Yet ANOTHER good game

>yet ANOTHER good game
>right after GOAT Zelda
Where were you when 8th gen FINALLY redeemed itself?

I'll pirate it on PC and play it for free.

I'll pirate it and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>below 90
another sony kusoge. zelda stays winning!

Can't wait for butthurt pissbabies to spend the next month crying about how "SJW" reviewers denied this game a perfect score.

>8th gen
sorry I don't speak console shit
I will however buy it in a few days and enjoy it

>Doesn't pay for reviews

You dun goofed user and now you're exposed!

>tfw can't decide between PC and PS4

The system reqs make me worried it's going to be some shit port.

How well does it run on base PS4?

>8th gen finally redeemed itself
>season passes out the ass
>day one dlcs
>cut content for dlc
>more focus on marketing than improving game / removal of bugs
>broken pieces of shit on launch

Gaming sure has been saved

Targets 60, does not always get 60. Platinum PC ports have been good so far.

Platinum said that at first they develop on high spec PC and then they port to PS4.


You have to go back

You will play first on PS4, and the game is guaranteed to run well (most of the time 60fps)

a Taro game that doesn't have a yellow/red metacritic score? wow

Based nips saving this industry.



>Barely better than Horizon Zero Fun

I'll wait for a 75% off sale on Steam.

Ummmmm my brother has a bladder problem that makes him have accidents sometimes which leads to bullying this is really fucking ableist???

Any site scoring Nier worse than Horizon is confirmed shitters.

Wait a sec, I thought platinum sucked and scalebound getting cancelled was good for us xbros?

>can actually take enemies under direct control as 9S
what the FLYING fuck

Reminder that Scalebound is going to be retooled as Drakengard 4.

>Microsoft loses an exclusive
>Their game plan now is a fucking console strategy game.

>not Citizen Kaine/10
Wasted opportunity OP.
Also this.

>Game Informer

>Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

>Bioshock Infinite

>Mass Effect 3

Tell me again why I should take "critic" scores seriously

I just don't get what Game Informer wanted out of the combat

It is not the best platinum game but it is above the more shovelware stuff like Korra which still had good combat.

>Not 92
I am fucking mad, it must be 92! Not more! Not less!


Aside from that, you shouldn't

I dunno, according to them these games had 10/10 worthy combat.

Batman combat.

PC or PS4? Tell me Sup Forums reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Is this cunt on suicide watch yet

>Nintendo releasing a new console and one of the highest rated games of all time with it
>Sony releasing plenty of exclusives including Horizon which is their biggest launch for a new IP as the PS4 is still selling like crack
>MS cancelled Scalebound and released Halo Wars 2 and nobody gave a shit

PS4 is 60 with short drops to 40 during intense action
PS4 Pro is 60 with some minor drops
PC is likely going to be a stable 60 due to Platinum's involvement

Best possible timeline.

This is Taro's first game where it actually reviewed well. I honestly think Platinum or SE are expecting lower scores than this.

Do you want a PS1 robot or a Valve eyepatch?

>Taro game gets good reviews and has a fanbase bigger than a niche cult following

What is happening?

>Grimoire Weiss pod
>It doesn't call you an idiot and make sarcastic comments

Today we showed Japan that the west does in fact love pantsu too. (((Localizers))) blown the fuck out.

>Game Informer

I'm glad someone has their eyes open. This game is no 9 or 10.

It was at 92 earlier. Good enough?

I enjoyed the demo. I'll pick it up after finishing Zelda. Then I'll get Sonic Mania.

So is this the typical Platinum 5 hour button masher or is this different?

I've read the reviews up in Metacritic and I am actually shocked.

At the very least, most of the reviewers (around 90% of them) actually played the game all throughout the main endings. It's pretty obvious especially the foreign gaming sites, because they are mostly the ones that gave the game a perfect score. Also you'll notice they want to say something about Ending E, but are holding back, just so they can't spoil people about it.

It's more likely to be retooled into Granblue Fantasy ReLink.

you mean "someone didnt get their wallet filled"

guess taro didnt pay them for the review?


Are you kidding me GameInformer? Take that 7.8 and put it right in your ass.

>It doesn't call A2 a hussy

Missed chance.

Taro uses his money to get drunk. Ain't no time to pay out reviewers and shit.

>in order to get good review scores for once, Taro did a tour around the world drinking with every journalist he knew about
>He will die from liver-related problems in this year

>pirating a game that was literally made as a passion project
>everyone in the staff knew that Nier didn't sell but they were fan of the first game and wanted to make a sequel
>the franchise's and Yoko Taro's future is very uncertain and completely depend on the sales of Automata

>Taro game gets a score above 70
This is GotD right here

To get to the true ending, assuming your not rushing, its around a 50 hour RPG.

>a taro game is actually better than zelda but doesnt get praised because of the stigma from nier

maybe it's for the best

it sold well at least.

System requirements are almost always bullshit.

Just wait until there is PC review code before you decide.

For once, Polygon actually finished the whole game.

Did Taro blackmail reviewers or something?

Does his fucking blackmail powers extend outside of Japan now?

>taro game sells
>taro game reviews well

I don't understand what is happening right now. Is this what the end looks like?

