Since its already in the making and Fallout 4 was, lets say...

Since its already in the making and Fallout 4 was, lets say, underwhelming and i dont doubt that bethesta will try to outjew everyone and release it before the end of this generation, what do you want to see in F5?
Where will it be set?

New fucking engine and better writing are a given.
Would love to be set in California again(or even Vegas), but with the current gen and hopefully new engine capabilities.
I want new factions, kinda sick of bethesda rehashing DUDR BoS LMAO all the time, thays one of the reasons why New Vegas was way more interesting imo-new, good-written factions.

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably New York.


Fallout 4 was boring after 10-15 hours

>Fire entire team.
>Hire anyone fluent in old style RPGs to make the game.

I bet our dialogues options in Fallout 5 will be "yes" and "no".

Bethesda will never NOT use their fucking ancient ass engine.
Still, all I want in the next Fallout is an option to start off with an official "Alternate Start" scenerio. Fucking hated 3 and 4's story, since it completely made you feel like a retard for doing anything OTHER than the most important thing.
Go purify the wastelands water! Nah, I think I'll fuck around with all these Gary clones.
You're son is kidnapped! Save him! Nah, I think I'll build a new room on my settlement.

Let Obsidian create it.


Make something actually post apocalyptic and believable, rather than that shit fucking generic Nevada bullshit

>implying there will be dialogue options

>I bet our dialogues options in Fallout 5 will be "yes" and "no".

>sarcastic yes

New engine already confirmed.

They will release a new IP to work out the bugs.

There's a mod which removes "muh shawn" storyline from F4 entirely, it has a shitload of dialogue edits and everything.

What constitutes as a believable post-apocalyptic setting?

>New fucking engine and better writing are a given.

lmao, they've used the same engine since Oblivion. You really think that's gonna change?

Same for the writing, if it could get better, it would have already.

>since Oblivion
Morrowind senpai.

Never happening

It'll just be (Y)

you can get that little bird to press it for you while you watch TV.

A fucking society

POST-apocalyptic setting shouldnt look like the bombs fell yesterday and not 200 years ago, thats my biggest problem with bethesda.
They seem to have a huge bonner for total wastelands, which is fine with me, but it condradicts the lore.200 years are enough for some kind of civilization to start forming again, while bethesda fallouts would work good if theu were set 10-20 years after the devastation

What would Bethesda even make a new open world IP about?

Do you mean that ""new"" Creation Engine?
If not, id be pretty hype


I would make a multiplayer Fallout and then a new IP. Gotta start somewhere.

Of course I'm the only person in this thread who will be right about this.

todd simulator
choose your own toddventure

The novelty of listening to oldies music has worn off. Get the guy who did the soundtrack for 1 and 2 to make new stuff.

Maybe space? They could do some sort of Mass Effect/ No Man's Sky thing. In fact, like exploring the (starfield) or something

>New fucking engine and better writing are a given.

Kys your neck and piss yourself

Yeah, because the multiplayet TES turned out so good...

>New fucking engine and better writing are a given.
why? its the same fucking team

People who actually played it tend to go on how good it is given the slightest provocation.

Co-op would be better. The way it was implemented in Far Cry 4 is ideal. Drop in/drop out very easily and you can do some missions and quests together but the main story is locked.

Even if so, everyone hates it for shitting on the lore.
And beth already shat on the Fallout lore pretty hard, imagine if they have to piece together lore that works for an mmorpg Fallout game...

I wouldnt mind if they make a good regular game but put the option for co-op to dick around with a buddy

- cool setting
- cool characters
- cool plot
- cool factions
- cool quests
- cool ways of solving said quests
- cool non-hostile places with interesting content

That's pretty much what I'd want. I don't care if it looked and worked like Oblivion if the actual content was worthwhile. I don't wanna be Skyrim'd any more.

>All the Obsidrones ITT

IIRC most of the relevant writers have already left Obsidian

It's crap now

Caesar's Legion was actually taken from the cancelled "Van Buren" Fallout 3 by Black Isle, and it was supposed to be something for the fans to appreciate by means of "we never had a Black Isle Fallout 3, but at least parts of it are kept alive in New Vegas".

Though they also were too cartoonish / Mad Max for me in the final product.

Just let the series die

if you bypass the minutemen and the settlements and save it for later, the game is a lot more fun

This, I can't cope with the idea that after two centuries, humanity hasn't recovered socially and technologically from "total nuclear annihilation"

>set in New Orleans or San Francisco
>no cringy romance, just comical wasteland hooker sex
>bring back karma
>use unreal 4
>keep the same level of voice talent
>fire axes without mods
>decent armor
>viable non-piece armor
>allow settlement pieces to fucking overlap
>binary speech checks
>skill points
>make a completely new soundtrack

they can build fully realistic androids but they cant move the skeletons in their house

>New fucking engine

They just made one ;)

remove the T-60 Power armour from lore as well


Fallout 5 will probably be at best a tolerable Fallout game if they take people's advice and bring back skills. The writing, style and setting won't match the ingenuity of Black Isle/Obsidian's. At worst, it will be a pretty bad Fallout game like 3. I don't see how it could be more atrocious than 4, but you never know.

