Is this worth picking up...

Is this worth picking up? I was planning on getting it for the switch but I'm tempted to wait to see if it gets a physical release

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If you already have the switch, absolutely.

a physical contaning 3 of the 4 stories? naw.

Are the levels the same across all 3 campaigns or are all 3 totally different games? Do they feel separate from each other, or does playing anything but the shovel of hope just feel like a knockoff


is there another character coming?

I haven't played much Plague of Shadows as I dislike the new jumping mechanic, but I think the levels are mostly the same, maybe some new areas here and there. Don't hold this for a fact though.

It won't get a physical release until the end of the year at the earliest going by Yacht Club's own statement on the topic

>I dislike the new jumping mechanic


Between Shovel and Plague, the levels are identical, bar some changes to compensate for the different mechanics of Plague (removing/adding platforms because of bomb jump). For Specter of Torment, I believe the levels have a different skin, but based on footage, the level layouts are similar to the other two, while bosses and mini bosses have been completely revamped.

The two characters do play completely differently, as Shovel Knight feels like a standard platformer character, whereas Plague's exploding knees and extra mobility compensate for his fragility.

This fancy gentleman is getting his own campaign. It shouldn't be too much longer before his release as well, because his campaign was being developed along with Specter knight's.
Can't say anything about Specter knight, but Plague knight's campaign has largely the same levels that are tweaked for the way he plays. There are also specific areas only he can access. Control-wise Plague knight is much more wild than simple bouncing, and took me some practice to not fall in pits while trying to land. Once I got the hang of it, Plague is much faster and can jump farther than Shovel Knight and a lot more powerful. If you plan carefully, you can punctuate nearly everything you do with an explosion.
Oh, and there is a bunch of additional music including my favorite so far in a waltz.

Are we seriously not getting Specter Knight until next month on PC?

It's absolutely worth it. It's basically 3 different games.

correct. I can only assume that its some sort of compensation to nintendo because they are releasing the amiibo co-op to all platforms.

Yeah, it has to be. I'm sure that the PC port is probably done already. They were just paid by Nintendo to wait so people would buy it on their platform.

What platform is the best one for this game? I feel like PC or any home cosole on a large screen is just a bit of an overkill for a classic game like this. Is the 3ds version good?

See which one best fits you.

>The Custom Knight will remain an amino exclusive
It's understandable, as they have to give you a reason to buy the amino, but damn, I want to go fast, use bombs and double jump on other platforms

Also, the fairy lady is a nice little feature and all after the unlocking of co-op for everyone, but she sticks out everywhere like a huge sore thumb

yeah the idea that they would just happen to have finished the Switch version a whole month before the rest is asinine.

I really like the 3DS version slightly more because of the portability and the 3D which looks fantasic, seriously it's one of the best games which uses it.

Although I've only played the PC and Vita versions they are mostly the same anyway.

Also keep in mind that PC and consoles are gonna get Battle Mode, while the handheld versions won't

are these additional campaigns coming to the wii u?

>mfw when I bought Shovel Knight for Wii U on launch night
>Loved it so much I bought it again on 3DS later when it was on sale
>Bought it fucking again on Switch

I just love this goddamn game so much. It's so fucking fun.

It's just pure, distilled platformer goodness.

So if I pirate this, I'll be able to use the save file from my previously pirated SK?

you forgot to mention top-tier romance.

>mfw Reize's creator is throwing autistic fits over Spectre Knight's campaign

I love it

Pics or it didn't happen.

i gotta see that user, will you deliver?

They already said that IF a physical version was made, it would be after the release of the King campaign.

Shovel Knight is the best game I have played in the past 10 years. Only other game was Witcher3, but that wasn't as fun. Do it.



I got it on switch. Specter's campaign has brand new levels. I'm having a blast with it.

>One of the major things in the creator's big autistic bible is how Reize is an orphan with no memory of his parents and how girls are icky
>Spectre's campaign gives us his dad and makes Reize have a crush on a girl


I knew something like this was coming after talking to a few Yacht Club employees at conventions. They fucking hate that bastard and regret working with him. He apparently emails them almost constantly.

Where are you getting all this information, user?

Best girl

there is some justice in this world.

Does the Amiibo not work on the New 3DS?