I'm disappointed

I'm disappointed.

>Only four dungeons, each can be completed in 20 minutes, they took me 35 minutes each.
>Dungeons have no unique design or enemies, aside from the boss at the end. All bosses have similar design.
>Dungeons consist of a few rooms haphazardly stuck together, all have the same gimmick, rotation.
>Only four tools to beat shrines, you come to understand how to solve them after doing a few, most use very similar puzzles, very few exceptions.
>Only 15 enemy types, all others are recolors with, maybe, one extra move.
>Of those fifteen, 80% of the enemies you are going to be fighting are Bokoblins, Lizalfos, and Moblins.
>Another 10 percent are Keese and Chu Chu that die in one hit and the occasional Wizrobe.
>Damage sponge enemies, particularly the highest tier recolors and Lynels, which have more HP than Guardians.
>No directional input attacks, just one standard combo for each weapon type.
>No unique weapon movesets, weapons are just reskins of other weapon types.
>There's no incentive to fight enemies after you have decent or good weapons, you break your weapons for worse weapons.
>Any difficulty the game could have had is removed by a heal system that can instantly heal all of your HP from the pause menu.
>Half of the side quests are fetch quests. One in particular asks for a total of 100 pieces of wood along with talking to a few NPCs.
>Story told through flashbacks, very little going on in the world you are in, little incentive narrative wise to keep playing. Compare to past Zelda's.
>Not so great English voices, no option to change voice language and keep English text.
>Music is absent most of the game, when it's present, it's worse than the other Zelda's. Listen to youtube.com/watch?v=J_TzYGd9pjk.
>There is nothing in the world but Shrines, enemy camps, mandatory towns, and a few minor secrets that give you korok seeds. Lots of empty space and "dead air" with nothing happening.

It's a 6/10 for me. Zelda is finished.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice review user, good thing I nevered cared about Zelda games.




Thank you user, you should start by playing Ocarina of Time.

>can finish the game in 1.5hrs

Wow 10/10 gaem

>Not so great English voices, no option to change voice language and keep English text.

why do you enjoy autistic japanese people screaming hysterically?

>Listen to youtube.com/watch?v=J_TzYGd9pjk.
This music is garbage. Looks like from a indie title

NOPE. It's fucking ridiculous that I had to timestamp that I owned the fucking game for these drones to start taking me seriously. They all just said I "never played it" or was a sonybro.

I've seen this posted at least a dozen times now. It must suck having autism.

Sup Forumsintendogaf is the most cancerous thing ever
I don't understand how this board could be the most pro-nintendo place on the internet after neogaf.

For some obscure reason Nintendo fans love Sup Forums

>why do you enjoy autistic japanese people screaming hysterically?
I think it's less about wanting Japanese specifically, and more wanting a language you don't understand to keep up the fantasy world vibe.

slut zelda, best zelda

>Hey bro, can I borrow your WiiU for a sec?
>Sure thing bro

>>No directional input attacks, just one standard combo for each weapon type
3 years after Bloodborne

*slow clap*

Every zelda is mediocre, are you surprised?

Because Nintendo used to make good games, and the general culture of Sup Forums back in the day was enjoying good games. This attracted Nintentards from Reddit who played and loved EVERYTHING Nintendo does irregardless of quality.

Now that Nintendo is becoming shit, you have people like me turning on them and then the newfag Redditors who are blindly defending them. Quite sad.

I fell for the Zelda meme back in the day

Bought a n64
spend 200 dollars in 2 controllers
spend money in a upscaler
buy Zelda OoT

Piece of garbage.

>Because Nintendo used to make good games
Then Mario Sunshine was released and 4 years later the Wii was announced at E3.

People still live pretending Nintendo is going to make a huge come back and release good games like in SNES/n64 era

its almost as if all the reviewers were Nintendo/Zelda fans huh?

really makes you think

>Not so great English voices, no option to change voice language and keep English text.

>this thread again

Still offers more than other Zelda games.

Super Mario Sunshine was great though.

Why do you already have 48 hours if it's mediocre? Is your life that shitty?

I'm a Zelda and Nintendo fan too. The fact is, my loyalty is to good games not Nintendo.

>Nintendo/Zelda fans
Read: casuals

You didn't play it

Stop shitposting

>puts 50 (fifty!) hours into a game within a couple of days
>claims game is mediocre

What's wrong with people like you? Why would you continue playing a game after like one or two hours if it was less than good?

It's nice that you got someone else to write you this timestamp, but you've been spamming this pasta full of lies for days already.

It only takes people a few minutes to fact check these and figure out that you are blatantly lying about the number of enemies for example.

Sorry, lad.

I do however applaud your effort, you put more effort into your shitposting and anti-shilling than 99% of the other people.

Because the game is barren and empty, and you need to spend 48 hours to actually traverse the huge and empty game world and accomplish a good amount of content. That and actually experiencing all facets of the game because you know, I WANT to like it, but I can't, it's just not good.

