Where does Sup Forums go to pirate vidya?
Where does Sup Forums go to pirate vidya?
local private tracker
local harbor around 12pm
Guy name Jay hangs around there. Ask him got the QT Special, he'll give you what you need
Do not use that word for making a copy of software.
Killing people and pillaging ships at high seas is not in any way similar.
I used to go to Blackcats, but since it got van'd I just use TPB.
With a bit of common sense about what not to download, public trackers aren't half bad. Of course a good private tracker is still better, but I honestly can't be arsed trying to get into a new one.
Have any of you had any repercussions from torrenting vidya?
I know that in the US they sometimes send you warning letters from your service providers, but never heard of it happening in the UK.
>people that aren't on UGC and GG
Nothing at all
Califag here
Got a warning from my internet provider for torrenting Skyrim. They said they would shut off my service at the end of the month and refuse to do business with me if I torrented again. I legit feel like they personally spy on me
No, never.
I once got a slap on the wrist from my provider, but that was only indirectly because of piracy. It was for downloading ridiculous amounts of data, which was because of piracy but they didn't even mention the piracy, just that my data usage conflicted with the fair use policy on their """unlimited""" data plan.
Hello virginmediafag
what vidya should i torrent next, feel like going on an open world adventure, any suggestions?
That's really invasive. It's similar if you would watch those old satellite porn channels which were encrypted but let through the sound...
In 10 years from now we all need to probably use digital ID card to sign in to "internet" and that will be heavily commercialized. It's going to be very similar to what China is doing now. Very sad.
now I'm curious, just how ridiculous was the amount ? A few Tb a month ?
Not the op but I think that if you downloading something all the time 24/7 maybe then. But it's really crazy because that's the service what they provide and people pay for it. That's actually fucked up if the isp complains. I don't like this at all.
I don't because I am not a scum!
I don't really remember how much it was since this was a while ago. At the time I had just managed to wreck my external HDD where I kept all my pirated movies, so I bought a new one and just downloaded my entire collection again. Basically non-stop 24/7 full speed downloading until I was done. I didn't even think about the fair use bullshit because lol unlimited data who cares amirite.
Torrented maybe ~500 things between me and my roommates, after 3 years I get one email saying I downloaded the babadook. I don't even think they have any power to do anything, they can turn off your service but they are too jewy to do that because they'll lose money. Just keep torrenting stuff, here in canada it's not even illegal to do so.
>used to pirate videogames all time
>haven't pirated in a while
>because i can't find anything i want to pirate
>pirate new videogames all the time because I want to see if they're any good
>they just keep sitting in my torrent folder untouched while I play some old games I own legitimately
I know that feel.
I can tell you where they go because of pirating!
pure cancer
Get cucked Amerifats. I'm using the superior public trackers.
Pretty much this.
I always buy it if there's some sort of online component involved.
My shitty IP tracks all my downloads. I've had my Internet shut three times for downloading off thepiratebay. One time was even for a wrestling documentary
I just use private trackers. Looks like the ISP has no clue what data gets pushed through
I don't, I have a rich friend with Family share whose always buys the latest AAA games and never plays them
RE7 is nice
>tfw nothing worth pirating because I'll just get bored with it after a while
Are you UK based? Which provider?
Usually it's not the ISPs themselves that initiate stuff like this, but rather some watchdog company paid by the copyright holders who contact the ISP saying they detected illegal activity from certain IPs. The ISP has to cooperate with them and doesn't really have a choice.
The thing is not that they're too jewish to cut you off, it's that cutting you off would accomplish absolutely nothing for them, because they're just going to have to deal with the same bullshit whether or not they cut you off because there's always someone who pirates shit, so they might as well just send out a generic warning message to make the appearance that they're doing something and go back to sitting on their thumbs than actually do anything about it.
I tend to only pirate AAA titles that I can't justify buying.
But i'll always buy games from small studios that I know consist of actual humans, rather than CEOs
>mfw Virgin Media block all my illegal streaming services but I can torrent fine
Not the worst but its fucking annoying having to find new sites to watch my shows on.
Independent teams can be just as jewish and incompetent as big companies though.
That picture of Joe just makes me laugh for some reason.
Why not just download your shows then, rather than streaming them?
Didn't the owners of Kickass get arrested last year?
FitGirl Repacks are more my thing. Smaller DLs and seems to usually have most of the titiles im looking for. Recently has a bunch of denuvo titles also.
this right here is the way to go. I hit up the new games section of kickstarter on the weekly to check if there's anything cool made by real people.
Organism8 and Rock Audyssey both look good right now, though they're pretty early in development.
U.S. it's the only ISP In a small town. Small town America is shit but at least the air is clean
That's horseshit. If there are other options you should consider switching
I asked myself this.
But you know that feeling when you are too lazy to wait
Hispanic here.
In my country is "legal"
>patiently waiting for FitGirl Repack of Nier Automata without the useless stuff like English VAs
I thought america was all about freedom?
I pirate 90% of my games with 0 fucks given
>Similar to what China is doing now
I very much hope not, what theyre doing terrifies me.
It's not illegal to pirate in my country, only if you make a profit.
>If there are other options you should consider switching
There are option, but from what I remember the last time I changed ISP, its a long process and will leave me without internet for awhile.