>Since its already in the making
It's not.

>caring about power armor

fair nuff tho

New Vegas had almost heavy-rain levels of story involvement. I did things that I later regretted a few hours later. The dialogue options were greatly varied and there were tons of skill checks for dialogue that were able to unlock new ways to beat quests.

Where the fuck is that shit now? Where the fuck are my 20 points to spend every level? THAT SHIT WAS DOPE. WHY DID YOU DEVIATE???

I want a varied story with multiple endings and awesome varied dialogue with tons of available NPCs like new Vegas.

This. They're working on some new projects and probably very early concept stuff for TES VI.

west coast, further west than NV, show F1 stuff but 'modern day' (in terms of fallout.).

with china as DLC.

>new engine
I can't laugh hard enough to give you an indication of my feelings on that one, sorry.

needs to be DUDR enclave, and NV factions, and factions from 1,2, no two party system, no white black red blue morality systems, fucking greyscale that bitch.

>what do you want to see in F5?
idk vehicles? like actually be able to fly your own vertibird, and mad max style shit.

no idea how much NV pisses me off that there are busted motorbikes everywhere yet not one working vehicle.

some more enclave v BOS fighting would be nice

hell if they could even temp truce to fight some greater enroaching only to turn on each other after or something

>your normie freinds will praise this game like they praised FO4

Remove the voiced character for starters


China is a giant glowing crater

Litetally first google result

Why not? Imagine that all global trade, all long distance communication, all vehicles, all agriculture, all housing, all order of things goes away right about now. How long do you think it would take to create decent sized societies that can sustain thousands of people? How long until it's secure enough healthwise to put any focus on technology instead of day-to-day surviving? And how long until you can share that technology to others without the internet or phones?

It's a pretty big shock and you need to understand that it's not like the current population starting again from 1800's, but instead going back to prehistoric times where there's essentially nothing available. Well, ok, Fallout has structures and technology and all sorts of shit available for people, but it's still a larger shock to mankind than you might give it credit for.

That's cause it's post post apocalyptic.

The aesthetics should be people have pretty much patchworked onto the old world or torn down what little they can to make their new world.

oh, i realised you were apparently being sarcastic
well shucks

so was new vegas til they actually found out what happened in character.

although that was a retcon, chinas situation is entirely unknown in canon.

Even the normies werent that thrilled by F4 unlike F3

I mean you can see it in Mothership Zeta, but that could be easily retconned.

in new California and legion territory.
See how our decision in new Vegas influenced said territory´s.

Or in the north Detroit and shit where the enclave is. And parts of the original BoS.

I mean fuck why not make F:tactics remake but with rpg elements and theme or make it a big treasure hunt and go after the Vault 1 or vault 0.

Full of tec and riches and what ever.
A race between factions BoS, Enclave, Raiders, independents, local warlords and so forth. You the player can smith alliances or destroy them trying everything just fr your self.

A road trip around north america hunting for the vault.

No, let beth handle the gameplay while obisidian handles the writing.

Hate fallout 4 as much as you want, but the gameplay is much better than new vegas.

I don't want a new Fallout after 4. I loved 3 and NV, but after 4 I honestly hope Bethesda just focuses on ruining ES before going out of business. Or at least sticking to publishing games made by studios that actually have talent.

After Fallout 4 I honestly don't think Bethesda should develop games anymore.

>what do you want to see in F5?
Nothing, I don't want to see anything released by Bethesda.
Oblivion was one of the worst games I've ever played in my entire life and a wound I've never truly recovered from. Fallout 3 and Skyrim were a tiny bit better which in addition to me sort of getting accustomed to bethesda's shitty formula was apparently enough to trick me into thinking that whatever comes from bethesda's gaping asshole after them will not be a colossal failure. Also, I absolutely adored New Vegas and of course I never expected F4 to be anything like it, but I also didn't expect it to be this shitty.
Really, if there's a game in this world that straight up offends me or pisses me off then it's definitely Fallout 4

>San Francisco
San Fran was already in the second game.

Not the same guy and not talking about civilization, but
>200 yeats later
>still no fucking greenery whatsover

Guess there arent trees growing in Hiroshima either

>New engine already confirmed.
Good joke.

>new engine

Whats supposed to be in Vault 0 and ?

