Switch confirmed flop

Switch only sells 80,000 units in its first week (PS4 sold 200,000+ for reference, PS3 150,000 and PSVita 63,000)

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*in the UK

>mfw all those posts that said it would do 50+ million sales
>at best it might BARELY surpass the Wii U

Tell me somebody has a screencap of all those delusional Nintenbros

Solid source you got there op.
Have a Sage.

UK is one of the 3 major markets of europe though. 80k is dismally bad no matter what brand


>sold like complete shit in one of the biggest markets in the world
>literally half the sales of the Xbox Ones launch sales
>only 20,000 more than the fucking Vita

The week is not over, idiot. It's literally been 3 days.

True, you could walk into most stores in the UK and they had stock



Xbox One - 150,000
PS4 - 250,000
Wii - 105,000
3DS - 113,000
PSVita - 63,000

Yea, it's gonna flop m8.


>Switch only sells 80,000 units in its first week

How's things 4 days from now user? Did Sup Forums finally cool down the shitposting?

Literally all of the consoles/handhelds come out on a Friday you fucking autist


PS4 did 250,000 sales in 2-3 days as well

Obviously the main markets for the switch are the US and Japan. Also 3 days not a week.

bad bait OP, Its barely been 4 days and almost every major retailer is selling out of them.
If you wanna bitch about something, bitch about valid shit like the plastic screen or nintendos bad sales projections.

Who keeps buying PS3s?

>in its first week
>launched three days ago
Something's not adding up here...

>PS4 did 250,000 sales within 3 days
>Nintenkiddies unironically said that the Switch would "surpass the PS4"

>even the xbone and wii did 100-150k

nintendo is finished

Imagine if sony did not fuck up the vita marketing

It's such a shame

Sony pony desperation is at an all time high. How will they ever recover from being blown the fuck out so hard?

Who would buy it now? You literally have one game to play.

>yfw you will finally live to see Nintendo go out of the console market

The switch is vita-levels of bad

*Also on PC
*Also on Wii U


Hey guys I'm new here and I just want to say that it's really weird how much time you guys put into hating on the systems you don't play. What do you gain from this? They're all pretty much the same. Why not just play what you like and let others do the same everybody wins :)

What blow? You mean from the Wii U game BoTW?

europe is becoming third world, no one gives a fuck.

Someone have the reverse of this pic?

Who bought a PS4 or Xbone at launch? They literally have 0 good games to play. Plenty of people would buy a console to play the first 98 game this decade.

Your source literally says 250k in a week retards.

>Switch has half the sales of the Xbox One
>Ps4 still to THIS DAY is pulling in 200,000+ sales


Does Sharia law allow handheld devices? I don't think so.

>literally have one game
You're right, Snipperclips does look charming.

Xbox One had Forza
Ps4 had Resogun

That's 1 more game than the Switch.

>Plenty of people would buy a console to play the first 98 game this decade.

You mean the Wii U port? If we're including ports then the PS4 and Xbox One had the best launch lineup out of any console ever made considering all of the multiplats that released on it

Or just play it on Wii U. You have literally 0 reason to buy a switch right now.

That's because based UK bro's don't play autistic children's games.

Are you dense?

The sales of those consoles are from their first weeks, not the current week

>Who bought a PS4 or Xbone at launch?
Xbox One - 150,000
PS4 - 250,000
Wii - 105,000
3DS - 113,000
PSVita - 63,000

No joke, it's just literal autism. Christian Weston Chandler studies have shown that literal autism devides shit in your mind so everything is either love or hate, and everything is in competition. CWC LOVED the PS3, so in his mind he HAD to hate the Xbox 360, which his autism convinced him was an enemy and a threat to his PS3. He added lots of shit like pic related to his comic, and went as far as going into stores to deface their 360 displays, because his autism is that strong. He even posted on Facebook about how wrong it was for Walmart to ban him for writing HEXBOX 1 over the XBOX 1 display they had.

Yea, the end of the week you retard. The Ps4 came out on Friday. It sold 250,000 in 2 days


>"Over 250k PS4 consoles were sold in the UK in the machine’s first 48 hours on sale."


>one of the biggest markets

The UK market hasn't been relevant since WW2.

it doesnt have fifa or call of duty. even kids these days are not interested in stuff like that because they have their smartphones

gaming is dieing with our generation


>"Over 250k PS4 consoles were sold in the UK in the machine’s first 48 hours on sale."

Say it with me Nintenbro


The Switch version got a 98, the WiiU version didn't because it's worse. Try again shitposter, you can't phase me with your falseflagging.