Fuck this game

Honestly, I was giving this game the benefit of the doubt. I actually enjoyed the game overall even though I found it a bit easy at times and the battle a bit too slow.
But now here I am doing the dlc and after two of the best fights in the game (Fume Knight and Smelter Demon 2) we have another great fight (Sir Alonne). The problem is, I just can't enjoy this part due to the disgustingly bad area right before Sir Alonne. Just what the fuck is this shit. After one try where I got Sir Alonne to like 5% hp and died, I only find this area frustrating. This is just horrible design and nothing else.

And yes, there were other areas that were as badly designed as this but the areas were either much easier to run through or the boss was also much easier. Its just a shame due to how great the actual fight with Sir Alonne is. With so many other great games coming out now, I really can't bring myself to finish this.
Fuck this game.

>game is too easy
>get challenged
>game is too hard waaaah

When did I say its too hard? Its just an annoying zone with boring progression. I could take ages killing everything again and again but that's just tedious.

Or you could get good and not need 50 tries to kill the boss.

Boo hoo.

worst case scenario is you have to kill all the enemies 10 times.

just grind them out of existence if you hate it that much.

Ok nice blog.

Your opinion is wrong nigger.

holy shit you're bad

I'm certain you haven't actually played DaS2

I fucking hate dark souls fans, how dare you criticize their precious game, git gud xD

You can run right through the area and challenge Alonne again.

Why is Dark Souls 2 defense force argument git gud
"gitting gud" at dark souls 2 is just cheesing the imbalanced mobs the game throws at you, which is the exact opposite of DaS1's concept of the phrase

This is actually not true, I replayed both games back to back since I was curious and was shocked to discover DaS1 has just as many parts where you fight multiple enemies as DaS2. The hate for 2 is just a meme that almost everyone fell for, including myself.

Fuck off, I stopped going on Sup Forums (and really the internet in general) when I played dark souls 2, I quit halfway because it was fucking shit compared to 1 or demon souls

A likely story, Miyazakidrone.

>this game is too easy bur I enjoy it
>fuck this game is too hard now, I hate it
DS2 is the casual filter of the souls series, its ironic how people always harp on it for being too hard when difficulty was one of the series claim to fame.

You haven't played Ivory King DLC yet. Best area of this game, and for me, it's amongst the bests of the series.

Sounds like the casual filter worked.

I've beaten bloodborne and found it a bit repetitive and short, so I'm deciding between playing DS2 (SOTFS) or 3.
Which one would is better?

Have you played DS1 already?


Then play it what the fuck

I've only got a PS4 as of now, so that's not an option

My condolences.

DaS2 for replayability and PvP.

DaS3 for a one off LP and never again.

you dug yourself a hole by playing bloodborne first

Shit, user. Go for DS3, then. Then SoTFS later because it has a lot more stuff to do at NG+ and beyond.

>dark souls 1 is fair but 2 isn't.

Oh that meme again

In DS2 you have to git gud because the designers and programmers couldn't.

This, I have no idea who thought that The Memory of the Old Iron King was a good idea. It looks like some kind of fan made challenge room using the assets of the game, like what gmod is to half life 2


I unironically like Dark Souls 2 more than any other game in the series

>you just didn't play it!!!

Typical apologist deflection.