>shittin on the OBECTIVE gotg
stuffs already been decided, your opinion doesn't fuckin matter

>Because the game is barren and empty
Didn't play the game

>48 hours
Yeah ok user

i think it has more to do with paid reviews. nintendo's marketing budget for the switch is noticeably bigger than their past consoles. they spend all that money advertising on these pro-game review sites. its a vicious cycle.

>it's not exactly like every other zelda out there so it sucks.

>half of the quests are fetch quests
what about the other half, are they interesting? I was watching a strem of a dude going into a fucking maze, looked pretty cool. You dont need to do evry quest you know.

>there is nothing in the world
I saw a maze, an island with a hidden quest, the yiga clan hideout or wtv, seemed pretty filled with stuff.

He probably played through all of it to form a complete opinion, you stupid fag.

Not him but all of it's flaws really stand out a ton. It's not bad but it's one of the weaker 3D Marios for a reason.

>i think it has more to do with paid reviews


>Mediocore means its bad
No you stupd cuck, medicore means it might be fine to play, but its not a masterpiece you zombies claim it to be.
Mad max was pretty mediocore to me. Steam counts it as 56 hours of playthrough for me.

user, if you really played the game can you answer me this question? Are all the bosses in dungeon different variation of blight ganon? What happen after you beat a dungeon?

He has autism just like Sup Forums.

>Wii U
Opinion thrown into the trash

Literally posted proof I played it in the OP, fuck off.
Yeah, because that's totally likely. Do you need another timestamp you faggot? I can provide 1000000 of them.

I'm not blatantly lying about anything. Those are the number of enemies. Do you need me to enumerate them for you?
The proof is in the OP you fucking faggot.

All this same fag

>Play only 48 minutes
>It is a bad game
End yourself

Please give me (you)s

>hy would you continue playing a game after like one or two hours
but you nintendo fags assured people it becomes good after several hours

Why do people want their world to be filled with POIs every 10 meters?

I enjoy how realistic the world of BotW feels. You have some forests with boars, turkeys and squirrels running around with a little pond full of fish and frogs nearby and shit like that.

Not every square meter of an open world game has to have some kind of point of interest where you "do" something.

If anything, the interesting parts of the world stand out more BECAUSE other parts of it are just there for the world building.

>puts 50 (fifty!) hours into a game within a couple of days
>claims game is mediocre
I put 60 hours into No Man's Sky because I couldn't believe it stayed that shit forever, does that mean I can't call it shit? You are like those idiots on Steam pages who point out "Well, you played 1000 hours of CS:GO, surely it can't be that bad"

Must suck doing something for 40+ hours that you don't enjoy.

Because overacting is better than underacting.

What's wrong with you, you stupid virgin? If something is mediocre, it's not bad, but not good either. Have you ever even looked into a dictionary?

Yes. After you beat the Dungeon you get a Heart Container, a cutscene plays and you get a special power based on the dead Champion 100 years ago. Then another cutscene plays showing the beast and Champion shoot a giant laser towards the Castle. You are teleported out of the Dungeon after that.

*notices bait*
OwO what is this?

>play the game for 2 hours
>lol well done with the tutorial
>play the game for 20 hours
>if you hate the game so much why did you play for 20 hours?

>he couldn't tell NMS was the same shit over and over and over in under 10 hours

what is wrong with you
you see 1 outpost in NMS you've seen em all

The thing is i Genuinly think the game looks fun, have you watched any streams at all? i sat for about an hour watching some random what i THINK was a tranny, run around taking pictures of mushrooms and shit.

But where does it go south, did reviewers blow their load on the first hour onto paper? because thats what it seems like

it's a good thing OP isn't someone who matters like a reviewer

>Why do people want their world to be filled with POIs every 10 meters?
Because then the flaws just start to stick out like a sore thumb. Complaints about stamina are there because you just have to run for such insane amounts of times across nothing but grass or climbing a bunch of mountains with nothing of note.

And over 100 shrines, each with a challenge to go through. Not to mention the 'dungeons' have a reason to not be gigantic in the way other games' were. First, you go through a much greater challenge to reach them in the first place, and second, they fit the structure they're meant to be. All bosses have similar design because they're based on a singular character. In MM they all looked kinda similar as well.
Basically after you learn the extent of the tools you're qualified to take on any shrine with skill and logic, and "with a few exceptions" means you still get surprised every once in a while despite the tools not having changed. Wow, really sucks.
I haven't verified the number of enemy types, but different 'colors' have different moves and different AI. They notice things differently and employ different strategies based on their surroundings. Different weapons and weather also encourage you to fight differently, as well as the weapons you have on hand. Effectively each encounter is different from the last, and even for similar encounters, there are multiple approaches.
Not damage sponge if you have good weapons, which even if you break, you'll still make your spending back after defeating the monster.

>medicore means it might be fine to play
I wouldnt pay 50$ for a mediocre game, would you?

I don't give a shit about realism, that doesn't make a good video game. If you want to make a game about realism, at least make it real in relation to something interesting, not boring.

