No Man Gives A Fuck won Award at GDC

This pile of shit got awarded for "innovation"

Fucking Hello Games is an award-winning studio now.

In which kind of world can this even happen?

Hello World wasnt even around to accept the award. They were out eating dinner from their scam money while the awards have been announced, talking about how they clearly wont win anything.

"McKendrick later said the developer’s absence during its award win was “quite embarrassing” — but after Hello Games’ drubbing from consumers and critics over No Man’s Sky’s final product, the presumption from the studio that it wouldn’t win an award is understandable."


how where they even considered to win anything after the gamer and media uproar ? its clearly sony marketing shill money which bought them this award.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw^tfw

they dare to show their faces in public?

I'm gonna catch flak for this but I'm just gonna say it.

No Man's Sky was more innovative than anything that came out last year. It was not a good game, it was not fun, but it was the most innovative.


hello games should have apologized on stage, and politely refusing the award.

but they did not even have enough decency to do that.

>White ((((people))))

No Man's Sky didn't innovate anything, everything it did has been done before

To be fair, they innovated a very effective way to cheat idiots out of their money, which is literally the only thing the industry cares about.

Winning an award only makes sense.

There are "Awards" for anything now. Winning an award for vaporware is the like Barry'O getting the Noble for existing.

But they really didn't, overhyping a game and lying are nothing new.

Someone just payed for that award

"from the makers of the award winning game no mans sky"

loads of money! dosh!

there are fucking countless games where all you do is explore randomly generated shit. Rebranding the randomly generated shit as planets and spaceships is not innovative at all, especially because it's all bullshit. The planets actual explorable surface does not even come close to matching up with what you see pre-landing, and you can make absolutely no mark on anything in the entire universe.

Say what you will about it but in this regard Minecraft was genuinely innovative. It's a turd of a game these days, but it actually had an endless, fully explorable world that you could totally mold however you wanted. No Man's Sky does it's gimmick worse than nearly all it's notable peers, even Starbound.

It was like Spores space stage mixed with a more convoluted version of Minecraft.

Which is bad because Spore had a pretty bad space stage.

and i thought it was just a scheme to lure out hello games from their hidey hole to burn them life on stage.

What exactly did they innovate? There's literally thousands of games in the exact same style that do EVERYTHING better.

The game was comprised of nothing other than randomly generated planets, it was less than a tech demo, the kind of shit I'd expect as a pre-alpha proof of concept.

It's like giving an innovation award for an RPG with no quests or characters, No Mans Sky was fucking devoid of any content what-so-ever.

>nobody in the crowd shot them
I'm disappointed in you turbo-autists.

You can't shoot people you can't see

the devs weren't even there to accept it.

>nms won award

is this real life?

>those comments about imposter syndrome

It doesn't count if you genuinely lied to people and people are actually mad about you, you fucking hack. It's only imposter syndrome if you did something really good, but you feel like you don't deserve the praise.

It was innovative.

They literally sold an indie game as AAA game with the backing of a big name. They had redditors paying 2k to buy a review copy. When features were in the game, they had people buying it "using their imaginations". It was the greatest scam ever.

Sean Murray is being headhunted by EA and Activision for innovating ideas in the field of kikery

>the field of kikery

i lost it

Even if you meet up with Hello Games you can't see them or shoot them.

It literally was Minecraft + Spore in space, what's innovative about that.


Fucking this.

These guys made such a killing with their scam, they are considered geniuses in the eyes of the corporate shark circle. If I was apart of that little group of suits, I would do ANYTHING to make them relevant so I can hire them in an instant for such kikery skills, even if that means throwing millions for some useless crap award only cocksucking idiots find relevant.

>No Man Gives A Fuck
>Gave enough of a fuck to complain about it getting an award

How did this game ever blow up in the first place?

The concept isn't really that interesting.

Hey it was a good idea, there is a reason there was so much hype behind it. Just turns out as a game it was a total empty turd and not the idea in the slightest

>Copy paste super formula
>Limit its range to spherical objects

Literally the same reason Minecraft did.
>You can do anything!
but now
>You can do anything! IN SPACE!!

apart from notch never said "you can do anything"
minecraft was $15
and minecraft had stuff to do

>in what world can this happen?

the same world that reviews games

no mans sky 10/10 revolutionary!

remember when Minecraft promised multiplayer

remember when No Man Sky promised multiplayer

desu I pirated it just yesterday and found it okay. Not fucking garbage, but okay.

It clearly strikes a nice chord by combining space exploration and on-foot exploration, plus seamless flying between the two. Even the shittiest game that achieves this would at least entertain you for some 30 minutes because every space sim fan out there has been waiting for this for so long.

But past that? Shit, it's a nice time waster, but I wouldn't spend hours on it in a single sitting, it gets heavily repetitive quickly, there's no real variety in fauna or flora, it's always the same collecting shit and avoiding drones, and even identifying species only kept me busy for 10 minutes.

It had a great moment, when I got stuck on a cold planet, having taken refuge in a warm cave too far from my ship, with hostile fauna waiting just outside, wondering how I'd get out of this with the few resources at my disposal. Then I realized this would be the only thrills I'd get out of this game, and that it was not even genuine game design but just something to be expected from an exploration game.

It deserves a 4/10, it's decent but flawed. Noctis was better. Outer Wilds, last time I played it in its beta state, was largerly better. And both prove there's no innovation to it.

Good for them.

Innovation of fucking what??

If they are going to use the "18 Quintillion PLANETS!" as a defense to that claim, why isn't Starbound getting the exact same praise with it's coordinate system spanning to the 100's of millions.

At least Starbound's universe has actual randomization, and it wasn't as much of a turd as NuMale Sky.

>game does absolutely nothing new and apes off of existing algorithms to do the "infinite open world" thing that's been done a thousand times
>innovation award
I'm physically repulsed by the thought. This is why I went into engineering instead of this garbage.

>It had a great moment, when I got stuck on a cold planet, having taken refuge in a warm cave too far from my ship, with hostile fauna waiting just outside, wondering how I'd get out of this with the few resources at my disposal.
That feeling when even this was taken away the moment you get a grenade launcher
>extreme conditions
>point at the ground at an angle and unload six times into the ground
>squat in the hidey hole until it passes

Diablo 2 has more possible level layouts, enemy placement and gear generation from act 1 to 5 than NMS has planets actually.

>Outer Wilds

I suddenly feel this need again, to leave my planet and explore the universe, only to die in an unexplained way far away from home.


underrated post