Maybe it was the note by Square PR literally saying "PLEASE PLAY IT MORE THIS ISN'T THE END", and even with that the GI guy apparently only played it to ending B.

enjoy user

I will. Ending D and all the 9s dicksucking left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not supporting a game that lies to me on who the main character is.

Hackerman digitally rapes them so hard that he gets to do whatever he wants with their bodies
He's THAT good

Taro was never going to get the critical acclaim of Zelda simply due to the story requiring a lot of effort on the player to uncover via mutiple playthroughs and the subversion of standard game tropes coupled with bizzare enemy designs and characters.

Nier simply requires a lot from your average player which is too stupid or lazy to invest time into such a game before going off to the next piece of instant gratificaiton.

PS4 is the port

how did polygon make it without saying "2b's ass is misogynist!"

>lies to me
They've said there were multiple protagonists though.

>responding to piratefags

Yes but the screen time for each werent very balanced. A2 for example got the least amount of chapters and required knowledge of the Yorha stage play to fully empathize with her turning over a new leaf and atone for her "sins".

what's even the trigger for this

sometimes I can hack an enemy and they'll be controllable

other times they'll explode right off the bat

They cant be aggroed

Seems like RPG Site was the only big outlet that gave it a 10/10. Drakengard & Nier fans, is the reviewer "our guy"???

Hacking enemies that haven't seen you = control
Hacking enemies that have seen you = EXPLOSION

I asked one reviewer and he said that when the review copies came, there was even a separate physical letter telling them that the game does not end at Ending A.

If GameInformer reviewed the game and stopped at Ending B, WHICH EVEN FUCKING SHOWS A PREVIEW, then that's fucking disgusting.

Well judging by reading the review, she didn't think that the game was going to be the way she was expecting, it's scope was bigger than she expected so maybe the experience let her forget about it.

You need to get good
Good Hackermen rapes his victims before they even know they're being raped

can't wait to pirate it on PC, we always win baby

I'll buy two copies making your piracy irrelevant

If it doesnt sell well and gets pirated a lot it will only harm pc gamers in the future. So I dont know why they pride themself in stealing intellectual property like that. Just a bunch of useless thugs.

>platinum meme
Surprise surprise

What's the screentime like? I know the amount of chapters but not the time.

Is it one playthough with 2B (with 9S as partner) for ending A, and one with 9S (with 2B as partner until punished 9S) that takes longer and gives endings B and C?

What exactly does A2 get? Ending D?

What is this arena thing in some webms?

2B is literally not your waifu
A2 is

>I asked one reviewer and he said that when the review copies came, there was even a separate physical letter telling them that the game does not end at Ending A.
Kek, they were right to do it though since a good chunk of western gaming journalists would really stop at ending A.

So when you "beat" the game and go back in to get the other endings, I understand that you keep all of your weapons/upgrades?

Does the difficulty scale accordingly, or will it be a cakewalk retreading?

I have next week off to switch between Zelda and Nier. I'm excited, plus i still have Gravity Rush 2, Nioh and Resi 7 to finish, plus Blaster Master 0 is out same day as Automata. This gen is finally getting gud.

2017's looking pretty good so far for vidya.

Also when's the new Spiderman game coming out? Is it this year? I'm hyped about that and tekken.

Not a cakewalk, since the endings structure isn't exactly like the first game or DoD.

Don't forget RDR 2.

9s in total gets around 50 or so chapters, and takes Endings B & D

2B gets 40 and ending A

A2 around 15, with Ending C.

It's no surprise that 9s ends up being one of the more memorable and fleshed out characters in the game. He got the bulk of the screentime.

2B = 25% A
A2 = 25% C
9S = 50% B D

>Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
If you want to disregard this, you're going to disregard half of the critics. I agree with disregarding the rest though., specially ME3.

if it's like original Nier, cakewalk.

>#1 Best PS4 Game of 2017

Kek. Someone send this to Taro. Pretty sure he'll wag this around.

4:5:1 for 2B:9S:A2
You play as 2B for route A, then 9S for route B, then it switches between 2B,9S and A2 in route C/D, mostly 9S and A2.

Oh shit I totally forgot. God of War too might release this year and Days Gone looks pretty sweet

I'm really not surprised that a kind blindfolded kid who is secretly overpowered as fuck got maximum attention in Taro's game though direction he took with him was pretty amazing.

Q1 2017 is already better than all of last year

Square Enix is pretty shook right now.

Taro just gave them their best game in years. Wonder what he will ask for in return.

I see. I was hoping we spent a bit more time with 2B, shame about that.

Still, is there anything else to do with the characters after the endings (arena, endgame quests)?

He is a high spec model with an executioner assigned to him.

If story yes. But if sidequest. 2B got it all. So if you add the hours of sidequest.

2B will be by far the most played character in Nier second is 9S then A2

>Wonder what he will ask for in return.
Alcohol in large containers.

They fire him because it scored higher than FFXV.

>What is this arena thing in some webms?
Its a debugging room that lets you place enemies and set conditions that you get once you finish the game.

>I see. I was hoping we spent a bit more time with 2B, shame about that.
Stop giving a fuck about chapter counts and play all sidequests with 2B.

What are Yoko taro and the square producer saying about the scores? They must be fucking happy with the score and the sales they already got in Japan.