Why do you pirate games? all your really doing is taking money away from people who worked hard to create them

Why do you pirate games? all your really doing is taking money away from people who worked hard to create them

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Because I can get away with it.

The old piracy is stealing or removing incentive bait

This should be fun

How is that a problem? people that worked for it got paid, the only one that loses money are the billion dollar corporations

>no demos
>Have to pay Western Europe/USA prices with East European wages

I can't really be bothered to pirate in most cases though.

You can't take away money they never had.

I pirate because I'm poor

If I work hard and still do a shit job, should I still get paid the same amount?

Besides that, when games are made out of passion (typically good games) rather than for money (typically mediocre or bad games), devs tend not to care as much about piracy, because they just want people to play their games.

I did back when I was poor

>all your really doing is taking money away from people who worked hard to create them

False. When a developer makes a game, the publisher is paying them for the work as they do it. Then once the game ships, the developer might see a small pittance of what the game sells, but that's pretty rare. So by pirating, the only people you're harming are the publishers, who 9 times out of 10 are the reason for all the shitty practices of the industry.

Pirating indie titles may hurt the developer, since they're self-publishing, but even then a lot of those developers aren't adamantly anti-pirate because of the word-of-mouth exposure.

Your sense and logic have no place in this thread

I don't care about the smelly bum, starving down the street. Why should i care about paid employees?

Because it's possible and

>LIve in a shithole country
>Games and Hardware are overpriced as fuck
>Waste a shiton of money for decent setup
I dont give a give fuck about buying in my shithole country

I'm poor with no steady income, my PC is old so half of the new games don't run properly on it and developers hide that their games are broken or pieces of shit.

I'm a collector. I like being 100% independent from some online service which can cease to function at any time and has the freedom to alter game content. When a game has a GOG version I buy that , otherwise it's a pirate.

I want to play video games.

I don't want to spend money on them unless I know I'll enjoy it for long periods of time.

I don't pirate games

Hey friend do you know where those "Billion dollar comparations" get the money to pay their workers?

Game,Console, Accessory sales. They don't shit money out of their ass.

Bought whole pack of 'life is strange' on steam after first episode the same day i parated it, same goes to tombd raider, mad max, mgs5, gta5.
Then if i play a game and its not worth my time and money, i uninstall and forget it. Like with mankind divided, battlefleet gothic or deathwing.

Its better to pitate game and see whats its like then buy it and refund then. This is what really takes away money from people who wroked hard on a game.

And if you pirated the game, liked it and havent bought it then, then you're an asshole.

for every pirate there are 10 oblivious normies that pay full price and buy the season pass

Limited money.

This right here. There's been enough propaganda against piracy over the years that most normies won't even bother trying it, convinced that they're either hurting developers (which they aren't) or that piracy will melt their PC with viruses/bitcoin miners/botnets.

Not to mention DRM these days means that pirates aren't getting day 1 or even week 1 copies of lots of big name titles, so now they have to find some new boogieman upon which to blame lackluster sales.

>Not to mention DRM these days means that pirates aren't getting day 1 or even week 1 copies of lots of big name titles, so now they have to find some new boogieman upon which to blame lackluster sales.

I see you havent been paying attention.

Because I'm cheap and it's so easy to get shit I want for free

why is it Sup Forums that hates pirating so much?

I'll stop pirating when video games start being good again.

The worst is when game devs cry their eyes out about piracy.
Piracy's been around for a long time and nobody's pointing a gun to your head to become a game dev. Go flip fucking burgers, nobody can download those.

Normies justifying throwing money at people that don't deserve it.

Because they don't make demos anymore. I pirate games to see if I like them, and sadly while I won't call majority of today's games shit, they are not worth spending 60 bucks for.

Because I can. I don't need a reason, justification or to explain my living conditions.

It's literally one person doing the exact same thread every day, and people btfo him every time

Because i am poor.
They wont lose a dime considering i wouldn't have bought it fullprice anyways.
In fact it makes me buy some of the games during sales so it's actually generating money for them.

I indeed have. Plenty of games haven't been available within the first day or week beyond occasional hackaround versions with bits and pieces missing, and only recently did Just Cause 3/Mad Max get legitimate scene releases.

And even including the few day 1's of late, the DRM has held for a while and protected a few games from immediate piracy, and subsequently undersold.

I don't. I just wait 5 years for games I want to play to go on sale for $5

Thank god for OP. Thank you OP! Eat more shit for me so I may game for free.


I pirate games in order to know if its worth my time and money

After pirating Hollow Knight for 2 hours, I got it from steam

>taking money

i wouldn't buy if i couldn't pirate

It's all digital now.

If places still sold physical boxes I would buy.

After the switch from paying to own to paying to use I stop caring and I torrent what I want.

if they make prices lower (make prices fit by our standards), we will buy them
otherwise, they will shipwreck on the eurollar Hollow Coast

the prices are high because they are juice who want to tax everything, many people still hate modern technology or both

>tfw bought a physical copy of MGS:V
>the DVD only contains steam installer

Nah, fuck physical, no point if you can't even resell it or give away. Physical is dead on PC, with every game shipping with a Steam/Origin/Uplay key. Atleast GOG games you can install without issues, but if you buy games second hand, might aswell just pirate it.

I stopped since I have a job and finding a decent torrent site these days isn't worth the hassle( lost my black cats account years ago due to not pirating enough, pfft)

because I'm a jew with my money.

What's wrong with piratebay? Everything that's cracked gets uploaded in 2-3 days.

Here is the quick rundown.

>Games generally overhype and under deliver
>you must pay 60$ to find out if they are lying
>Steam sales trained me to only buy on sales, I pirate to see if I want to buy it when it does go on sale
>microtransactions out the ass
>price per unit fun just isnt worth it

Game developers are creating a service; specifically, a unique, non-replicable title.

By pirating, you are obtaining usage of that service without paying for it.

It's not fucking rocket science. You are not paying for a paid service. Freeloading. Being a homeless swine who sneaks into the bus when the operator looks away. No, it isn't the equivalent of robbery or theft of money, but you're undeniably being a freeloading, anti-capitalist faggot.

You literally cannot prove me wrong.

why do I need to when I'm enjoying all these free games?

Tyrone pls

>capitalism is all about making money
>getting something for free that normally costs money isn't capitalism

Listen pleb, it's all good and nice that you want to give your money away to others, you're a true mormon. But a real capitalist wants to take that money for themselves. If a game normally costs money but you can get it for free, it'd be anti-capitalistic of you not to pirate.

Because I can

Nintendo can suck my dick after the Wii U

>gaming industry releasing broken, unfinished games in order to justify their DLC scam
>people buy it anyway
>get a spit on face
>conpany releases next game
>same shit
>people keep buying
There is no way I'll support any modern gaming industry because they are no longer making games with passion.
They are just wanting to make money at people stupidity.

>Western Europe/USA prices with East European wages
Steam does give a major discount to russian though.

Man I can't wait to pirate Breath of the Wild a million times so Nintendo can go bankrupt! Screw them!

Thanks my friend.

daily reminder that pirates forced the industry to adopt F2P and microtransactions

you reap what you sow faggots.


Microtransactions are more because mobilefags are gullible enough to think that they aren't wasting their money. Not to mention flash games have been F2P since the 90s, long before microtransactions became the standard.