Why is it so overrated?

Why is it so overrated?

muh nostalgia

>Fanboys don't want to believe it sucks
Pick all of the above

Irrational nostalgia.
Overly vocal fanboy base.

because Sup Forums

also, kill your self

Fuck off blind nintenbro baby.

because its fun and people cant accept that

Nintendo are basically finished if BotW sells poorly. Since so much is at stake the fans feel the need to praise it as the second coming of video games.


If it went by ANY other name it'd have flopped so hard Nintendo would be trying to erase any mention of its existence out of embarrassment.

Been watching streamers play the fuck out of it.

It's better than I expected. It's not great, but I believe that this is as good as anyone can expect from nintendo these days. It's "okay". No better than that though.

Because it's Nintendo. This board is full of paid shills


I agree that 10/10 is overrating it, it's more of a 9.8/10

>Tfw no open world game will ever defeat the almighty Runescape when it comes to adventure
Britain should start making more games, I bet they'd outdo everyone. I think Donkey Kong Country was made in England, and GTA. When are we getting some British JRPGs?

>overrated means it sucks

RE4 is grossly overrated but I still concede it's a fine game.


how do you know that you're not the one underrating it?

let's see:

paid reviews
new console
people wanting it to be good
a lot of firsts for the series, even though most of them are poorly executed
last game being a bit rubbish

that's all I can think of.

Yeah, but RE4 IS a good game. BoTW is not.

>Best open world game / MMO
GTA and Runescape
>Best platformers
Donkey Kong Country series
>Best SRPG

Don't think there are any British JRPGs (i.e. turn based) or CRPGs, but maybe there should be.

Do you know what the J stands for, user?

>Launch title
>Latest Nintendo console

Reviewers wouldn't dare commit journalistic suicide by saying something bad about it
Simpler to just give it oh I don't know; near perfect score even though it's clearly bland, barren and runs poorly.

But no; because it's zelda GOTYAY!

Japanese, yes, but in this context I'm referring to the turn based style of Japanese RPGs.

Majority of today's game journalists were kids playing Zelda in their childhood.

Then just say Turn-based, dude.

I've never heard Turn Based RPGs decribed as anything but JRPG. Games like Divinity Original Sin and Nu-men-era are both TBRPGs but they're obviously not the same kind of TBRPGs that JRPGs are.

That's where you have shit taste and should not be acknowledged in a civil and intelligent discussion.

Which one, though? The Zelda of my childhood was Link to the Past.

This, RS quests were legit good

This is a game that takes the best aspects of gaming goliaths such as The Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, Portal, and Assassins creed, then mixes them up in a cooking pot with the traditional Zelda games beloved by so many. The result is a game that can rival the near perfect, polished game that was Ocarina of Time. While not truly innovative (but let's be honest, innovation of a concept is far less important than perfection of that concept), Breath of the Wild brings together dozens of mechanics and systems, both new and old to the series, and blends them all seamlessly to create an intuitive and exhilarating experience that few games can achieve. With so much content and so many ways to tackle that content, this is a game that can keep people enthralled and immersed in the world of Hyrule for dozens of hours with its simple but deep combat system and its fantastic platforming and physics puzzles.