Its just too fucking inconvenient to change in the UK, not sure about the rest of the world.
i'm not going to ruin the tracker by introducing you faglords into it.
Google drive links at full speed.
you torrented WHAT?
see Binding of Isaac
Todd knows everything...
>tfw live in Sweden
>One of the biggest internet providers recently got forced by a new bill put forth by representatives of the film and music industry to block any access to torrent sites
Consider yourselves lucky
Some internet providers are actually fighting against this bill but it's still shit that it was allowed in the first place
>Google drive links at full speed.
>downloading by parts at full speed
i prefer downloading the entire thing from torrent at full speed
Same thing happened over here.
>ISPs are forced to block TPB
>not even a day later half a dozen TPB clones pop up hosting the exact same content except on a different address
Literally useless.
how do you not have a vpn user. I thought they were like cell phones now
Good art, looks like a cool RPG, for phones so dirt cheap. No IOS, dunno what that's about
Pixel art, not my style, but metroidvania is always a plus. Hopefully ends up funded but it's not looking great so far.
Piratefag here. Now you guys can see why buyfags have a bit of an edge over us.
When they pay 20-30 bucks for vidya they get something called post-purchase rationalization. It's the cognitive bias of anything that they bought must be good. So they value it a little more and are more likely to finish it before they buy something else.
However when you can just get whatever you want freely, it loses its value and you are more likely to feel apathetic about it. So you end up not playing them.
We got the same bullshit in Portugal. But they really half assed it.
Basically, try to access a known torrenting/streaming site and you get a blank page saying "this site is blocked by judicial law" or some shit.
Turn on some shitty proxy like Hola or ZenMate and boom, fixed.
These attacks on our freedom are disgusting, but at least the people who make them happen are too fucking stupid or lazy to effectively enforce them.
Did they? Man, I really don't pirate videogames anymore. That's dark times we live
Elaborate on what China is doing
>most new games are so shit I don't even feel like playing them for free
i dunno wtf that post has to do with anything but that shit isn't good art, it's not even remotely good.
it's fucking cringe tier tumblr fan art crap.
jesus christ i don't even want to know what board you're browsing in which posting something like that is acceptable holy fuck
They look up their own ass with the pretty boy stuff
Dunno, the authorities suspended their original domain, it's now hosted on kickass(dot)cd
Never in poland. A buddy of mine had to pay a fine of 600€ for pirating a movie in germany.
>piratebay goes down
>opens up again
>all torrents have trackers
>the comment section is blowing up with DON'T DOWNLOOD THIS
>download dozens of gigabytes of stuff
>laugh because corporate america's muscly jew arm can't reach eastern europe
I don't think anyone is concerned with copyrights in this shithole. As long as I cough up the monthly fee, I can literally do anything I want.
It's only fair, in my opinion, because most ISP's suck, if it rains or there's heavy wind the whole shit collapses and I can sit here without internet and they still expect full payments every month. I got fucked so many times while I was in university, it was ridiculous.
>welp, better send my teacher this assignment, it's due today
>Nope, no internet
>phone the company
>"We understand your concern, sir"
>fix it
>"in a maximum three days time, sir"
At least when it works, it's fast.
This company is considered to be the worst ISP
Don't tell me you don't know, are you 12?
You need to have ID to log into internet and there is heavy censorship on chinese equivalents for twitter and facebook. They employ thousands of people to manually censor their posts etc but there are also automatic censorship tools in place as well of course. Most of the western internet is blocked in china.
You got what you deserved for trying to steal from Todd.
>tfw portugal is piracy paradise for the end user since the ISP gets in huge trouble if they even try to spy on you or try giving your info away
>tfw it's now normal to have speeds of 100mbit and 200mbit without download caps
it's a shitty country for many things but at least we're free to use the internet as we like.
No one even bothers uploading anything but the biggest triple A games there бpaт
The Great Firewall of China
Can't watch Youtube in that communist gook shithole
My problem isn't that I don't have a VPN, my problem is that it was enforced in the first place
I'm on one of the ISPs that are actually fighting against this bill, but I don't think anybody should have to fight it, the bill shouldn't have been instated in the first place
I just google "[game] torrent" and download the first result
I only torrent trap JAVs, I don't think the Yakuza or whatever are going the ring up my ISP saying "DISA AMERICAN WHAITO PIGGU IS STEARING OUR JOSOU PORNOGLAPHY HE CAN'T EVEN REARRY BUY REGARY!"
Piracy is an abomination in the eyes of Sharia Law, inshallah!
Everyone ready the stones.
Every Italian ISP. Unreliable, and they keep telling you 100mbits are the next frontier of fast connections, available to 5 percent of the popolation. At least they don't give a shot about piracy and no caps whatsoever
piracy is a sin
But what is sin in a directionless existence? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You paid money to browse a completely free website.
You're the kind of people who'd be okay if the government put a tax on air.
I don't believe in sins
>consuming our limited air molecyles for free
And what is the punishment of sins?
its a really big sin for islam even touring around that black box does not absolve it you have to beg every single person who worked in that product to absolve you
Used to go to BlackCatGames
>tfw not intelligent enough to use vpn
i am just fucking lazy for vpn
Tpb mostly, though I notice I use nyaa more nowadays. That and there is a local private tracker who are relatively reliable.