Why is content for Overwatch releasing so slowly?
Why is content for Overwatch releasing so slowly?
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are they on a boat
Why do people only care about the next new thing?
It's been less than a year and we've gotten 3 maps, and 3 characters. Do you want them to spend a week on each new character? This shit takes time. Name me a game that releases new shit faster
So are you sharing the source with is or what?
Do people REALLY need something over every horizon to keep playing? I mean I put in plenty of time into video games before updates and downloadable content were a thing. No people seem to act like a game isn't worth playing as soon as the updates slow or stop.
Because they dont need to. What they do need to do is release tools to the public, because the community knows what they want. Any game that has modding tools expands that games life by 10 years.
Because the game's core gameplay is shallow and repetitive.
Why are you not giving source?
Heroes of the Storm has had 11 new heroes added since Overwatch was released
Paladins has 15 characters releasing this year and 3 have already been released since january, smite is the same way, hots, and even that shitty paragon is a 3 week release schedule. Meanwhile, Bethesda takes 4 months to release 1 of those, and the whole lore bullshit and all the other crap is not worth waiting that long over
just use chansankaku complex and search for pharah.
because blizzard is shit
The actual team at Blizzard that's making the game is like 25 people.
one of the games you mentioned is p2p and then adds content, the others require constant churning new characters to keep players in the grind loop and on the edge of just purchasing the new content because grinding takes longer
Devs already said they just want to do one thing per month and they know events distract people while making them loads of money. They also decided to make pc and console patches come out at the same time so you have to wait for the patch certification.
A banana boat
me on the left
Because overwatch gets stale quickly. I've already gotten tired of Orisa and that is still on PTR. They seem to like making characters that could be fun but just put ever so slightly frustrating restrictions on them in the name of balance that make them feel like a chore to play.
Just look for any SFM and it will be the same shit.
mercy kinda looks like a monkey
I'd refrain in the future from ever using Paladins as an example of doing anything.
your mom looks like a monkey
i'll put you in the fuckin slowcooker
>mom, blizzard isn't making pc exclusives anymore!
>meanwhile on povertywatch
>3 maps in a year
Wow in 5 years we might actually have 20 decent maps
I want to make Angela happy and be a loving and caring boyfriend for her and have a wonderful relationship with her.
Same but with Pharah
Why is there content being released at all long after I already gave them my money ?
Because Blizzard only cares about money, not making good games.
Look at Hearthstone, one of the most profitable games on the planet, only requires a handful of people to create new content for the game but they still only release ~120 cards, most of them filler, months apart and do balance patches once every 6 months.
She has a boyfriend
Because Microtransaction
>companies exist to make money
>we should be thankful the devs even keep the servers up since they have no legal obligation to do so!
>I don't care that they make billions of dollars in profit every year, companies are SUPPOSED to make money, we should be happy with ANYTHING they give us
Never EVER go full capitalist.
Creating something from scratch takes more time and resources than a copy paste from wow/overwatch/starctaft
Because it's free
Hopefully she chooses the man who will care about her more and try harder to be a good thing for her.
I would respect her decision if it is not me, but I will also prove to her that there isn't someone more devoted and enthusiastic to be with her than me.
You tease.
Overwatch is the SFV of FPS
She already has.
didnt an overwatch doujin just come out?
>focuses on lesbian shit
lame as fuck
People really do fap to SFM stuff? I'm not judging because I also look at weird shit, but I don't know, I could never get it up with that stuff.
what are you, gay?
Angela is a sweet lady and hog doesn't seem like her type
their relationship is limited to matches in the game.
that's a cute, but wrong, thought, user.
It doesn't, she fucks every male hero and some futa shit is involved with her and Widow.
>Majority of the sex scenes are Tracer and Widow
>this isn't lesbianism
canon as fug
No moron. Sony has patches that cost money and a verification process, so does Microsoft. Blizzard being jews and the fact they want console parity make the updates come once in a season.
If hog actually has a soft side and isnt some dumb brute as he is portrayed canonically in game and he likes Angela dolling him up and having tea parties and cute stuff like that then I approve of hog/angela but only if he's actually nice and makes her happy
>People really do X?
>I mean I'm not judging but people seriously, actually, do X?
>I mean no offense to anyone but DO PEOPLE SERIOUSLY DO THIS???
I do, but it has to be some weird stuff like wattchewant.tumblr.com
Mercy is for phara and phara is for mercy you stupid faggots.
Roadhog fucking loves tea.
rarely, I normally look at it for the lulz but occasionally (about 5%) is well done and fappable.
Roadhog isn't portrayed as a dumb brute - He's consistently portrayed as the smarter foil to Junkrat.
He just wanted a quiet life and now he's stuck being a criminal :(
Why is this game so fucking trash? Tried to play it last weekend and fuck this game awful if your team does not a tank or healer you have lost already. Why does Sup Forums shill this shit everyday?
