So what's the consensus on using your Nintendo Switch in public? Yes or no?

So what's the consensus on using your Nintendo Switch in public? Yes or no?

Why does it matter?

just do whatever you want as long as you don't mess with others.
you autistic faggot


>as long as you don't mess with others.

literally impossible.

if you play video games in public you should be strung up by your tiny micropenis and laughed at by the entire town before being killed by a hail of bricks.

So it really isnt portable

remember the quentin

Well, don't use it outside if you are an adult with average aesthetics, you will just be looked down upon.

Isn't he getting fucked in prison?

If I see you playing it in public I'll key your screen as I pass by.

nah he's rolling in the puss

Well it is, but not in-pocket-portable. You're supposed to have a compartment for it like a laptop, no?

Thats a big Gameboy

I guarantee that if i see you in the street with your switch im going to run by and switch release key that shit while i run off screaming nintenbro back at you.

It's an even bigger no-no than a 3DS or Vita.

Any mobile gaming is basically autistic.
Risk getting shunned by society.

I'd spit in your face if I seen you using it.

Sure you would, reddit. Sure you would.

No one cares. Seriously.

mobile gaming is currently normal as fuck. have you been living under a rock?

>Mobile gaming
>Shunned by society

Which is totally why mobile gaming is dominating the mass market.

lmao no you wouldn't kiddo

Everyone in my college plays 3DS so why the fuck not?

Playing on phone=/= playing on your nintendo in public

If you can't understand or comprehend the difference or have no framework with which to even approach understanding it then you are a socially inept.

most people will just think it's a tablet and nobody gives a shit. grow the fuck up

They do care.

Get a professional job. People are hawks and see every fucking detail. I'm telling you for your own good.

Using the phrase "nintenbro" offline would make you easily 100x gayer than the dude playing the switch.

I was playing Zelda while waiting in line for a haircut.

Do whatever the fuck you want, fag. Just be confident about it.

Also if it might be stolen or lost then don't bring it.

I don't give a shit what some randoms think

>muh professional job
Fuck off wagecuck. Go suck your bosses dick.

>have a "professional" job
>play my Vita on breaks
>never get looked down on or commented
>sometimes people ask what I'm playing
>those who also play games casually ask for recommendations
>discuss recent vidya releases with me

Unless by professional you mean a desk dweller in a soulless, grey environment, then I don't know what to tell you

Shouldn't need it, it basically keys itself when docking

Just put the joypad things in other pocket.

If you're ugly you'll look ridiculous. If you're nice looking you could eat your boogers in public and get away with it.

Don't be ugly.

Played Snipper Clips with a friend at a busy cafe today.
No fucks were given.

I wouldn't recommend it simply because they're apparently fragile as fuck.
My cousin already had her home and left controller break. Posted it on her snapchat this morning.

Customer service says they're gonna fix it for free, but she's had the thing, what 2 days now?

It really differs between environments. In some places, nobody gives a shit. In others, people start treating you noticeably differently.

Don't. Thanks to Nintendo only shipping a small amount of consoles, the fuckers sold out of every major retailer after an hour on launch day. They're in such high demand that you'll probably get mugged so that he can scalp it.

Yes, this is me using it on the train to work this morning. Its first journey outdoors :3
It's a big portable so I keep the console itself in my right inner pocket and the joycons in my left inner pocket. Don't know what I'll do when summer comes.

>at a lecture
>see a guy playing Mario on his switch
>run up to him and pull out his headphones
>nothing happens
>realize the switch has no headphone jack
>everyone laughs at me

Playing video games in public is autistic

Anyone who tells you otherwise is deluding them-self.

Does this go for mobile/phone games too?

Hey, I'm and I work for a London investment bank. I played in the office on my lunch break too.

I have only ever seen fat autist neckbeards here in Germany on the train or bus playing Nintendo DS or some other Nintendo products

Keep in mind anyone here telling you that it is not a problem playing in public is probably an autistic neckbeard

There's headphone jack actually? It has a 3.5mm trs socket at the top of the console

Switzerland here. Same experienc, but it's always one of these two:

1. fat autist weeaboo neckbeards, or
2. children.

Do you wish you had gotten a more colorful version, or are you ok with it being grey joycon version?