I literally could not believe it stayed like that the whole way. I think I was just in disbelief the whole time, I only stopped because I was not going to spend the next 100 hours grinding warp cells to get 50k lightyears closer to the center.

>over 100 shrines
jesus, for real? tempted to buy just for that alone.

>being THIS mad because Nintendo BTFO Sony yet again
show me your library of PS4 games

IT'S 9.6 !!!!!

please delete this thread OP

you are only giving Sonybro ammunition against us

That's why I subtract at least 10 points on metacritic for nostalgia bait or games with a rabid fanbase.

>it gets good after x hours
>lol you played it for x hours? You must've liked it then faggot

>show me your library of PS4 games
People on glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Keep in mind they're basically physics puzzles you'd see in a normal Zelda dungeon like pushing blocks or what you'd see in HL2 with see saws and stuff, and they have repeats like with hitting boulders and stuff. Not that that's bad or anything, just know what you're getting.

woah user that makes zelda a..a well 0/10

There are literally only TWO negatives about BotW

>item durability, they went too far with this
>frame rate dips

That's it. 9.5/10 game, game of the decade material.

And this is before the DLC too. The DLC that adds another full dungeon, multiple new challenges, a hard mode (as if the game wasn't hard enough already), a cave of trials, more map features and so on.

Will easily be 10/10 by then.
I also have a strong suspicion they might release a patch that tones down the rate at which items break a little bit.

Because sadly this site it most used by amerifats. And they care because muh smash and muh nostalgia.

Borra esto, NO es Justo!

I wouldn't pay 50$ for any game. I'll buy it months later with a huge discount, all patched up and probably complete with all dlcs that i wont play anyway.
if it proves to be a good game not by first wave of reviewers but accumulated score of all kind of players out there.


I have 80 hours in X: Rebirth.

It's pretty and I enjoyed just flying around exploring. But the game itself is pretty meh.

Just because a game is medocre doesn't mean it's unplayable.

Where the hell do you liveargue?
It's more like 70 or 80

>And this is before the DLC too
Which costs $20, its not even free like Splatoons was
>defending use of DLC to improve games
You are cancer.

do you honestly think its worth picking up one of the next switches form batch 2-3 or should people be waiting for the docs to be padded out, and the joycon problems to be ironed out, i heard and seen a lot of bad shit, thats the only thing that makes me not want to sink £300 for a zelda machine, plus that new mario does look kinda good.

thanks for the review op, in to the trash it goes

Shit story
General ugliness (ui, models, textures etc) not technologically, but artstyle

Except that's literally false as there are numerous amounts of shitposting threads literally made to laugh at Nintendo.

>a hard mode
ooo thanks i can pay to unlock HARD mode

people said it would be a HARDER mode and its not? they literally put a mode that should be in the game behind a pay wall?

>And over 100 shrines, each with a challenge to go through
Wow did you even read?

>Only four tools to beat shrines, you come to understand how to solve them after doing a few, most use very similar puzzles, very few exceptions.

> and "with a few exceptions" means you still get surprised every once in a while

The exceptions are one offs like shrines that just give you an item for finding them, combat shrines, or a few very minor exceptions like the stupid island people are meming about.

>but different 'colors' have different moves and different AI
No, they really don't. That's in your fucking imagination.

>Different weapons and weather also encourage you to fight differently
Wow, don't use metal weapons when it's raining... such an innovative game changer. You're making a bunch of nothing into something, dishonest.

>Effectively each encounter is different from the last

No, it is pretty much the same shit each time, especially because the "multiple approaches" don't do shit for damage beyond the most basic enemy color types.

>Not damage sponge if you have good weapons
Lynels have more than 3000 HP, IIRC some have 7500 HP.

> you'll still make your spending back after defeating the monster.
You can't buy weapons or repair them, all you get is their shittier weapons and a few monster parts for a few rupees or useless elixirs.

but OOT didn't use the Expansion Pak
faggot post
faggot user

>and you can bypass stamina by whistling
Kek, nintendos broken ass games.

Compared to Alundra,yes but the zelda series compared to anything else is still good with some top of the line entries like alttp,ocarina,majors.

I don't own a PS4. I bought a Wii U for BoTW, big mistake and will be reselling it after I play the few other games the Wii U has.

>Splatoon DLC
You do know that the DLC was only free because they couldn't finish the game in time so they had to put it all in with updates.

Really like throwing that word around, don't you?

Did you just completely ignore OP's post you anime posting loser?

>48 hours played
>this game is shit

thats same grade A autism

Great job user! Now play some of the other great games the Switch has to offer!

this reminds me of last of us

I have a ps4 but think that game is so fucking overrated

>muh 10/10's

both that and this game are overrated as fuck. ALBW is a better zelda even.

I'm not stupid enough to buy a Switch, and that is clearly a Wii U gamepad in the OP.

Well people paid good money for a pile of shit. Might as well finish it.

>he doesn't make reviews based solely on what he reads on 4ching and playing 10 minutes.
Fuck off casual scum

Literally every point you made proved you never even touched the game

I hate this soooo much.