I don't know how they do it but I can't. I wish I was into it, there's some good quality shit.
I want to marry a girl like pharah
>if your boat does not have a sail it won't swim properly, fuck shipping
w o w
>fps game
>need healer and tanks
amazing game btw why is every map choke point shit?
>I'm actually a demon
>if your team does not a tank or healer you have lost already.
not really, it depends on the skill of either team. I've had several games where we've just gone full offense and just fucked over the other team.
TFW no qt north African waifu
Because I like the character designs and the game's aesthetics but the game itself is unbearably boring when there isn't an update going on and the only reason I play is so that I can unlock useless skins for characters I wont play so I want them to keep pumping out something new because that is literally the only way I will play the game and even then the updates still suck because I played the Chinese new year update for less than an hour and Orisa on the PTR is already lame as fuck and I already don't care anymore- fuck this
this game was a mistake I just wish it was good I don't wish bad on any developer because good games are good for everyone but fuck this game and i hope it fails because of the false sense of good the game emanates with its alluring visuals
So they can keep milking stupid faggots like you until the end of time. Think about it. If they release tonnes of content at once, then only some people will buy some of it. However if they pace it out slowly, people are more likely to buy it. Why do you think in MOBAs like League they have set times between new characters? Because if they released 10 at a time for 50 bucks, barely anyone would commit. However releasing someone new every 5 weeks or so for 5 dollars ensures maximum profit because it's a small fee for something new. You fucking sheep, they have broken down scientifically the best formula to get every cent out of you. Enjoy your casual trash.
what are you saying?
all fps games have to be playable rambo-style where you can take care of everything by yourself without teamplay?
>btw why is every map choke point shit?
to enforce teamplay
wow, these shitty sourcemaker porn artists are really out of poses
>in the name of casuals
is this a jojo reference?
It extends playtime and drives free marketing. Simple as that.
Overwatch is the same as any MMO. New content draws players back in who have dropped the game or were getting bored. There's supposed to be a reward for players to sustain their interest, because every mega-hour logged on the servers can be counted on for $X in microtransactions -- in turn funding more marketing, more saturation, and more microdollars.
Think of apportioned content more as marketing and less as content. That's what the publishers do.
they have to churn out new unpolished shit to get paid, overwatch has to take its time to keep the quality up
pretty much
Are we witnessing the slow progress of Overwatch becoming shit?
Oasis is the most god awful map I've ever played. I like every other map but holy fuck all three Oasis locations are fucking trash.
The new four-legged character looks like generic shit. Seriously, looks like some character you'd see in battleborn.
Comp is trash. I played my first 10 comp matches this weekend. Won six and lost four. In EVERY one of the four losses a team mate quit during the first round. I played well even in those losses when we were down a player but still it seated me in silver with 1924.
I've never been silver in my life. Played entire last season in plat around 2700s. Seriously this is fucking ridiculous because your comp teammates quit within the first five minutes you're comp score is punished.
Had a lot of fun with this game in the past but I'm starting to understand a lot of its criticisms.
Why, do, you, talk, like, this, you, fucking, autist?
You don't pay for new heroes in Overwatch.
This is the same studio that brought you Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, and Warlords of Draenor.
It's an absolute fucking miracle that it wasn't a steaming pile of garbage on release. Give it another year and it'll be so morbidly bloated with cosmetics, bad design choices, and retarded "plot" that people will wonder why it was ever popular in the first place.
Blizzard should have just reworked winston instead of releasing the shit that is orisa.
No one even touches winston but blizz feels the need to release more characters.
some call it that
holy shit are you a simp.
youre not supposed to be able to play whatever comp you fucking want you goddamn special snowflake bitch. if youre playing CS and nobody on your team uses guns youre probably not gonna win either, shut the fuck up and go back to wow
post more pharah PLEASE
>having sex with men still makes you a lesbian
OK user.
No, I think it's a PSG reference.
>Have to sign in with facebook/twitter/google or register
m8 why do you do this
They can get disinterested players back by adding new shit beyond the developer's capacity to balance, rather than actually bringing everything into line.
Look at Riot. League of Legends has like 120 fucking characters but only 20 of them are ever played, and 95% of the time it's only the champs that were released within the past year. They only rework champs when they're so fucking outdated that they're literally unplayable because of horrendously unchecked powercreep.
Either that or when champs become "problematic," i.e. any time when Zed ISN'T pick/ban.
blizz cant into fucking balance
all their reworks have been shit
>sombra still shit
>winston still shit
>hook still stupid, and they made his right click better ????
>bastion rework was not even fucking tested (you cant be killed by genji ult if you self heal in turret mode)
>ana nanoboost got speedboost removed
>reaper shadowstep still useless loud trash
you're pretty good
>literally take characters already designed from one game and put them in another