bikini models, just painted blue. And aliens aren't animals either, unless you're talking about fucking a space dog.

t. Canadian

If you think humans wouldn't try to fuck aliens 5 minutes after we knee they existed I have some news for you.

>And aliens aren't animals either, unless you're talking about fucking a space dog.
So Elcor aren't animals? Are parrots animals?

Welcome to scifi user.
It's humanity duty to fuck ayy lmao.

>fucking humans
perfectly sane
>fucking blue humans

you're this retarded, OP

Technically humans are animals too. If you go by this logic every form of life is an animal.

Well you can't fuck an Elcor in Mass Effect. And elcor are an advanced space faring civilization, not a bird that can repeat sounds.


>Sup Forums is triggered yet again.

>Well you can't fuck an Elcor in Mass Effect.
That's only because Bioware were lazy fucks and only included bipeds as companions because animation is too hard for them.

>Why does America treat having sex with other humans so casually? Like, how did humans degenerate so rapidly that they'd turn to non-missionary position outside of marriage within a few hundred years? I understand our sinful nature, but nobody sane has sex outside of marriage.

This works in reverse too. We can look back on things our ancestors did, and judge them by modern morals - in which case they're a lot worse than us.

You do realize the distinction between animal and sentient race has nothing to do with either being a quadraped or the ability to mimic speech, right?

I think it's pretty safe to assume any species capable of inventing space travel is sentient.

If it has human or greater intelligence, it's not an animal. It's a person.

Can't fuck any Elcor, friend.
And the Elcor did their own production of Hamlet, have any dogs done that?

>If it has human or greater intelligence, it's not an animal. It's a person.
Pigs are more intelligent than small children.


It's science-fiction, Sup Forums. Stop getting sand in your collective vagina.

Anything that can clearly communicate their consent in a language I can understand is fair game desu senpai desu senpai cuck weeb senpai

>I think it's pretty safe to assume any species capable of inventing space travel is sentient.
Wait, wait, wait. So being sentient makes them okay to fuck? So does make fucking chimps okay?

>Like, how did human society degenerate so rapidly that they'd turn to openly fucking animals within a few hundred years?

Humans have been fucking animals since the beginning of time.

And aliens=/=animals, because aliens are sentient or sapient or whatever.

Exactly, and other than arbitrary laws, it's perfectly fine to fuck both

Nigger do you SEE what Humanity looks like in their universe?

It's less degenerate to fuck attractive aliens than to fuck ugly humans

But it wasn't, even in universe. In Mass Effect 3, there's a woman that is having issues because she has an Asari partner. Kelly Chambers affection for aliens is considered strange.

Can't help her. A ton of humans look down on it. Nobody else cares cause the galaxy been fucking long before humans showed up.

It's just that nobody gives Shepard any fucking lip about it because it's Shepard.

They pass the harkness test, son.

Chimps can't consent.

>Humans have been fucking animals since the beginning of time.
fucking what, utter fucking furfag nonsense

If it can hold a conversation with me and can learn how to shit post online then it's good enough to fuck

Through dick. unity.

Barneyfag admitted to sodomising his dog, does that count?

Are you literally retarded? Have you ever heard the terms Zoophilia or Bestiality?

What a weird person, his facial hair, his eyes and his hair all look like they belong to different people.

If there was an animal on earth that could converse at a human level we'd have fucked the shit out of it by now.


I don't see how fucking alien people is in any way not ok unless it had some sort of health implications

>fucking what, utter fucking furfag nonsense
New around here are we? You seriously think nobody has ever had sex with animals especially in the past?

Pan tought the ancient Greeks how to fuck goats

>I don't see how fucking alien people is in any way not ok unless it had some sort of health implications
It would take years for the side effects to become apparent. The parasites humans carry are crazy. Harmless to humans, but crazy.

If it can give consent you can fuck it.