Nice EXIF data you got there! Would be a shame if someone called your employer, don't you think?


I wouldn't just on the grounds of losing or breaking it.

Saw two faggots playing Snipperclips at a busy cafe today. Everyone was staring at them with a smirk on their face.

Man I really wish I wasn't on uni break right now so I have no real use buying it because I have enough Playstation and Xbox games to keep me busy. Will probably buy it in May with Mario Kart and Zelda.

How is it playing a story driven game on the bus or train?

>literal newfag

Tob be fair while I use this in public and have used 3DS on the train too I wouldn't play the red/blue Switch in public because it looks like a fisher price toy, the grey joycon are more low-key.

Good luck.

Autists calling others autists


I saw someone using one in the break room at work on launch day.

Needless to say my vagina dried up like instantly.

BotW has a story but it's pretty light and sporadic, due to the size and amount of stuff to do I opted for finding towers to unlock new sections of the map rather than getting involved with a quest also. I got pretty absorbed and wished my train journey had taken longer so I don't think story quests will be a problem unless I'm in a cutscene when the train reaches my stop.

Why was it wet in the first place... slut.

gaping asshole =/= vagina

Nice. Does the device get hot like a normal smartphone when you play something like Zelda?

I hope they add compatibility for bluetooth headphones soon, I want to play on my Airpods and not lug around my Bose headphones in summer.

If i saw someone playing it on like the long bus ride to/from my uni, i'd watch and maybe ask to play (if it had any games)

You're more holding the joycons than the device itself, so it heating up shouldn't be a problem I imagine

translation: you'd take picture to shitpost on Sup Forums

I wonder when we get the first pictures of fedora people playing the Switch in public

>functioning members of society
>on Sup Forums

I don't believe it.

It gets a little warm from use, it only gets smartphone hot when charging while playing from my experience so far.

If someone seems interested and asks me for a go I'll load up Snipperclips and hand them a joycon.


That sounds super chill

Only if your a Chad

I wouldn't do it, but I'm a social anxious faggot that took two xanax for a major job interview, so take some salt with my opinion

Someone who works at an IT department here. Everyone is 20/30 and plays on phone/3ds/vita/laptop or anything you can play on during breaks and when the job is slow.Someone brought a switch but the games are limiting so far (only for 2 players). Waiting for mario kart or splatoon for it to be a good party console. People still dig up the company wii console for fuck's sake when people are bored out of their minds.

IT is literally nu-male: the job, so I guess it makes sense in that case.

How can anyone defend all this shit just for 2 games??

On the train home now, just tamed and registered a cool looking blue and white horse, named her Seafoam.

Any comparison pics of the switch screen and Vita screen yet?

It should be illegal like public masturbation.

I'm not trying to defend useless shit like the charge grip but come on, let's be fair. It's only normal to buy a case and a screen protector for a mobile device.

Switch is not good enough to steal, but it is worth beating up the dumbasses who bought it.

>>Owning a Nintendo Switch when Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey aren't even out yet.

I bought it solely for Zelda. Everything that comes later is just a bonus

Holy shit you american fags are so fucked up in the head

I'm trying to figure out if it's worth buying before my trip at the beginning of May. It just doesn't look like there will be any games yet that I really want to play.

>you have to buy lan adapter if you don't want to suffer from wi-fi latencies
>this is ok

I'm too much of an insecure faggot to do it. I'd like to but I think I'll only bring it outside the house for work trips, to play in the hotel and shit

I haven't used online yet. Downloads seemed fine though. How bad it is?

Isn't it just USB LAN? I've already got one.

It already is, Public Indecency


Yes, I've got one as well it wouldn't really be an issue. I'm trying to understand if he's memeing or not

I take my Vita to work but only play in my office. In lunch break I talk to people like a regular person

I haven't tried, but I would imagine wi-fi would always induce latencies for online gaming.


Bing bing bing wahoo!

Someone post the comic.

>trying to get sleep on train/bus
Should be illegal desu

Stay mad

You need the "pro" controller, the toy they include in the bundle can't handle a grip stronger than a kid's, because it is a console for children after all.

That's understandable, this tiny toy can't compare to a rigid pc case.

>sleeping in public