>It's ok when Japan does it
It's ok when Japan does it
yes, it is
>Allowing black people to make nigger jokes
Did you know? This also racism.
>Gleefully ignores Yangus' exposed chest
Because nips don't have SJWs and gender politics dictating their culture and media.
I don't care what black people do. They don't make vidya, let alone good vidya. Japs do
No sprite changes on armour change upsets my autism.
You racist fuck
>Conveniently forgetting Dragovian equipment
How is that racist? How many great black games devs do you know?
It is
>SJWs only going after western devs while leaving Japanese devs alone
Yeah, come to think of it, why is that?
>great black devs
>black devs
Blacks literally don't have the brain power to produce anything of value
I fucking hate it when homos and fags try to push homosexuality into everything and everyone. No one but fags care about what the men in vidya look like.
I agree, they should all change.
Every game should have cosmetic armor and regular armor. Nothing I hate more when you get some armor in a game that looks like shit but has good stats. At least in games like for honor you can change the aesthetics if you cough up some in-game cash
sauce pls
Reversible, is not hentai but the artist also draws hentai
ebin meme
Into the trash. I'm not gay, I can't self insert into this.
when is it ever not okay?
>Author doesn't draw about how the males armor change gives them more clothing or makes them cool in comparison to Jessica's clothes
>Instead acts ignorant about them even having costumes or hasn't played the game at all
What if the trap is a powerbottom?
cause jap devs response is
>we don't care, bother someone else
Does power have to do with the strength or size of the bottom? I heard speed has something to do with it?
It's always ok
fujo is a great black female dev! she is making the game monster girl gamu that all of you should play!
Kidding me? Id love more skin showing for men. I hate plate armor. Give me some gladiator stuff.
It means that is the dominant one but the one that "catches".
>They don't make vidya
this so fucking much. If you have a problem with something, make your fucking own! Oh wait, you cant -because you belong to a race of incompetent knuckle draggers!
Speed has everything to do with it
What are you talking about?
Are you okay?
Black people do great nigger jokes, and it doesn't make sense to let whites make them anymore than letting people who don't actually play video games to make and review them.
>That art style
I'll pass.
>Not the bunny suit
Im saying niggers complain about there not being enough PoC in video games, without any ambition to make one themselves. Its a joke expecting everyone else to cater for them on the pretext that it would be racist not to do so. Entitled cunts.
fujo a cute and one day I wanna marry her!
>jew who pushes a demo back and has million of orbiters
tbf it's not just blacks and other 'PoC' who complain, it's leftist white SJW faggots too, anyone with that bullshit ideology.
I'm sure there's plenty of black weebs out there who dgaf about there being no black CPUs in Neptunia or whatever, it's mainly a western problem
Because the west accepted immigrants and Japan didn't,liberals best allies are non whites.
yeah that's true. Japs anti-immigration policies have done wonders for their society IMO
At least with the 3ds version every character has a "armor change" now
that tumblr style is fucking awful just kys
the orbiters are what really turns me off
game devs that surround themselves with fan during development always turn out to be either not deliver or deliver something terrible
>mfw I can't actually tell if this post is sarcastic
Sup Forumstards are so retarded it realistically could not be
Only because Conservatives keep pandering to nativists and racists.
i'll let you decide for yoruself
leftist cuck
Why would they want to pander to the ones that are already controlled by the progressive liberals?
Immigration and pandering to women is the only things leftists can use to push their bullshit.
you don't have to be leftist to realize how degenerate and diseased japanese society is m8
No she isn't doing anything, but she's intelligent enough to rip off retards like you I'll give her that.
I think it's better than where I live (UK). And no, I'm not a weeb who thinks it's an otaku paradise or anything. I think they're hard working, healthy and respectful I guess. No SJW bullshit.
Compared to what?
Most women like the girly, skimpy armor outfits a lot of the time though, at least from experience with the people I know and have spoken to about the "issue". The only thing I hear is they would like choice in the matter.
You're crazy if you think Japan is the weirdo haven the average normalfag views it as.
Your shallow outlook is as bad as a weeb's desu friendo, they're anything but "healthy", and the "hard working" part is a huge problem socially considering you're expected to sacrifice your life for your corporate overlords over there
You sound really naive
That's not what I'm saying at all
Any first world society with birthrates above 1,4 desu famalam
A lot of western societies are around that rate if you don't count third world immigrants,its also steadily rising in Japan instead of dropping.
Name ONE(3) games in which the better gear you get the skimpier it is.(Tera Online is not allowed)
People have been shitting on this all the time even tho it's not even true.
Yeah maybe I am, I've only been once. Still think their future is brighter than the ever browning western world
Why aren't you having kids to stop "white genocide"?