Pic related, one of the main offenders in polluting scifi with social justice and general degeneracy

Case in point: spock

If AYYLMAOS were accepted to our society the first thing I would do is try to fuck one

You're assuming alien biology even vaguely resembles our own. It's more likely for direct contact to outright kill one party than it is for a slow death from "parasites".

>try to fuck one

You can't even fuck humans, you retarded mongoloid.

First game was just human sex and asari mindsex
Then all the Tali waifu fags made Bioware insert more alien romances, which of course had to be something socially acceptable since Shepard whousldn't be some kidn of degenerate animal fucker, and there you have the reason for alien sex being so commonplace by 3


Except I'm a normie and I do

It's just (((science fiction))) goyim! We don't have an agenda we are trying to push or anything, stop being so paranoid.

it's not really just that. By the end of 3 you have potential couples like Tali and Garrus just because they're both dextro-based. That's it, it's completely normal for them to hook up.
The standards for interspecies couples changed considerably over the series due to the romance gameplay element.
The fact that there's some npc who are criticized because of interracial relationships is just a cliché to make a random dramatic story, it doesn't mean Shepard's the only exception.

Really rustled up the old almonds


And who decides fucking a cat is okay? Lemme guess, you?

user of COURSE the aliens don't have issues hooking up. It's been thousands of years. The hang ups are gone.

Humans and aliens is still a sore spot

No animals intelligence can be compared to that of a human or the various aliens from mass effect which are basically humans in costumes.

>The brain has mechanisms against being sexually attracted to, for example, people you grew up with

why do so many betas develop crushes om childhood friends then

Why wouldn't you want to fuck aliens? What a fag, I bet you like girls too.

I bet the Hanar are really popular in futuristic Japan

Lolol posts like this are why I come to v

>I knew Batterians were well hung. But I didn't expect it to be this big

pretty sure in me2 that game merchant has a line about Hanar/Asari porn games

If it can talk with it's mouth, you can fuck it.

If it just hisses at you, then you don't want your dick near it.

The Jack Harkness scale of 'can I fuck this?'


Are you implying its okay to fuck children?


>did human society degenerate so rapidly that they'd turn to openly fucking animals within a few hundred years?
In the game it is canonical that race basically doesn't exist anymore for humans. That helps blur the lines.

go back to Sup Forums


it's in the fucking name you weeb

that never happened faggot, he doesn't even have a dog

I sure hope you learn to be hateful of this sort of hatemongering goooooooy.

Cats aren't sapient ayy lmaos. Depending on what the aliens look like you can bet there would be a large portion of humans that would fuck them. The allure of the exotic and all that shit

apparently it's Sup Forums not to fuck your cat
fuck off, shitter

Humans are animals.
Also if the race is sapient, it's okay. Now fuck off Ashley.

People already fuck dogs who aren't even sapient

>not wanting to fuck blue chicks that get bigger tits the older they get


>Having sex with aliens
>This is somehow Sup Forums
You fuckers are starting to get really annoying

When in doubt, Harkness test.

wow, we really have fallen

>aliens, as established in the game's lore, can't eat human food due to the specific sugars and proteins being incompatible with their bodies at a molecular level, causing their nervous systems to shut down
>but they can have sex with humans and exchange bodily fluids
to answer your question, OP, it's because Bioware games are trash for faggots.

the differences in amino acids like that wouldn't actually do what Bioware was saying.

>there are people who are vehemently against gay marriage ITT but would spend their entire life romantically with a completely alien biological form at the drop of a hat

One of those is a bullshit distraction that in the end doesn't amount to anything.

So long as it's not the same sex as me I'm okay.

Female aliens you dumb fruit

It was enough of a problem that the Old Testament has prohibitions against it.

The are reasons besides just hating fags as to why people don't like them. Not of course that you'd care.

Why do you think people joke about Muslims fucking goats.

I hate to bring the news to you, but

>Female aliens

Yes, human. Aliens do not exist.


I hope you live your life strictly by the Old Testament then

I hate to say this, but Deliverance was just a movie.

94 is way more replies than a thread like this deserves.

I knew this will come handy.