Beth didn't go the gameplay, ID did. That's why it's the way it is.

Personally I prefer 3 and Nv because I don't think the gunplay is THAT much better. It isn't like it's amazing in 4 or anything.

>Hate fallout 4 as much as you want, but the gameplay is much better than new vegas.
No it isn't. Gameplay isn't just "lol shooting feels smoother xD". While we're on the topic of shooting, by the way, even this statement is completely invalid because of complete lack of correlation between your character's skills and how the weapon handles, apart from your usual snore-inducing skyrim-esque +20% perks.

All this garbage basically creates a situation where literally every weapon feels the absolute same and even the shitty weapon """""""customization"""""""" system doesn't do anything useful to get rid of this situation because it's basically a linear path of upgrades like +-damage/+-range etc.

You've posted this exact thread many times already

To be fair the bombs used in the fallout universe can make any nuclear bomb in our world look like a kid firecracker.

The radition relesead by those things in fallout is much, much higher than anything used in our world.

Probably not NYC. The city was likely hit just as hard by the nukes as Washington. The rest of the state though? Maybe. I'm a bit biased being an upstatefag and all but I'd love to see a Fallout game set there. There's a lot you can do with the region, especially the prisons.

Its in F:Tactics cannon, the main vault, witch job would be to help rebuilding america, the brightest and best where stored there, with all the machines and knowledge they would need, like command center, the new capital of teh post apocalyptic america.

what I believe will happen:
>uses gamebryo
>set somewhere on the east coast in a randomly generated environment with randomly generated loot
>you are a vault dweller and have to find your wife's son who was kidnapped by the enclave which has been resurrected from the dead again. this is the MQ
>you get power armor and a fat man instantly when you leave the vault
>BoS is involved along with Liberty Prime
>dialogue options are streamlined and you can no longer choose what to say. conversations are just cutscenes now.
>all side quests are now kill/fetch radiant quests
>certain perks such as lockpicking are removed to streamline the experience. you can now pick any lock and hack any computer at level 1
>the wasteland population consists of 95% raiders, supermutants, and hostile mercenaries

Prove it

No its just betshidsa fucking up and trying to keep the "The bombs just drop´d 20 min ago" look.

hence all the skeletons and all the loot that nobody took and trash and what so ever.

Todout the game.

A todapocalyptic game.

From tod for tod´s

this always bothered me. you'd think that after 200 years you'd see signs of nature taking over, but all trees and vegetation are dead and it seems like nobody bothered to loot or scavenge most places in all that time. it's all about that bethesda's "the world revolves around the player" experience.

This, my most normie friend picked up Fo3 recently and said 4 was lame because you're always stuck as a worried father

That could work for a new game. Some places would be nuked harder than others, and so less survivors. Logically there should be places in the USA where there wasn't enough people to restart humanity and "your" group just moved in a few generations ago. Hell you could even throw in another group setting up on the other side and that's the main conflict.

New York is a smoldering crater you dumb shit, but knowing the cunts at Bethesda they'll retcon it to be a happy place where nothing went wrong

Thats the problem.

Fallout was revolving around the world not the player.

Its like two opposite philosophy´s.

Start as a tribes man and not a vault dweller?

They sort of made a new engine for F4 so you bet they are going to use it for the next couple games.

2 is one of the best if not THE best fallout game. I'd like to see it done in those sick 2025 graphix.

>bring back karma
fucking stupid how does someone know i killed some faggot in a house out nowhere.

Or you could be someone who came over looking to make a buck, like a frontiersman. That way it goes with the usual "no real back story" bestheda usually does.

>built by todd 4 todd


In fnv it was more about perks and gaging your character
In 3 everybody knows.

even if you polish a turd, it won't stop being a turd


For fuck's sake hire some good writers. Please don't have the world feel like it was just a few decades after the goddamn bombs fell.

Give us a post apocalyptic city that has effectively been rebuilt over the span of centuries. Don't have it look like it's cobbled together with garbage.

Give us meaningful factions to interact with. Limit the Brotherhood's influence to a bare minimum if at all. Bring the setting to somewhere fresh but still heavily rooted in Americana.

Oh and fucking bring back skill checks and more RPG oriented mechanics.

I know none of this will happen. Todd will still make his 6 gorillion.

>what do you want to see in F5?
Rideable motorcycles


Fucking normies i swear

considering that Fallout 4 was dumbed down significantly, do you guys think Todd will take it even further?

>Writing a West Coast game

pray this never happens

So here's a curious question: let's say the next Fallout is made by Obsidian. What if it was an isometric RPG like PoE and Tyranmy, in the vein of the old Fallouts, and Obsidian's recent releases?

Would you still play it?