We plan to, user. 'White genocide' is a bit strong though, I am not actually a pol guy
>Conveniently ignores that the other characters also get costumes
>Ignores how only like one of Jessica's costumes is genuinely skimpy and not tumblr's I SEE AN ANKLE YOU WHORE definition of skimpy
>Yangus' constantly exposed flabby ass chest, aren't they constantly crying for more body types in games? Oh wait he's not a girl so it doesn't count
Been replaying the 3DS version and I'm having so much fucking fun. I remember getting this on PS2 back in the day for the FF12 demo and ended up having a bro over for spring break and fucking plowed through this game with a couple pizzas and a case of mountain dew.
I miss those days.
My bad. I hope your children grow to be healthy and strong, and that you'll do your best as a father.
Thanks user, that's all I want
It would be hilarious how hard and desperately Sup Forums tries to turn absolutely everything into a shit-fueled rage about how much they hate non-whites if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.
Anyways, video games, what you crying whiny bitches should be talking about on the video game board. I wouldn't mind more skimpy men in games.
Are those pants just texture?
Yeah, Until Legion WoW didn't do separate armor pieces on top of the models and even now only Queen Azshara has separate clothes bits.
Vidya armor thread?
>mfw the Zombie who only wore panties
I thought it was a fucking joke until I saw her art
you are the retard. Japan has one of the highest population densities on the planet.
it DOESNT need immigrants, much less rapefugees
>Oups, I am no longer a men
compare their crime statistics to those of western countries that have accepted lots of refugees.
Souls games do it right. Just make the same outfits available for male and female.
>inb4 someone mentions the 3 or 4 items that depend on gender to equipt
Shit man, just don't hurt me with that caps lock.
As someone who got his Japanese degree during his retarded weeb phase you're a fucking moron
I hate people like you who ignore the other 99% of the shit that goes on in the country so you can point and whine at loli panties or some stupid shit
As someone who spent six months there doing JET shit you'd be fucking ostracized in a heartbeat to the general population if you discussed ANYTHING other than some normie shit like One Piece or Dragon Ball
What is it with japs not making a plate panty or something for their boobplate? Is it because of their national wide obsession with plain panties?
>Until Legion WoW didn't do separate armor pieces on top of the model
Why do retards like you casually respond to people as if you know anything? There have been chunky belts and boots since WotLK
I'm sure they do but not that often
>mfw panty fetish and all these lewd games that have come out lately
Senran Kagura is heaven on Earth for me
Anyone who whines about HURR DURR JUST WATCH PORN is ignoring people like me who panties and spats are all I need
Those are changes to the models, not separate pieces. When you put them on your character model changes to one with the belt/boots modeled onto it. Was especially noticeable with the updated models when the boot textures stretched onto the legs.
Crime statistics in the west could be improved if minority communities and police relationships were better, and if minority communities valued education and a stable family more. Also if when prisoners are released, they weren't treated like second class citizens when finding housing and a job. There are programs out there pushing for these things but they don't get much attention.
i'm not going to hire a fucking prisoner
i have a business, not a charity NGO
The only thing they can produce is music. And i don't mean the pants around ankles jigaboo jangles they're cranking out these days.
Also sports but thats it.
Ya, its a shame.
Not sure if that was directed at me, but I do love of when visual porn and gameplay go together like peanut butter and jelly. I don't like the Senran series in its current state but I do hope that it improves in gameplay to become more fun.
My personal fetish is slutplate/heavy armor. Don't care if skin is showing or not. The problem is most of this is represented in Sci-fi armor, but rarely in fantasy (especially post-classic wow with everyone trying not offended crowds TOO much, hence paper bag armor).
>Minority communities would be better if they weren't such pieces of fucking shit
You don't fucking say
Also what said, if you fucked up enough to go to prison I don't want you anywhere fucking near me
>Hey man just ignore the fact that I once killed or raped someone, I said sorry okay?
Or kicking the refugees out. You're also clearly talking about the American society, European countries are different.
No sorry user I wasn't trying to pick on you, I'm just saying that anytime Underage Panty Quest comes out everyone and their brother willfully ignores the hundreds of other games also coming out so they can whine about that thing they don't like
Riveting conversation, kiddies, but it has nothing to do with video games so take it back to Sup Forums. Even the horse-fuckers know enough to stay on their own board, why is it so hard for you people to do it?
Some just need a second chance, but I too would be a bit apprehensive when it comes to hiring someone that was previously in prison.
>implying the only crimes are rape and murder.
check OP, this was never going anywhere good
truth hurts, doesn't it
Except those are the only major crimes that are going to be a hangup in your life, you mong
Or are you trying to imply a parking ticket is going to keep you from getting a job and a house?
This stupid faggot thinks Japan isn't one of the most industrious nations on this fucking Earth.
I bet you think everyone goes around Japan going EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH or SUGOOOOOOI really loudly and everything is an anime sitcom.
>conveniently forgetting the fact Jessica has 10x more outfits as soon as you get her
>The girl in a Japanese RPG for nerds has a ton of outfits
Fujo probably smells bad